========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No. 238 December 3, 1996 ========================================================= ============================================== 日本数学会の「無限可積分系」セッションについて ご存じのように、日本数学会 1997 年度年会は、信州大学に於いて 1997 年 4 月 1 日から 4 月 4 日の日程で、開催されます。 「無限可積分系」セッションは、今後も継続されますので、これからも このセッションを盛り立てるべく、ご協力をお願いします。 今回の講演申し込みの締め切りは、 12 月 11 日 (水) となっておりますので、なるべく多くの方が講演の申し込みをしてくださ るよう、よろしくお願い致します。 野海 正俊 ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No. 238 December 3, 1996 ========================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== Infinite Analysis Seminar Title: Degenerate Double Affine Hecke Algebra and KZ equation in Room 327 of the Math. Dept., Kyoto University ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (the room is next to Pro. Jimbo's office); December 12 (Thu) 14:00-15:00 Prof. T. Arakawa (Nagoya University) 15:30-16:30 Prof. T. Suzuki (Nagoya University) in Room 102 of RIMS, Kyoto University ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ December 13 (Fri) 14:00-15:00 Prof. T. Arakawa 15:30-16:30 Prof. T. Suzuki ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No. 237 November 26, 1996 ========================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== Infinite Analysis Seminar Speaker: Prof. Vitaly Tarasov (Osaka University) Title : Functional models for the elliptic dynamical R-matrices Time : November 29 (Fri), 12:00-13:00 Place : Room 102, RIMS, Kyoto University ==============================================
各位様、 昨日案内致しました講演会「Infinite Analysis ―過去―現在―未来」の プログラムに一部変更がありますので、下記の通り訂正下さい。念のため、 訂正したプログラムも以下に続けます。よろしくお願い致します。 2月21日(金) 15:30〜16:30 「関数の一族とq解析学」上野喜三雄 ~~~~~~ 早稲田大学理工学部数学 ↓↓ 15:30〜16:30 「ガンマ関数と一族とq解析学」上野喜三雄 ~~~~~~~~~~~~ 早稲田大学理工学部数学 京都大学数理解析研究所 三輪哲二 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% プログラム 2月20日(木) 10:00〜11:00 「可解模型と表現論」 三輪哲二 京都大学数理解析研究所 11:30〜12:30 「オンサーガー代数を 伊達悦朗 めぐって」 大阪大学理学部数理教室 14:00〜15:00 「4次元共形場理論の分類」江口 徹 東京大学大学院 理学系研究科物理学専攻 15:30〜16:30 「N=2超対称性: 梁 成吉 場の理論と弦理論」 筑波大学物理学系 2月21日(金) 10:00〜11:00 「アフィン量子群の 柏原正樹 結晶基底」 京都大学数理解析研究所 11:30〜12:30 「格子模型の代数解析」 神保道夫 京都大学大学院理学研究科 14:00〜15:00 「可積分な場の理論の 稲見武夫 いろいろな方向への拡張」京都大学基礎物理学研究所 15:30〜16:30 「ガンマ関数と 上野喜三雄 一族とq解析学」 早稲田大学理工学部数学教室 2月22日(土) 10:00〜11:00 「量子環とq特殊函数」 野海正俊 神戸大学理学部数学教室 11:30〜12:30 「共形場理論と 土屋昭博 Degenerate Double 名古屋大学大学院多元数理 Affine Hecke Algebra」 科学研究科
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No. 236 November 20, 1996 ========================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== Infinite Analysis Seminar Speaker: Prof. Jintai Ding (RIMS) Title : Hopf algebra extension of Zamolochikov algebras and its double Time : November 22 (Fri), 12:00-13:00 Place : Room 102, RIMS, Kyoto University ==============================================
各位様、 国際高等研究所「無限系の解析」 講演会「Infinite Analysis ―過去―現在―未来」のお知らせ 謹啓 時下ますますご清祥のこととお慶び申し上げます。 この度、京阪奈学研都市にあります国際高等研究所におきまして 下記の要領で研究会を開催する運びとなりました。講演スケジュールは 別紙の通りです。講演は全て日本語で行われます。 参加申し込み締め切りは12月14日です。電子メールにて申し込んで下さい。 尚、今回は講演者の方のみ出張旅費が支給されますが、学部生を含む学生の方 には一部援助を考えております。支給金額などの詳細については、申し込みを締 め切った時点での希望者の人数により調節し決定します。 敬白 記 日 時 平成9年2月20日(木)〜22日(土) 場 所 財団法人国際高等研究所 京都府相楽郡木津町・関西文化学術研究都市内 Tel: 0774-73-4001 Internet Address http://www.iias.or.jp/home.html 宿 泊 けいはんな都ホテルに、国際高等研究所の 研究会参加者である旨お申しつけの上、 各自で申し込んでください。 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 料金:一泊朝食付き 税込み 11、330円 けいはんな都ホテル 京都府相楽郡精華町光台1ー7 Tel: 0774-95-0101, Fax: 0774-95-0102 参加希望者が多数の場合に部屋数が不足する可能性が ありますので、早めに予約されることをお勧めします。 連絡先 京都大学数理解析研究所 馬場千恵 京都大学数理解析研究所 三輪哲二 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% プログラム 2月20日(木) 10:00〜11:00 「可解模型と表現論」 三輪哲二 京都大学数理解析研究所 11:30〜12:30 「オンサーガー代数を 伊達悦朗 めぐって」 大阪大学理学部数理教室 14:00〜15:00 「4次元共形場理論の分類」江口 徹 東京大学大学院 理学系研究科物理学専攻 15:30〜16:30 「N=2超対称性: 梁 成吉 場の理論と弦理論」 筑波大学物理学系 2月21日(金) 10:00〜11:00 「アフィン量子群の 柏原正樹 結晶基底」 京都大学数理解析研究所 11:30〜12:30 「格子模型の代数解析」 神保道夫 京都大学大学院理学研究科 14:00〜15:00 「可積分な場の理論の 稲見武夫 いろいろな方向への拡張」京都大学基礎物理学研究所 15:30〜16:30 「関数の一族とq解析学」上野喜三雄 早稲田大学理工学部数学教室 2月22日(土) 10:00〜11:00 「量子環とq特殊函数」 野海正俊 神戸大学理学部数学教室 11:30〜12:30 「共形場理論と 土屋昭博 Degenerate Double 名古屋大学大学院多元数理 Affine Hecke Algebra」 科学研究科
