Soichiro Isoyama
Senior Research Fellow
Department of Physics, Faculty of Science
National University of Singapore
2 Science Drive 3, Block S13, Level M, Room 04 (S13-M-04)
Singapore, Singapore 117551
Email: isoyama [AT]
Phone: Only zoom [Land phones were terminated...]
My Curriculum Vitae (as of 1 November, 2024)
Research interests:
Deepen an understanding of spacetime,
gravity science, and astrophysics using gravitational waves.
Current main projects:
"Waveform models for extreme/intermediate mass-ratio inspirals"
"Relativistic celestial (Hamiltonian) mechanics around a black hole"
"Multiband gravitational-wave astronomy with (B-)DECIGO"
"Gravitational resonances/scattering in the self-force theory"
Publication and Presentations
Official website of Capra Meeting on Radiation Reaction in GR
Unofficial pages for slides presented at past CAPRA meetings
Black Hole Perturbation Club
Black Hole Perturbation Toolkit
Safety Confirmation Information
Where am I?
LISA (Official) /
The last one minute: GW for a general audience (ONLY Japanese)
Astrophysics and Cosmology @YITP /
Astrophysics and Gravitation @UoG /
STAG Research Centre @Soton
ResearchGate /
Google Scholar
Uersu Rochester
Administrator: Soichiro Isoyama
Copyright (C) 2025 S. Isoyama, all rights reserved.