YITP long-term and Nishinomiya-Yukawa memorial workshop

Hadrons and Hadron Interactions in QCD (HHIQCD 2024)

-- Experiments, Effective theories, and Lattice --

14th Oct. - 15th Nov., 2024
Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University, Japan

On this workshop

This is a long-term workshop entitled "Hadrons and Hadron Interactions in QCD -- Experiments, Effective theories, and Lattice -- (HHIQCD2024)" at Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics (YITP), Kyoto University, for five weeks, from Oct.14 (Mon) to Nov.15(Fri), 2024. (Note that the scientific program starts on 15th Oct., since 14th is a holiday in Japan)

The long-term workshop is a "stay-and-discuss" style workshop in a relaxed atmosphere, where each participant is encouraged to stay long and is assigned to a desk in an office at YITP. In each day, we will arrange one or two seminar sessions, where participants will present their research activities including pre-published results. For remaining times other than these sessions, participants are free to work on their own researches, to discuss some problems with other participants, and even to start new collaborations during the workshop.

In this workshop, researchers in lattice QCD, various effective field theories and also experimentalists come together and make extensive discussions on hadron physics. Furthermore, we also focus on formal developments of quantum field theories and frontiers of first-principle calculations (quantum computation and tensor network methods). We hope that this workshop will bring a new direction of researches to understand the nature of QCD.

A list of topics in the workshop is as follows.

  1. Hadron structure and interactions
    • Properties of ground state properties
    • Exotic hadrons and their structures
    • Structure functions
    • Meson-baryon/baryon-baryon interactions
    • Hadron scattering and resonances
  2. Nuclear matter under extreme conditions
    • Nuclear equation of state
    • Hadrons in nuclei and role of symmetries
    • Hadronic matter and QCD under extreme conditions
    • Constraints from astrophysics(Neutron stars, Gravitational waves)
  3. Formal developments and other frontiers in lattice QCD
    • Generalized symmetries related to QCD
    • Chiral gauge theories
    • Sign problem
    • Quantum computation and tensor network


1st week & 2nd week (15th -25th Oct., 14th is holiday)
Workshop (one or two seminars each day) and one-day mini-symposium on subjects 1.
3rd week (28th Oct. - 2nd Nov.; 6days)
Nishinomiya-Yukawa symposium (all subjects)
4th week (5th Nov. - 8th Nov.; 4days since 4th Nov. is holiday)
Workshop (one or two seminars each day) and one-day mini-symposium on subjects 2.
5th week (11th -15th Nov.)
Workshop (one or two seminars each day) and one-day mini-symposium on subjects 3.

Invited speakers

International Advisory Committee

Local Organizers

Sinya Aoki (Kyoto University, co-chair)
Takumi Doi (RIKEN, co-chair)
Hidenori Fukaya (Osaka University)
Atsushi Hosaka (Osaka University)
Tetsuo Hyodo (Tokyo Metropolitan University)
Etsuko Itou (Kyoto University, co-chair)
Daisuke Jido (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Masakiyo Kitazawa (Kyoto University)
Toru Kojo (Tohoku University)
Koji Miwa (Tohoku University)
Kenta Shigaki (Hiroshima University)
Yuya Tanizaki (Kyoto University)
Kazuya Yonekura (Tohoku University)

Previous workshop




Supported by

(領域代表者:高柳 匡)
No.21H05190 D01班:「場の量子論のダイナミクスへの量子情報的アプローチ」
(研究代表者:西岡 辰磨, 研究分担者:伊藤 悦子)

JST さきがけ
No.JPMJPR2113 「符号問題が生じる場の理論の古典量子計算法の開発」
(研究代表者:伊藤 悦子)


No. 23H05439 「QCDから解き明かす重クォークエキゾチック粒子の謎」
(研究代表者:土井 琢身)

No. 22H00129 「一般化されたフロー変換によるAdS/CFT対応の研究」
(研究代表者:青木 慎也)

No. 22K03619 「格子QCD大規模数値計算で探る中間子の力学的構造」

JSPS KAKENHI 学術変革領域研究(A) 公募研究
No. 23H04507「高エネルギー重イオン衝突実験における事象選択への機械学習の適用」