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No. 235 November 15, 1996 ========================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== Lectures Lecturer: Professor T. Eguchi (The University of Tokyo) Title : Developments in String Duality Date : February 18 (Tue) 10:30-12:00 16:00-17:30 (Room 402) February 19 (Wed) 10:30-12:00 13:30-15:00 (Room 102) Location: RIMS, Kyoto University [Professor Eguchi reviews recent developments in string duality. He also discusses their implications on supersymmetric field theories.] ----- Notice of these details will be posted again two weeks prior to commencement of lectures. ----- ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No. 234 November 13, 1996 ========================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== 講演者: 小島武夫 氏(京都大学数理解析研究所) 題名 : ボーズガスの相関函数と Painlev\'e 方程式 時間 : 11月18日(月)17:15〜18:15 場所 : 東京大学大学院数理科学研究科棟(駒場)122号室 東京大学大学院数理科学研究科 松尾 厚 ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No. 233 November 13, 1996 ========================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== Infinite Analysis Seminar Speaker: Prof. Jintai Ding (RIMS) Title : Commutative quantum current operators and semi-infinite construction Time : November 15 (Fri), 12:00-13:00 Place : Room 102, RIMS, Kyoto University ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No. 232 November 12, 1996 ========================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== Victor G. Kac 教授 (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) 連続講演のご案内(第1信) Victor G. Kac 教授の3回の90分講演を12月24日--27日の間に 京都大学理学部数学教室大会議室で開催することを予定しております. 講演題目は Conformal algebras and vertex algebras. (Foundations of the theory of conformal algebras and vertex algebras. Orbifold models.) です.また,氏の講義への参加者の理解を助けるために vertex algebras に関する入門的な講義を企画しております. 年末でご多忙中とは存じますが,多くの方に参加していただければ幸いです. 詳しい時間帯は第2信で連絡いたします. お問い合わせは 永友 清和 までお願いいたします. 大阪大学大学院理学研究科 永友 清和 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Kiyokazu Nagatomo Department of Mathematics, Graduate School of Science, Osaka University Toyonaka, Osaka 560, Japan ==============================================
======================================================== INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No. 231 October 31, 1996 ======================================================== ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== Kobe Seminar on Hypergeometric Systems ---------------------------------------------------- November 5 (Tue) Prof. Jan STIENSTRA (Utrecht/Kobe-JSPS) Resonance in hypergeometric systmes related to Mirror Symmetry 16:00- / Room C501, Dep. of Math., Kobe University ---------------------------------------------------- November 6 (Wed) Prof. Masatoshi NOUMI (Kobe) A remark on symmetries in hypergeometric functions 16:00- / Room C501, Dep. of Math., Kobe University ----------------------------------------------------- For further information, please contact: Masatoshi NOUMI ==============================================
======================================================== INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No. 230 October 29, 1996 ======================================================== ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== Infinite Analysis Seminar Speaker: Prof. Xi Nanhua (RIMS) Title : A partition of the Springer fibers ${\cal B}_N$ for type $A_{n-1}$ and some applications Time : November 1 (Fri), 12:00-13:00 Place : Room 102, RIMS, Kyoto University ==============================================
======================================================== INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No. 229 October 23, 1996 ======================================================== ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== Infinite Analysis Seminar Speaker: Professor D. Uglov (RIMS) Title : The basis of orthogonal eigenvectors in the Spin Calogero-Sutherland Model Time : October 25 (Fri), 12:00-13:00 Place : Room 102, RIMS, Kyoto University ==============================================
======================================================== INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No. 228 October 7, 1996 ======================================================== ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== Infinite Analysis Seminar Speaker: Dr. Haru PINSON Title : Critical Percolation on the Torus Abstract: We compute some crossing probabilities on a torus. The formula gives crossing probabilities which agree well with computer simulation data. Time : October 11 (Fri), 12:00-13:00 Place : Room 102, RIMS, Kyoto University ==============================================
======================================================== INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No. 227 October 4, 1996 ======================================================== ============================================== Seminar and Workshop ============================================== Kobe Seminar on Hypergeometric Systems Room C501, Department of Mathematics, Kobe University ------------------------------------------------------------------------ October 7 (Mon), 1996 / 16:00-17:00 Prof. Nobuki TAKAYAMA (Kobe University) Integer programming and indicial ideals ------------------------------------------------------------------------ October 17 (Thu), 1996 / 13:30-14:30 Prof. Gerrit HECKMAN (University of Nijmegen, the Netherlands) Yang's paritcle systems and Hecke algebras ------------------------------------------------------------------------ For further information, please contact: Masatoshi NOUMI ======================================================================== Workshop on Hypergeometric Systems in Kobe December 2 (Mon) -- 5 (Thu), 1996 Takigawa Hall, Kobe University Organized by: Takeshi SASAKI and Masatoshi NOUMI (Kobe University) First Announcement is posted at: http://www.math.s.kobe-u.ac.jp/rchs/wsdec96j.html ==============================================
