Publication Fee for PTP

The international publication fee is calculated by the following formula:

Papers, Letters
3000 p + 200 p × (x / 50) + 1,000 yen

Here, p represents the number of pages of the manuscript and x the number of reprints ordered.
The amount of 1,000 yen corresponds to shipping cost.
The reprints must be ordered in units of 50.

      number of reprints
      0 or 50 100 150 200
      pages 1 4,200 4,400 4,600 4,800
      5 17,000 18,000 19,000 20,000
      10 33,000 35,000 37,000 39,000
      15 49,000 52,000 55,000 58,000
      20 65,000 69,000 73,000 77,000
      25 81,000 86,000 91,000 96,000
      30 97,000 103,000 109,000 115,000
      35 113,000 120,000 127,000 134,000
      40   129,000   137,000   145,000   153,000
  1. The fee for 0 reprints is the same as that for 50 reprints.
  2. The standard color printing fee is 50,000 yen per color page, regardless of the number of figures a page contains.
  3. For Erratum and Addendum, the fee is calculated as follows:
    p ( 3,000 + 10 x ) + 1,000 yen
    In the case of Erratum for which the editorial office is responsible, we do not ask fee.

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