Akira Ohnishi: Library -- LEVPLT

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Akira Ohnishi: Library -- LEVPLT

  • LEVPLT --- LEVel data to gnuPLoT input file converter --- Package is here.

    How do you draw the levels in the figure ? I think there are some tools for it, but I do not know. Therefore, it is very teadious for me to draw the figure for many levels by hand.

    Then, I wrote a short FORTRAN program named LEVPLT to make gnuplot script file from data. Here we have the package including some example.

    Only you have to prepare is this data file, like this

    	# Energy Levels of 12C from Ground State
    	#       E* Jpi
    	#start  Natural Parity
    	    0.000 0^+
    	    4.440 2^+
    	    7.650 0^+
    	#start  UnNatural Parity
    	   11.830 2^-
    	   12.710 1^+
    	   13.352 (2^-)
    	   15.110 1^+
    LEVPLT makes script files. The output of gnuplot with this script file looks like this ( PS, gif).

    I think this is enough to grasp the point. However, in order to get a figure which is publicable, you have to work more. After a little work (about 10 -- 20 min.), you can get more beutiful figure( PS, gif).

    If the name of the data file is c12-lev.dat, the procedure to generate postscript file becomes the following.

    % f77 -o levplt levplt.f
    % levplt
    # Header Name: header =?
    # Input   Level    File = header.dat
    # Output  Data     File = header.lev
    # Output  Setting  File = header.set
    # Output  Plot     File = header.plt
    c12-lev						<--- Please type :)
    # Energy Levels of 12C from Ground State	<--- Comment lines
    #       E* Jpi					<--- in the data 
    #... Experimental Data				<--- are shown.
    #     9 Levels
    % ls
    c12-lev.dat    c12-lev.plt    levplt*
    c12-lev.lev    c12-lev.set    levplt.f
    % gp365 c12-lev.plt
    % ls
    c12-lev.dat    c12-lev.plt    c12-lev.set    levplt.f
    c12-lev.lev    c12-lev.ps     levplt*
    % ghostview c12-lev.ps
    % vi c12-lev.set				<--- This file includes
    .						<--- many settings.

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    Akira Ohnishi <ohnishi_at_yukawa.kyoto-u.ac.jp>