======================================================== INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No. 226 September 13, 1996 ======================================================== ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== 研究集会「位相場の理論と関連する数学の諸問題」 日時:1996年12月16日(月)午前10:00から、19日(木)午後5:00 場所:京都大学数理解析研究所420号室 において,研究集会「位相場の理論と関連する数学の諸問題」 を、行ないます。 プログラムは未定ですが、今のところの講演予定者(の一部)は、 Borcherds, Richard E. Kontsevitch, Maxim Looijenga, Eduard Losev, Andrei S. Ooguri, Hirosi Slodowy, Peter Zuber, Jean-Bernard Givental, Alexander Boris Gritsenko, Valeri Nikulin, Slava Morrison, David R Kac, Victor です。 問い合わせは、斎藤 恭司(数理研)まで。 ==============================================
======================================================== INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No. 225 September 10, 1996 ======================================================== ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== Infinite Analysis Seminar Time : September 30 (Mon), 14:00-15:00 Place: Room 009, RIMS, Kyoto University ~~~~~~~~ Speaker: Professor Andreas Kluemper (University of Koln) Title : Exact thermodynamics and Luttinger liquid properties of the integrable $t-J$ model A Trotter-Suzuki mapping is used to calculate the finite-temperature properties of the one-dimensional supersymmetric $t-J$ model. This approach allows for the exact calculation of various thermodynamical properties by means of the quantum transfer matrix (QTM). The free energy and other interesting quantities are obtained such as the specific heat and compressibility. For the largest eigenvalue of the QTM leading to the free energy a set of just two non-linear integral equations is presented. These equations are studied analytically and numerically for different particle densities and temperatures. The structure of the specific heat is discussed in terms of the elementary charge as well as spin excitations. Special emphasis is placed on the study of the low-temperature behavior confirming scaling predictions by conformal field theory and Luttinger liquid theory. To our knowledge this is the first complete investigation of a strongly correlated electron system on a lattice at finite temperature. ====================================================== /end/
======================================================== INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No. 224-a September 9, 1996 ======================================================== ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== 研究集会「無限自由度の可積分系と関連する幾何学」 日時:1996年9月30日(月)13:10--10月2日(水)15:30 場所:広島大学理学部B棟707号室 プログラム 9月30日(月) 13:10--14:10森田茂之(東大数理) 曲面の写像類群の構造をめぐる新しい展開 14:30--15:30桂利行(東大数理) 符号の孤立半径について 15:50--16:50村上斉(早大理工) A weight system derived from the multivariable Alexander polynomial 10月1日 9:30--10:30河野俊丈(東大数理) リーマン面上のファインマン図形の幾何 10:50--11:50松本堯生(広島大理) 4次元空間内の曲面の変形とその3次元射影 13:10--14:10江口徹(東大理) String dualityと有理曲面 14:30--15:30上野健爾(京大理) 共形ブロックのみたす微分方程式系 15:50-- (分担者会議) 10月2日 9:30--10:30加藤和也(東工大理) 保型形式の岩沢理論 10:50--11:50古田幹雄(京大数理研) TBA 13:10--14:10清水勇二(京大理) 共形場理論へのD加群によるアプローチ 14:30--15:30深谷賢治(京大理) Contact homology上の$L^{\infty}$構造 連絡先:739広島市鏡山1ー3ー1 広島大学理学部数学教室 松本堯生 ====================================================== /end/
======================================================== INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No. 224 September 9, 1996 ======================================================== ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== 研究集会「無限自由度の可積分系と関連する幾何学」 日時:1996年9月30日(月)13:10--10月2日(水)15:30 場所:広島大学理学部B棟707号室 プログラム 9月30日(月) 13:10--14:10森田茂之(東大数理) 曲面の写像類群の構造をめぐる新しい展開 14:30--15:30桂利行(東大数理) 符号の孤立半径について 15:50--16:50村上斉(早大理工) A weight system derived from the multivariable Alexander polynomial 10月1日 9:30--10:30河野俊丈(東大数理) リーマン面上のファインマン図形の幾何 10:50--11:50松本堯生(広島大理) 4次元空間内の曲面の変形とその3次元射影 13:10--14:10江口徹(東大理) String dualityと有理曲面 14:30--15:30上野健爾(京大理) 共形ブロックのみたす微分方程式系 15:50-- (分担者会議) 10月2日 9:30--10:30加藤和也(東工大理) 保型形式の岩沢理論 10:50--11:50古田幹雄(京大数理研) TBA 13:10--14:10清水勇二(京大理) 共形場理論へのD加群によるアプローチ 14:30--15:30深谷賢治(京大理) Contact homology上の$L^{\infty}$構造 ====================================================== /end/
