List of my codes: (open only for my collaborators, contact to me if you want to see)

Configuration generation code: quenched QCD

(1-1)SU(3) gauge theory for quenched QCD (single node)
Code (Update_sx.tar)
Psuedo-Heat-Bath algorithm, periodic/antiperiodic boundary condition
reference: arXiv:0902.3768[hep-lat]

(1-2)SU(3) Twisted boundary condition for quenched QCD (single node)
Code (TPL-phb-version.tar)
Psuedo-Heat-Bath algorithm, x-y twisted boundary condition
reference: Section 3 in arXiv:1212.1353[hep-lat]

(1-3)SU(3) Twisted boundary condition for quenched QCD for unisotropic lattice (single node)
Code (TPL-phb-ver2.tar)
Psuedo-Heat-Bath algorithm, x-y twisted boundary condition
reference: arXiv:1811.05708[hep-th]

(1-5)5-dimensional SU(3) gauge theory for quenched QCD (single node)
Code (Update_5dSU3_single.tar)
Psuedo-Heat-Bath algorithm, periodic/antiperiodic boundary condition
reference: arXiv:1403.6277[hep-lat]

Configuration generation code: Adjoint fermions

(2-1)SU(3) Nf=2 Adjoint femrion
Code (HMC_Adjoint_fermion.tar)
HMC, staggered, periodic/anti-periodic boundary condition, N=2 fermions
reference: arXiv:1311.0079[hep-lat]

(2-2)SU(2) Nf=2 Twisted boundary condition for Nf=2 adjoint fermions (including Wislon loop and Polyakov loop correlator measurements)
Code (HMC_KS_twbc_adj.tar)
HMC algorithm, SU(2) gauge theory, Nf=2 staggered fermion, x-y twisted boundary condition, (unpublished, not well-tested)

(2-3)SU(2) Nf=2 overlap fermion within adjoint representation
Code (HMC_Overlap_SU2_adjoint.tar)
HMC algorithm, SU(2) gauge theory, Adjoint reps., periodic/antiperiodic b.c. ,(unpublished, not well-tested)

Configuration generation code: fundamental fermions

(3-1)SU(3) Twisted boundary condition for Nf=12 (single node, SX compiler, )
Code (TPL.tar)
HMC, staggered fermion, x-y twisted boundary condition, Nf=12 fermions
reference: Section 4 in arXiv:1212.1353[hep-lat]

(3-2)SU(3) Twisted boundary condition for Nf=12 (inu code, MPI)
Code (inu.tar)
HMC, staggered fermion, x-y twisted boundary condition, Nf=12 fermions
reference: Section 4 in arXiv:1212.1353[hep-lat]
Including the Analysis codes in Job directory (Compile "JN-hist_plaq_MOD.f" only)

(3-3)SU(3) Nf=2*n (n:integer) wilson fermion within fundamental representation (Fortran 77 code)
Code (inu-Wilson-Nf2.tar)
HMC algorithm, Nf=2*n wilson fermion, periodic/antiperiodic boundary condition, (unpublished)

(3-4)SU(3) Nf=n (n:integer) wilson fermion within fundamental representation (Fortran 77 code)
Code (inu-Wilson-Nf1.tar)
Rational HMC algorithm, Nf=2*n wilson fermion, periodic/antiperiodic boundary condition, (unpublished)

(3-5)SU(3) Nf=2*n (n:integer) wilson fermion within fundamental representation (Fortran 90 code)
Code (wilson_Nf2_ver2.1.tar)
Higher Performance, Rational HMC algorithm, Nf=2*n wilson fermion, periodic/antiperiodic boundary condition, (unpublished)

(3-6)SU(3) Nf=2*n + m (n,m:integer) wilson fermion within fundamental representation (Fortran 90 code)
Code (wilson_Nf9_ver1.1_cp.tar)
Higher Performance, combine HMC and Rational HMC algorithm, any Nf wilson fermion, periodic/antiperiodic boundary condition
reference (Nf=9): arXiv:1411.1155[hep-lat]

