2024/11/13 | Some typos in the program versions and related file links are corrected. |
2024/9/29 | Minor version up of SimpleLieAlgebra.mac(->v.2.21), Riemann.mac(->v.1.23), Clifford.mac(->v.1.10) due to a serious bug fix of mylib_list.mac(->v.1.20) in Library. |
2024/9/7 | Minor version up of SimpleLieAlgebra.mac: ver 2.20. |
2023/10/17 | Blog「究極理論探査」で「磁気単極子と特性類」を 掲載中. |
2023/5/4 | Three notes "algebra.pdf", "topology.pdf" and "formula.pdf" are newly added to Monographic Notes, and "LieGroup.pdf" and "UT.pdf" are revised. An important version up of the maxima program "SimpleLieAlgebra.mac" . |
2023/1/20 | A minor version up of the maxima program "Riemann.mac" |
2023/1/20 | 私が翻訳・編纂し解説を加えたアインシュタイン論文選集
![]() |
2022/12/17 | A maxima program "Clifford.mac" is newly uploaded to the Library page. |
This program consists of functions reducing polynomials of the gamma matrices to the standard forms by purely symbolic calculations. | |
2022/11/30 | The maple program "Riemann.mpl" is transplandted to Maxima as "Riemann.mac" . |
Maxima program "SimpleLieAlgebra.mac" is revised to v2.00 in order to incorporate the change of the definition of the data type "dict". This version is not compatible with the previous versions v.1.**. | |
2022/11/28 | The maple program "Riemann.mpl" is revised to v1.10. In this version, some bugs of v1.00 are fixed. |
2022/11/13 | Maxima program "SimpleLieAlgebra.mac" is revised to v1.14. Some serious bugs in the proc: SubGrdm are fixed. Further, explicit embeding matrix data for low rank Lie algebras are included as the preloaded data in the form dict: embM. See the manual linked to the Library page for details. |
2022/11/2 | Maple program "SimpleLieAlgebra.mpl" is transplanted to the freeware system "Maxima" as "SimpleLieAlgebra.mac" . |
2022/5/24 | 2種類のブログ「鴨川散歩」と「究極理論探査」をタブで表示選択 できるように変更. |
2022/1/16 | ブログ「究極理論探査」において,11次元極小超重力理論の一意性の証明が完了. |
2021/12/19 | ブログを「鴨川散歩」と「究極理論探査」の2つに分割. |
2021/11/27 | Library/Monographic NotesのUT.pdfを ver.20211126にアップデート. |
2021/9/11 | Library/Monographic NotesのUT.pdfを ver.20210911にアップデート. |
2021/4/25 | Library/Monographic NotesのLieGroup.pdfを ver.20210406に,UT.pdfをver.20210425にアップデート. |
2021/4/23 | 数式の式番号が通し番号となる問題を解消するため,ブログの表示スタイルを変更しました. 新たなスタイルでは,異なる日付のブログが独立したフレームとなっています. フレームを移動するには,Blog listの日付をクリックして下さい. |
2021/4/3 | The maple program "SimpleLieAlgebra.mpl" is revised to v2.21. In this version, the structure of the weight system data is changed in order to make it passible to treat large dimensional representations. Accordingly, various related changes are made in some procedures. |
2021/3/15 | 日本物理学会2021年春季大会シンポジウム「ロジャー・ペンローズと相対論」での招待講演「特異点定理-背景とインパクト-」の パワーポイントファイルをLibrary/Lecturenotesにアップ. |
2021/2/8 | The maple program "SimpleLieAlgebra.mpl" is revised to v2.12. In this version, one typographic error in the proceudure "SimpleRootsbyH" which caused a serious error in the calculation of embedding/projection matrices for the Dynkin type D is fixed. |
2021/1/31 | 解説記事「Roger Penroseの業績とその意義」 が天文月報2021年1月号に掲載. |
2020/11/26 | 研究会「Flavor Physics Workshop 2020」でのオンライン講義「Penroseの業績-ブラックホールと特異点を中心として」 のパワーポイントファイルをLibraryページのLecture Notesのセクションにアップ. |
2020/10/21 | The maple program "SimpleLieAlgebra.mpl" is revised to v2.10. |
Major change: a procedure "mkembM" is added. This procedure constructs embedding and projection matrices for any regular quasi-semisimple subalgebra of any simple Lie algebra. | |
2020/10/4 | Maple program "Riemann.mpl" and its manual are added to the Library page. |
2020/9/20 | Monographic notes on Geometry and Ultimate Theory of Nature are added to the Library page. |
2020/9/19 | A monographic note on Lie groups is added to the Library page. |
2020/9/17 | The manual of the maple program "SimpleLieAlgebra.mpl" is added to the Library page. |