======================================================== INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No. 223 September 4, 1996 ======================================================== ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== "Mathematical aspects of Duality and D-brane" According to recent developments in superstring theory, especially by string duality, there're some active applications to mathematics including mirror symmetry. We organize a workshop as below focusing on string duality, especially the geometric construction of mirror symmetry. We expect participation by both of physicists and mathematicians who have interest in the above topics. Date : Sept. 27(Fri) 10:00 -- 28(Sat) Place : Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Kyoto Univ. DaikaigiShitsu Topics (=titles of lectures): 1) String theories, their compactification 2) String duality, D-branes 3) F-theory 4) Geometric mirror symmetry : work of Strominger-Yau-Zaslow 5) An example by Gross-Wilson 6) Special topics on K3 surfaces, etc. Program : Sept.27 10:00 -- 11:30 1) Y.Sugawara (Osaka Univ.) 13:00 -- 14:30 2) Y.Matsuo (YITP, Kyoto Univ.) 15:00 -- 16:00 4) M.Kobayashi (Tokyo Inst. Tech.) 16:30 -- 17:30 Discussion Sept.28 10:00 -- 11:30 3) S.Hosono (Toyama Univ.) 13:00 -- 14:30 5) M.-H.Saito (Kobe Univ.) 15:00 -- 16:00 6) ?? 16:30 -- 17:30 Discussion Note : There's a possible support from Infinite Analysis, Grant-in-Aid of Monbusho. Those who need support, please contact Y.Shimizu. See also http://www.math.titech.ac.jp/Users/masanori/workshop.html Organizers : M.Kobayashi (Tokyo Inst.Tech.) Y.Shimizu (Kyoto Univ.) ====================================================== /end/
To Colleagues, We are pleased to inform you that a workshop on Integrable models and representation theory, October 15 - 19, will be held at the International Institute for Advanced Studies. This workshop belongs to a series of activities of Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Priority Areas "Infinite Analysis", and, in particular, it will focus on the above subjects. We anticipate active participation of young researchers including graduate students. Registration: If you wish to participate in the workshop, please contact Ms C. Bamba, clarifying whether you would like to be supported by September 20, 1996. Deadline for submission of the title and abstract: If you wish to give a talk, please send a file in jlatex by email by 20 September 1996. Selection will be made by the Committee: Etsuro DATE, Michio JIMBO, Masaki KASHIWARA, Tetsuji MIWA, Masatoshi NOUMI, Akihiro TSUCHIYA. Faithfully yours, Tetsuji Miwa Organizer - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1. Date: 9:30 Tues. October 15 〜 15:30 Fri. October 19, 1996 2. Place: International Institute for Advanced Studies 9-3 Kizugawadai kizu-cho Soraku-gun, Kyoto 619-092 Tel: 0074-73-4001 w.w.w. service: http://www.iias.or.jp/home.html 3. Accommodation: KEIHANNA MIYAKO HOTEL 1-7 Hikaridai Seika-cho Soraku-gun, Kyoto 619-092 Tel: 0774-95-0101 Fax: 0774-95-0102 Single room: \11,300 with tax and breakfast included. It is necessary for you to make your arrangements directly with the hotel. Please tell them that you are a participant of the workshop held at IIAS since we have negotiated a discount rate for the workshop. We recommend that you make a reservation well in advance for fear there may be a shortage of rooms owing to a large volume of participants. 4. Secretariat Chie Bamba Oiwake-cho Kitashirakawa Sakyo-ku Kyoto 606
======================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No. 222 August 15, 1996 ======================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== Infinite Analysis Seminar Speaker: Professor Jintai DING (RIMS) Title : Differentce equations of quantum current operators and quantum parafermions Time: August 16 (Fri), 12:00-13:00 Place: Room 102, RIMS, Kyoto University ====================================================== /end/
======================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No. 221 August 7, 1996 ======================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== Infinite Analysis Seminar Speaker: Professor Jintai DING (RIMS) Title : Generalization and Deformation of Drinfeld quantum affine algebras Time : August 9 (Fri), 12:00-13:00 Place : Room 102, RIMS, Kyoto University ====================================================== /end/
======================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No. 220 August 1, 1996 ======================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== Infinite Analysis Seminar Speaker: Professor P. Forrester (Univ. of Melbourne) Title : Partially symmetric Jack and Macdonald polynomials Abstract: Polynomial eigenfunctions which are symmetric in prescribed sets of variables arise in studying the Calogero-Sutherland model with internal degrees of freedom. I'll present some properties of these polynomials and their q-analogues. Time : August 5 (Mon), 14:00-15:30 Place : Room 009, RIMS, Kyoto University ~~~~~~~~ ====================================================== /end/
