Elliptic integrable systems

November 8 - 11, 2004
RIMS Project Research 2004
Method of Algebraic Analysis in Integrable Systems


Click *HERE*.


The proceedings will be published as a volume of the Rokko Lectures in Mathematics from the Department of Mathematics, Kobe University. Contributed articles are posted *HERE*.


Masatoshi Noumi (Kobe)
Kanehisa Takasaki (Kyoto)


Home page of RIMS Project Research 2004
Quantum Integrable Systems and Infinite Dimensional Algebras(February 4-10, 2004)
Recent Trends in Exponential Asymptotics (June 28 - July 2, 2004)
Solvable lattice models 2004 (July 20-23, 2004)
Mathematical aspects of string theory (July 26 - July 30, 2004)
Combinatorial Aspect of Integrable Systems (July 26 - July 30, 2004)
Tropical Algebraic Geometry and Tropical Combinatorics (August 9--13, 2004)
Representation Theory and Geometry (August 12--13, 2004)