Long-term Workshop
- 20 Nov 2012:
- "Seminars" updated
- 19 Sep 2012:
- "Tentative list of participants" updated
- 15 May 2012:
- "Tentative list of participants" updated
- 25 Apr 2012:
- "Tentative list of participants" added
- 18 Apr 2012:
- "Registration for the Long-term workshop" added
- 1 Dec 2011:
- Page started
Gravity and Cosmology 2012
(as part of the Yukawa International Program for Quark-Hadron Sciences)
Nov. 18(sun) - Dec. 22(Sat), 2012
11th DECIGO workshop [Nov. 27th (Tue)]

: symposium style workshop [Dec.4(Tue)-6(Thu)] |
"Nishinomiya Yukawa Symposium: New Waves in Gravity and Cosmology"

Thanks to the progress in observational cosmology/astrophysics,
particularly in the large-scale structure of the universe and
cosmic microwave background radiation, our understanding
of the universe is rapidly growing.
This trend will be further accelerated by
coming preciser observations. We will also have a new window to the
universe; probing the universe by gravitational waves in the near future.
Progress in particle physics has been and is playing also a major role.
Constraints on or signatures of new physics will be brought by LHC,
dark matter searches, and many other particle physics experiments.
The basic picture that there was inflation at a very early stage of the universe has been almost established, and is waiting to be confirmed. However, once we take a closer look, many things are left unclarified yet; the microscopic structure of spacetime, process of re-heating, indentification of the inflaton, dark matter and dark energy, etc.. A lot of models of the universe have been proposed, and it is time to have critical and detailed discussions from various points of view, to advance further our understanding of the universe. This long term workshop is organized to provide an opportunity for such discussions, inviting leading researchers from all over the world.
Registration for the long-term workshop
For convenience of those people who may not be able to attend the whole GC2012,
we would like to assign in a moderate sense the first three weeks (18 Nov-8 Dec)
for gravity aspects and the last three weeks (2 -22 Dec) for cosmology aspects,
with the middle week (2 - 8 Dec) overlappingly assigned for both aspects.
We plan to run the workshop with a relaxed atmosphere with a small number of selected
seminars. In the middle week (2-8 Dec) we hope to have
a symposium-style (three-day from
Tuesday to Thursday) workshop.
To provide an opportunity of oral presentation to the post-
doc and student participants of the long-term workshop, we may specify a few other special
days for concentrated presentations.
If there is a big demand for more
talks, we may also organize mini one-day workshops in the other weeks.
If you are interested in participating in the long term workshop, please inform us the period for which you wish to stay, with the information whether you need arrangement of the accommodations and/or financial support, to the E-mail address:
by April 30th. Because of the
limitation of the office space and the accommodations, please understand
that we might be able to accept the requests from only a restricted number
of people. Later, we will separately announce the registration for the
participation in the symposium-style workshop.
Registration for the excursion on Dec. 7th and other social gatherings
List of participants
Announcement for participants
When you make a registration,
please pay 3000 yen at secretary's office as a deposit of a room key.
Local organization committee
Masashi Kimura,
Misao Sasaki,
Masaru Shibata,
Tetsuya Shiromizu,
Jiro Soda,
Takahiro Tanaka (chair),
International scientific advisory committee
Luc Blanchet (IAP),
Robert Brandenberger (Mcgill),
Jaume Garriga (Barcelona),
Nemanja Kaloper (UCDavis),
David Langlois (APC),
Slava Mukhanov (Munich),
Roy Maartens (Western Cape & Portsmouth),
Sergei Odintsov (ICREA & IEEC-CSIC),
Eric Poisson (Guelph),
Misao Sasaki (YITP),
Masaru Shibata (YITP),
Tetsuya Shiromizu (Kyoto),
Jiro Soda (Kyoto),
Takahiro Tanaka (YITP, chair),
David Wands (Portsmouth),
Kazuhiro Yamamoto (Hiroshima),
E-mail :
Address : Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kitashirakawa-Oiwakecho, Sakyo, Kyoto 606-8502, Japan

This workshop is also supported by JSPS Grant-in Aid for Scientific Research (A) No. 21244033 "Nonlinear, nonperturbative gravitational phenomena in cosmology" and Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas, No. 24103006 "Theoretical study for astrophysics through multimessenger observations of gravitational wave sources".