======================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No. 219 July 30, 1996 ======================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== Infinite Analysis Seminar Speaker: Professor Jintai DING (RIMS) Title : Zeros and poles of quantum current operators and quantum integrable condition Time : August 2 (Fri), 12:00 am - 1:00 pm Place : Room 102, RIMS, Kyoto University ====================================================== /end/
======================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No. 218 July 25, 1996 ======================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== "Abstract of Dr. Kirillov's lecture" Speaker: Professor Anatol Kirillov (Mathematical Sciences, Tokyo Univ.) Title : Schubert polynomials for classical groups Abstract: The main goal of my lectures is to give ~~~~~~~~ an introduction to the hidden Yang-Baxter type structures related with cohomology of flag varieties and Schubert calculus. Time : July 29 (Mon), 14:00 - 15:30 (Room 009) July 30 (Tue), 14:00 - 15:30 (Room 402) July 31 (Wed), 14:00 - 15:30 (Room 009) August 1 (Thu), 14:00 - 15:30 (Room 115) Place : RIMS, Kyoto University ====================================================== /end/
======================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No. 217 July 23, 1996 ======================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== Infinite Analysis Seminar Speaker: Dr. Takeo Kojima Title : Differential equation for temperature-dependent correlation function of Delta-interacting Bose gas Time : July 26 (Fri), 12:00 - 13:00 Place : Room 102, RIMS, Kyoto Unviersity ====================================================== /end/
======================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No. 216 July 23, 1996 ======================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== Lectures on Schubert polynomials for classical groups By Anatol Kirillov (Mathematical Sciences, Tokyo University) Dates: July 29 (Mon) 14:00-15:30 (Room 009) July 30 (Tue) 14:00-15:30 (Room 402) July 31 (Wed) 14:00-15:30 (Room 009) August 1 (Thu) 14:00-15:30 (Room 115) ====================================================== /end/
======================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No. 215 July 1, 1996 ======================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== Infinite Analysis Seminar Speaker: Professor Vincent Pasquier (SPHT) Time : July 3 (Wed), 10:00 - 12:00 14:00 - 16:00 4 (Thu), 10:00 - 12:00 5 (Fri), 10:00 - 12:00 14:00 - 16:00 Place : Room 102, RIMS, Kyoto University Abstract: I shall review some relations between integrable models and topics in condensed matter Physics. 1) Calogero Models: We explain the connection between Haldane Shastry chain Calogero models, spinon basis and Yangians. We expose the techniques based on Affine Hecke algebras which make these models simple to study. I shall also expose attempts to relate this subject to more classical integrability techniques. 2) Quantum Hall effect I shall briefly introduce the quantum Hall effect and concentrate mainly on the $\nu=1/2$ effect. More specifically I shall concentrate on the problem of Fermi sea formation when Bosonic particles interact repulsively in a strong magnetic field in 2 space dimensions. We shall explain how the problem can be mapped into a fermionic one at the price of introcting an over complete basis. Finally I shall present ideas of N.Read concerning the possibility to observe Braid statistics in the QHE. 3) Dynamical systems I present some exactly solved models related to dynamical systems. First I present a solution for a 1D growth model related to an integrable model with boundaries. Then I consider the problem of computing the probability for a spin not to change in time in the Glauber dynamics. This probability behaves as $(t_1/t_2)^{\theta}$ where $\theta$ is an exponent which can be obtained analytically for the Potts model in 1D. 4)Integrable systems I present a solution of the 1D Toda chain spectrum which uses the q matrix of Baxter. It is related to the chiral potts model and Sklyanin 's separation of variables. ====================================================== /end/
