YITP International Molecule-type Workshop

"Nonlinear massive gravity theory and its observational test"

23rd July - 9th August 2012


Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, K202


It has been thought that the massive gravity theory has a serious problem of ghost. However, a non-linear massive gravity theory which overcomes this problem was proposed last year. Interestingly, this theory may give us a natural explanation of the current acceleration of our Universe. Therefore, we will explore this theory and formulate several elegant procedures to test it from observations/experiments.


Tsutomu Kobayashi(Rikkyo), Shinji Mukohyama(KIPMU, Tokyo), Nobuyoshi Ohta(Kinki), Ryo Saito(YITP), Misao Sasaki(YITP), Masaru Shibata(YITP), Tetsuya Shiromizu(Kyoto), Jiro Soda(Kyoto), Takahiro Tanaka(YITP), Masahide Yamaguchi(Titech), Junichi Yokoyama(RESCEU, Tokyo)

Core participants

Claudia de Rham(Case Western Reserve Univ., USA)[23 July-8 August]
A. Emir Gumrukcuoglu(KIPMU, Univ. of Tokyo)[23 July-8 August]
Lavinia Heisenberg(Univ. of Geneve, Switzerland)[2-9 August]
Ranpei Kimura(Hiroshima Univ.)[23-31 July, 4-7 August]
Tsutomu Kobayashi(Rikkyo U.)[26 July-1 August]
Chunshan Lin(KIPMU, Univ. of Tokyo)[23 July-8 August]
Shinji Mukohyama(KIPMU, Univ. of Tokyo)[2-4 August]
Tatsuya Narikawa(RESCEU, Univ. of Tokyo)[30 July-8 August]
Nobuyoshi Ohta(Kinki U.)[23 July-3 August]
Ryo Saito(YITP, Kyoto U.)[23 July-9 August]
Misao Sasaki(YITP, Kyoto U.)[23-30 July]
Masaru Shibata(YITP, Kyoto U.)[23-27 July, 6-8 August]
Tetsuya Shiromizu(Kyoto U.)[23 July-9 August]
Jiro Soda(Kyoto U.)[23-25 July, 30 July-3 August]
Norihiro Tanahashi(UC Davis)[26 July-9 August]
Takahiro Tanaka(YITP, Kyoto U.)[23-25 July, 30 July-3 August]
Andrew Tolley(Case Western Reserve Univ., USA)[23 July-8 August]
Masahide Yamaguchi(Titech)[30 July-4 August]
Daisuke Yamauchi(ICRR, Univ. of Tokyo)[29 July-9 August]
Junichi Yokoyama(RESCEU, Univ. of Tokyo)[30 July-3 August]

Schedule(25th August 2012 ver.)

23-25 July discussion
24th 10:40-11:05 (Panasonic) de Rham (CWR) Consistency of Massive Gravity[talk at wokshop on field theory and string theory]
24th 11:05-11:30 (Panasonic) Tolley (CWR) Recent Progress in Massive Gravity[talk at wokshop on field theory and string theory]
26, 27 July (K202) Lecture/discussion
11:00-12:00, 14:00-15:00, 16:00-17:00 de Rham/Tolley(CWR) Lecture on non-linear massive gravity
30 July (K202) seminar/discussion
10:30-11:30 de Rham(CWR) (Partially) massless gravity
14:00-15:00 Tolley(CWR) Higuchi bound in massive gravity and bigravity
[16:00-17:00 Mahdi Godazgar(Cambridge/Kyoto) Peeling of the Weyl tensor and gravitational radiation in higher dimensions[as Yukawa astrophysics seminar]]
18:30- dinner
31 July (K202) seminar/discussion
10:00-10:30 Ohta(Kinki) Covariant approach to the no-ghost theorem in massive gravity
10:30-11:30 Kobayashi(Rikkyo) Vainshtein mechanism in the most general scalar-tensor theory
14:00-15:00 Kimura(Hiroshima) Observational constraints on Galileon gravity
1 August (K202) seminar/discussion
10:30-11:30 Tanaka(Yukawa) Gravitational waves can disappear?
14:00-15:00 Tanahashi(UC Davis) Gravitational wave signal from massive gravity
2 August (K202) seminar/discussion
10:30-11:30 Tolley(CWR) Theroretical concerns: Massive gravity, bigravity and Galileon
14:00-15:00 Gumrukcuoglu(KIPMU) Fate of homogeneous and isotropic solutions in massive gravity
15:30-16:00 Lin(KIPMU) Anisotropic Friedmann-Robertson-Walker universe from nonlinear massive gravity
19:00- dinner[Saloon at Research building (K102)]
3 August (K202) seminar/discussion
10:30-11:30 Heisenberg(Geneve) A proxy for massive gravity
14:00-14:30 Yamaguchi(Titech) New cosmological solutions in massive gravity
14:30-15:00 Zhang(Yukawa) Tunneling fields in massive gravity
6-8 August discussion/collaboration

Send us your report

We would appreciate it if you would acknowledge this workshop in your papers and your work motivated by it. Please click here for the detail. Thank you very much for your help in advance. The workshop ID is "YITP-T-12-04".


Tetsuya Shiromizu
Department of Physics, Kyoto University