(3-7)SU(3) Nf=2*n + m (n,m:integer) wilson fermion within fundamental representation (Fortran 90 code, BG/Q tuned code)
Code (wilson_Nf9_ver3.1.tar)
Higher Performance, IO split configuration, combine HMC and Rational HMC algorithm, any Nf wilson fermion, periodic/antiperiodic boundary condition
reference (Nf=9): arXiv:1411.1155[hep-lat]

(3-8)SU(3) Nf=1+1+1 center twisted fermion within fundamental representation (Fortran 90 code)
Code (wilson_Nf111_ver3.1.tar)
Combine HMC and Rational HMC algorithm, imaginary chemical potential, center twisted boundary condition
reference: arXiv:1508.07132[hep-lat]

(3-9)SU(3) Nf=2*n + m (n,m:integer) O(a) Improved Wilson fermion within fundamental representation (bridge++ code)
Code (Imp-Wilson-bridge.tar)
Combine HMC and Rational HMC algorithm, any Nf wilson fermion, periodic/antiperiodic boundary condition
reference (Nf=2+1): arXiv:1511.03009[hep-lat]

(3-10)SU(2) Nf=2*n (n:integer) Wilson fermion within fundamental representation (based on inu-Wilson code for SU(3) )
Code (HMC_Wilson_SU2.tar)
HMC algorithm, even-number Nf wilson fermion, SU(2) gauge theory, periodic/antiperiodic boundary condition

(3-11)SU(2) Nf=n (n:integer, include odd number) Wilson fermion within fundamental representation (based on RHMC code for SU(3) )
Code (HMC_Wilson_SU2.tar)
RHMC algorithm, any number Nf wilson fermion, SU(2) gauge theory, periodic/antiperiodic boundary condition

(3-12)SU(2) Nf=2*n (n:integer) finite cheamical potential, Wilson fermion (cross-checked with hep-lat/0604004)
Code (HMC_Wilson_SU2.tar)
HMC algorithm, even-number Nf wilson fermion, finite chemical potential, SU(2) gauge theory

(3-13)SU(2) Nf=2*n (n:integer) finite cheamical potential + diquark source, Wilson fermion (cross-checked with hep-lat/0604004)
Code (HMC_Wilson_SU2.tar)
RHMC algorithm, even-number Nf wilson fermion, finite chemical potential,diquark source, SU(2) gauge theory

Configuration generation code: replica lattice

(4-1)SU(3) Nf=0 replica lattices (including Entanglement entropy measurement)
Code (EntanglementEntropy-MPI.tar)
PHB algorithm, quenched, replica lattice, originally based on Lattice-Tool-Kits (LTK) code
reference: arXiv:1512.01334[hep-th]

Configuration generation code: CP^{N-1} model

(5-1)CP^{N-1} model with PBC
Code (EntanglementEntropy-MPI.tar)
over heat bath algorithm (Phys. Rev. D46 (1992) 2647), cross-checked with Table 1 in arXiv:1805.11058
reference: arXiv:1907.06925[hep-th]

Measurement code

(6-1)Eigenvalue of Dirac operator for SU(3) Nf=12 with twisted b.c. (Conf. generated by (1-1) code)
Code (Eigenvalue.tar)
Chebyshev accelerator, staggered fermion, x-y twisted boundary condition, N=12 fermions
reference: Appendix F in arXiv:1212.1353[hep-lat]

(6-2)Measurement of meson correlator for staggered fermion with twisted b.c.
Code (meas-Meson-corr_KS_sx_twbc.tar)
Read conf. and calculate the correlation function for 8 types of mesons
reference: arXiv:1307.6645[hep-lat]

(6-3)Eigenvalue of Dirac operator for SU(2) adjoint fermion using Wilson fermion (unpublished, not well-tested)
Code (Eigenvalue_SU2_adjoint_Wilson.tar)
SU(2) gauge theory, Adjoint reps., Chebyshev accelerator, Wilson fermion