======================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No. 214 June 26, 1996 ======================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== Workshop on Recent Progresses in Painleve Equations Date : July 1 (Mon) 10:00 -- July 3 (Wed) 15:00 Place : Room C501, Department of Mathematics, Kobe University Rokko, Kobe 657, Japan Topics to be discussed : Recent pregresses in Painleve equations and Painleve transcendents, including special solutions, bilinear equations for tau-functions, the spaces of initial values, etc. The list of speakers will include: H.Umemura (Nagoya), K.Okamoto (Tokyo), K.Takano(Kobe),... ------------------------------------------------------- For further information contact: Masatoshi NOUMI ====================================================== /end/
======================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No. 213 June 25, 1996 ======================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== Seminar on Geometry and Mathematical Physics ============================================== Date : July 3 (Wednesday) 16:30 - 18:00 Room 118 Place : Room 118, Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Tokyo Speaker: T. Maeno (University of Tokyo) Title : Formal groups associated to algebras over the tree operad ----------------------------------------------- Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Tokyo Information: T. Kohno, T. Gocho ====================================================== /end/
======================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No. 212 June 25, 1996 ======================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== Infinite Analysis Seminar Speaker: Professor Nanhua Xi (中国学士院数学研究所) Title : Irreducible modules of quantized enveloping algebras at roots of 1 Time : June 28 (Fri), 12:00 am -- 1:00 pm Place : Room 102, RIMS, Kyoto University * * * * * Speaker: Professor Shrawan Kumar (Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) Title : Picard group of the moduli spaces of G-bundles Time : July 5 (Fri), 12:00 am -- 1:00 pm Place : Room 102, RIMS, Kyoto University ====================================================== /end/
======================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No. 210 June 18, 1996 ======================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== Workshop on Hyperplane Arrangements and Hypergeometric Systems ----------------------------------- Date : July 8 (Monday) 13:00 -- July 9 (Tuesday) 15:00 Place : Room 212 (Ichiken), Department of Mathematical Sciences University of Tokyo, Komaba, Tokyo 153, Japan The workshop focuses recent developments in hyperplane arrangements such as the cohomology of Artin groups, geometric structure of the complement of hyperplane arrangements as well as their relation to hypergeometric systems. A partial list of speakers includes: Mario Salvetti (Aquila, Italy) Hiroaki Terao (Sapporo) ------------------------------------------------------- For further information and financial support, please contact with Toshitake Kohno ====================================================== /end/
======================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No. 209 June 12, 1996 ======================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== Infinite Analysis Seminar Speaker: Professor Boris Feigin (Landau Inst. Theor. Phys.) Title : Super quantum groups as symmetries of conformal field theory Time : June 14 (Fri), 12:00 am -- 1:00 pm Place : Room 102, RIMS, Kyoto University ====================================================== /end/
======================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No. 208 June 10, 1996 ======================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== Seminar on Geometry and Mathematical Physics --------------------------------------------- Date : June 17 (Monday) 14:45 -- 15:45 Room 410 Lecturer: K. Guruprasad (Indian Institute of Science) Title : Symplectic Geometry of the moduli space of representaions of the fundamental group of surfaces Place : Room 410, Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Tokyo ---------------------------------------------- Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Tokyo Information: T. Kohno, T. Gocho ====================================================== /end/
