Akira Ohnishi: Library -- Mlist

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  • MLIST --- Mail Label Utility --- Package is here.

    MLIST is a fortran program which converts text file to mailing labels. This program is based on the TeX Macro written by S.-I. Nawa (Kochi) and the mail list converter program written by S.-I. Nawa and Toshiki Maruyama (JAERI). I used these macros and program when I was in Kyoto. You know, that writing latex file of mail labels is very tedious, and it is very inconvenient to update. However, if we have the text to latex file converter, all we have to do is to maintain the text file, which is much easier.

    Sample Session

    % gzip -dc Mlist-dist.tar.gz | tar -xvf -
    % cd Mlist-dist
    % make mlist
    % mlist
    # Input Filename=? (nothing ---> quit)
    # Type of Output ? (1: LaTeX, 2: Selected Text)
    # Inside Japan (1) or World (0) ?
    #   1-th Flag=? (nothing=select all)
    # Output Filename=? (nothing --->samplee.tex)
    # Number of Addresses=  33
    % latex samplee.tex
    % dvi2ps samplee > samplee.ps
    % ghostview samplee.ps

    After this, you will get a Postscript file from a text file. For details, please read this file.

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    Akira Ohnishi <ohnishi@yukawa.kyoto-u.ac.jp>