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CPT Library:
Codes for cosmological perturbation theory
What's new
- Supplemental code to compute the redshift-space cross power spectrum (based on TNS model) is added (SPTcorr_cross_power.tgz). This has been used in the eBOSS (DR16) paper (2020/07/17)
- Supplemental package for redshift-space power spectrum is added. See RegPT page (2017/12/04)
- Python package RESPRESSO is released (2017/08/31)
- New code RegPT is released (2012/08/06)
- "The clustering of the SDSS-IV extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey DR16 sample: a multi-tracer analysis in Fourier space for measuring the cosmic structure growth and expansion rate"
G. Zhao, Y. Wang, A. Taruya, W. Zhang, H. Gil-Marin, A. de Mattia, A.J. Ross, A. Raichoor,C. Zhao, W.J. Percival, S. Alam, et al.
- "Moving around the cosmological parameter space: a nonlinear power spectrum reconstruction based on high-resolution cosmic responses"
T. Nishimichi, F. Bernardeau, A. Taruya
Phys.Rev.D 96 (2017)
"Precision modeling of redshift-space distortions from multi-point propagator expansion"
A. Taruya, T. Nishimichi, F. Bernardeau
Phys.Rev.D 87 (2013) 083509
"Direct and fast calculation of regularized cosmological power spectrum at two-loop order"
A. Taruya, F. Bernardeau, T. Nishimichi, S. Codis
Phys.Rev.D 86 (2012) 103528
"Baryon Acoustic Oscillation in 2D II: Redshift-space halo clustering in N-body simulations"
T. Nishimichi, A. Taruya
Phys.Rev.D 84 (2011) 04352682
"Baryon Acoustic Oscillation in 2D: Modeling redshift-space power spectrum from perturbation theory"
A. Taruya, T. Nishimichi, S. Saito
Phys.Rev.D 82 (2010) 063522
"Nonlinear Evolution of Baryon Acoustic Oscillations from Improved Perturbation Theory in Real and Redshift Spaces"
A. Taruya, T. Nishimichi, S. Saito, T. Hiramatsu
Phys.Rev.D 80 (2009) 123503
"A Closure Theory for Nonlinear Evolution of Cosmological Power Spectra "
A. Taruya, T. Hiramatsu
ApJ 674 (2008) 617-635
Codes and packages
RESPRESSO is the Python package developed by T. Nishimichi, F. Bernardeau, A. Taruya. The package gives you the predictions of nonlinear matter power spectrum based on a novel method with response function. Download link is here.
RegPT is fortran package for fast power spectrum calculations at two-loop order. Click here for download.
Matter power spectrum in real space
- Standard PT (1-loop) :
- Standard PT (2-loop) :
You need Monte Carlo integrator and PT kernel generator:
- Monte Carlo integrator:
- PT kernel generator: kernel_PT.f
- Lagrangian PT (1-loop) :
- Closure theory :
CLAreal.tgz (f77),
(f90, MPI implimentation)
(you further need a library file, libcuba.a,
which can be created from
Cuba library )
In addition to the above file, a common read file for output data is needed :
Matter power spectrum in redshift space
- Standard PT (1-loop) :
- Lagrangian PT (1-loop) :
- Improved prescription for redshift-space power spectrum based on
TNS model :
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