======================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No. 207 June 3, 1996 ======================================================= ============================================== Announcement ============================================== 昨年9月の数学会(東北大)から新しいセッション ”無限可積分系”が発足いたしました。 本年9月14〜17日に東京都立大学で開催の数学会において、 このセッションでの一般講演への重点関係者の皆様の積極的な参加を お願い致します。 In last september, the committee of the Japan Mathematical Society (JMS) established a new session of "Infinite Integrable Systems" in the annual conference of JMS. To make it successful, we hope the members of "juten" will actively join this session at the next MSJ conference, September 14--17, at Tokyo Metoropolitan University. 上野喜三雄 Kimio UENO 早稲田大学理工学部 Waseda University ------------------------------------------------ The new issue of "Infinite Analysis Lecture Note" No. 12 "幾何学的 Langlands 対応とその周辺" @500 yen Contents: 幾何学的Langlands対応---文献解題を兼ねたIntroduction by 清水勇二 Appendix: Feigin-Frenkelの一定理---Drinfeld予想 by 清水勇二 Separation of variables in the Gaudin model 高木太一郎述 早石典史記 Character sheafについて 落合啓之述 原田雅名記 W代数入門 粟田英資述 松尾未佳記 Drinfeld-Sokolove reduction入門 永友清和述 古閑義之記 Langlands correspondence of courves over F_q 藤原一宏述 高島克幸記 Gaudin modelと自由場表示 松尾厚述 荒川知幸記 Langlands conjectue for 4D gauge theory 中島啓述 斎藤義久記 ====================================================== /end/
======================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No. 206 May 24, 1996 ======================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== Infinite Analysis Seminar Speaker: Professor Vyjayanthi Chari (UC, Riverside) Title : Quantum Affine Algebras and Dorey's Rule Time : May 31 (Fri), 12:00 am -- 1:00 pm Place : Room 102, RIMS, Kyoto University ====================================================== /end/
======================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No. 205 May 23, 1996 ======================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== Infinite Analysis Seminar Speaker: Professor Nanhua Xi Title : Introduction to Affine Hecke Algebras Time : May 29 (Wed), 10:00 am - 11:30 am Place : Room 009, RIMS, Kyoto University ====================================================== /end/
======================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No. 204 May 20, 1996 ======================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== Workshop surrounding Prof. Alexander Beilinson Date and time: 13:00 -- 16:00, May 27(Mon) Place: DaiKaigiShitsu (Colloquium Room), Dept. of Math., Kyoto University 1st Lecture : 13:00 -- 14:00 Lecturer: Prof. Takashi Takebe (Univ. of Tokyo and Univ. of California, Berkeley) Title : Algebraic Bethe Ansatz for XYZ Gaudin model 2nd Lecture : 14:30 -- 15:30 Lecturer: Prof. Kyoji Saito (RIMS, Kyoto Univ.) Title : On positivity of Fourier coefficients of certain eta products ====================================================== /end/
======================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No. 203 May 17, 1996 ======================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== Infinite Analysis Seminar Speaker: Professor Nanhua Xi Title : Introduction to Affine Hecke Algebras Time : May 22 (Wed), 29 (Wed), 3:30pm -- 5:00pm ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Place : Room 009, RIMS, Kyoto University ~~~ ====================================================== /end/
======================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No. 202 May 14, 1996 ======================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== Infinite Analysis Seminar Speaker: Professor Max-Ralph Niedermaier (Yukawa Institute) Title : An algebra underlying the form factor equations Time : May 24 (Fri), 12:00 -- 13:00 Place : Room 102, RIMS, Kyoto University ====================================================== /end/
======================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No. 200(erratum) May 9, 1996 ======================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== ***Please correct the previous News Letter no.200. ***The seminar will take place on May "15". --------------------------------------------- Seminar on Geometry and Mathematical Physics --------------------------------------------- Date : May 15 (Wednesday) 16:30 - 17:30 Lecturer: A. N. Kirillov (University of Tokyo) Title : Universal exponential solution of the Yang-Baxter equation Place : Room 118 (New building), Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Tokyo, Komaba ----------------------------------------------- Information: Toshitake Kohno, Toru Gocho ====================================================== /end/
======================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No. 200 May 8, 1996 ======================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== Infinite Analysis Seminar Speaker: Professor Alexander Odesski (International Inst. for Nonlinear Science) Title : Functional constructions of Sklyanin algebra Time : May 17 (Fri), 12:00 -- 13:00 Place : Room 102, RIMS, Kyoto University ====================================================== /end/
