Resuming the Publication Fee Waiver

Beginning April 1, 2010, we resume the waiver of the publication fee for manuscripts submitted electronically as PTPTeX files, which we had been offering until September 30, 2008 to commemorate the centennial birthdays of Hideki Yukawa and Sin-itiro Tomonaga and to celebrate the completion of the online archive. We would be happy if this offer encourages the submission of many fine papers to our journal.

Despite the resumption of this special offer, we will gratefully accept the publication fee from authors who wish to support PTP financially. Also, authors paying no publication fee who wish for Progress to handle the proofreading of their manuscripts will be charged a fee for this service.

In the case that the publication fee is paid, the authors are exempted from the reprint fee for 50 copies, conversion fee and proofreading fee (see formulas below to determine these fees). The publication fee is equal to the reprint fee for 50 copies. In the case that more than 100 copies are ordered, an additional fee is charged.

In the case of exemption from publication fee, manuscripts accepted for publication that have been submitted in forms other than PTPTeX (LaTex, plain TeX, Word, etc.) will be converted into PTPTeX by the Editorial Office for the following fees at the author's request (reprint fee not included):

  • LaTeX, plain TeX:     2,000 × p yen
  • Word (or other non-TeX file):     4,000 × p yen
    (Here, p represents the total number of pages of the manuscript in PTPTeX format. )

The fee for reprints is determined as follows:
    3000 p + 200 p × ( x / 50 ) + 1,000 yen,
where x is the number of reprints ordered (in units of 50) and 1,000 yen is shipping cost.

Proofreading fee is: 1,000 yen/printed page (only for authors paying no publication charge).

In the case that any other fees apply, they will be charged according to the usual rates.

During the period of this special offer, the exemption from the publication fee that we normally offer to post-doctoral researchers will not be in effect.

The above conditions for waving of publication fee are applied for the papers submitted from April 1, 2010.

The Progress of Theoretical Physics will be reborn in January, 2013 to become a new journal covering also genuine experimental physics papers which will be fully published by the Physical Society of Japan (JPS). Although the publisher is changed, the back issues of PTP of course remains to be precious heritage of JPS so that the readers can read them on-line as before on the Web which JPS has been and will keep supporting forever.

  * Click here to submit your paper.

Editrial Committee, Progress of Theoretical Physics    

(Last Update: April 1, 2010)

  Copyright © 2012 Progress of Theoretical Physics