(6-4)Eigenvalue of Dirac operator for SU(2) adjoint fermion using Overlap fermion (unpublished, not well-tested)
Code (Eigenvalue_SU2_adjoint_Overlap.tar)
SU(2) gauge theory, Adjoint reps., Chebyshev accelerator, Wilson fermion

(6-5)Measurement Eq. o. Motion using noise vector method for O(a) improved Wilson Dirac op.
Code (Eos_sw_noise.tar)
Noise method, Inproved Wilson fermion
reference: partially used in arXiv:1511.03009[hep-lat]

(6-6)Measurement mode number using projector method for twisted staggered Dirac op.
Code (Projector.tar)
Noise method, Inproved Wilson fermion
reference: arXiv:1411.1155[hep-lat]

(6-7)Wilson flow for SU(3) gauge fields
Code (Wilson-flow-gauge.tar)
3rd order Runge-Kutta, including measurement of Energy-Momentum Tensor
reference: arXiv:1312.7492[hep-lat]

(6-8)Gradient (Iwasaki) flow for SU(3) gauge fields
Code (Wilson-flow-gauge-Iwasaki.tar)
3rd order Runge-Kutta, including measurement of Energy-Momentum Tensor, Rectangular gauge action included, Parameter file is different from (2-6) code

(6-9)Gradient flow for Wilson fermions (adjoint flow)
Code (Wflow-fermion-adjoint.tar)
Fermion adjoint flow sets, 3rd order Runge-Kutta, including measurement of Energy-Momentum Tensor
reference: arXiv:1511.03009[hep-lat]
There are two codes: "Prog_ver3-RK3_fermion_adjoint" and "Eos_sw_noise_Wflow"
Firstly carry out the first code and obtain "Psi" vectors, and then calculate EMT using the second code (single CPU only)

(6-10)Gradient flow for (naive) Wilson fermions (positive flow)
Code (Wflow-fermion-positive.tar)
Fermion positive flow sets, 3rd order Runge-Kutta, including measurement of Energy-Momentum Tensor (unpublished, cross-checked with adjoint flow code)
There are three codes: "Gene_Eta", "Solve_SEta" and "Prog_ver3-RK3_positive_flow"
Firstly carry out the first code and obtain "Eta" vector, and then calculate (SEta = D_¥mu ¥eta) vectors using the second code (single CPU only). Finally, solve the gradient flow eq. for fermion fields within positive flow-time direction using third code.

(6-11)Measurement meson correlator and Dirac eiegenvalue for Wilson fermions (including meson and PCAC mass analysis code)
Code (bridge_wilson_pcac_and_eigenvalue.tar)
Wilson fermion, meson correlator, Dirac eigenvalue for low-mode, based on bridge++ code
reference: arXiv:1508.07132[hep-lat]
Note for the analaysis code (PDF file)

(6-12)Measurement Polyakov loop in adjoint representation (P_8)
Code (meas-Adj-Ploop.tar)
Read conf. and calculate adjoint Polyakov loop (P_8)
reference: arXiv:1311.0079[hep-lat]

(6-13)Measurement Wilson line phase (AB phase in temporal direction)
Code (meas-Wilson-line-phase.tar)
Read conf. and calculate fundamental Polyakov loop(P_3) and those diagnal components, use a libraly function in SR16000
reference: arXiv:1311.0079[hep-lat]

(6-14)Measurement Wilson loop for SU(2) gauge theory
Code (meas-Wilson-loop-SU2.tar, Prog only)
Read conf. and calculate Wilson loop in SU(2) gauge theory (unpublished, not well-tested)

(6-15)Measurement of topological charge using cooling method
Code (Topology_sx.tar)
Read conf. and calculate topological charge using cooling method

Analysis code

(A-1) Jackknife method
Note (PDF file in Japanese)


(B-1) Parameter files for Rational HMC
files of "parameter_rational" for expansion order 14, 16, 18, 20

(B-2) shellscript for removing a line

(B-3) shellscript for rename a file-name

(B-4) Converter of data from ascii to binary

(B-5) Endian converter of data (based on bridge++ code)

(B-6) Gauge fixing of configuration in Coulomb gauge

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