======================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No. 200 May 8, 1996 ======================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== Seminar on Geometry and Mathematical Physics --------------------------------------------- Date : May 17 (Wednesday) 16:30 - 17:30 Lecturer: A. N. Kirillov (University of Tokyo) Title : Universal exponential solution of the Yang-Baxter equation Place : Room 118 (New building), Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Tokyo, Komaba ----------------------------------------------- Information: Toshitake Kohno, Toru Gocho ====================================================== /end/
======================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No. 199 May 8, 1996 ======================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== Date : May 10th (Fri) 3:00 -- (Informal) Place : Room 202, Yukawa Institute, Kyoto University Lecturer: Prof. V. Korepin Title : Laplace summation formula, 6-vertex model and quantum dual fields help to write determinant represetnion for correltion functions of exactly solvable models --------------------------------- Date : May 17th (Fri) 3:00-- (Informal) Place : Room 202, Yukawa Institute, Kyoto University Lecturer: Prof. V. Korepin Title : Derivation of determinant represetnion of partition fucntion of 6-vertex model on the finite lattice with domain wall bondary conditions ====================================================== /end/
======================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No. 198 April 27, 1996 ======================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== Special lectures by Prof. Alexander Beilinson (MIT) (2nd announcement) Date : May 21(Tue)--23(Thir), and May 28(Tue)--30(Thur) (everyday 13:30 -- 15:30) Place : DaiKaigiShitsu(Colloquium Room), Dept.of Math., Kyoto University Topics: Geometry of chiral algebras (1st week) and Application to geometric Langlands correspondence (2nd week) We plan to have a mini workshop surrounding Prof.A.Beilinson on May 27. Prof.T.Takebe (Univ. of Tokyo and Univ. of California, Berkeley) will be one of the speakers. For those who want to attend (part of) Prof.Beilinson's lectures and who need support for the travel expense, there's a possibility of financial support from Grant-in Aid for Scientific Research on Priority Area 231 "Infinite Analysis". For more detail, please contact Y.Shimizu (Kyoto Univ.), ====================================================== /end/
======================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No. 197 April 25, 1996 ======================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== Special lectures by Prof. Alexander Beilinson (MIT) Date: May 21(Tue)--23(Thir), and May 28(Tue)--30(Thur) (everyday 13:30 -- 15:30) Place: DaiKaigiShitsu(Colloquium Room), Dept.of Math., Kyoto University Topics: Geometry of chiral algebras (1st week) and Application to geometric Langlands correspondence (2nd week) We plan to have a mini workshop surrounding Prof.A.Beilinson on May 27. Prof.T.Takebe (Univ. of Tokyo and Univ. of California, Berkeley) will be one of the speakers. For those who want to attend (part of) Prof.Beilinson's lectures and who need support for the travel expense, there's a possibility of financial support from Grant-in Aid for Scientific Research on Priority Area 231 "Infinite Analysis". For more detail, please contact Y.Shimizu (Kyoto Univ.), ====================================================== /end/
======================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No. 196-errata April 23, 1996 ======================================================= ============================================== CHANGE OF TITLE ============================================== Infinite Analysis Seminar Speaker: Professor E. Sklyanin (Steklov Math. Inst.) Title : "Seperation of variables in A_2 Macdonald polynomials" Time : April 26 (Fri), 12:00 -- 13:00 Place : Room 102, RIMS, Kyoto University ====================================================== /end/
======================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No. 196 April 23, 1996 ======================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== Infinite Analysis Seminar Speaker: Professor E. Sklyanin (Steklov Math. Inst.) Title : Seperation of variables in A_3 Macdonald polynomials Time : April 26 (Fri), 12:00 -- 13:00 Place : Room 102, RIMS, Kyoto University ====================================================== /end/
======================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No. 195 April 19, 1996 ======================================================= ============================================== "Change of Place" ============================================== Seminar on Geometry and Mathematical Physics ------------------------------------------------------- *** Please notice that the seminar will take place in *** *** Room 118 of the new building (instead of Room 212) ** Lecturer: T. Terasoma (University of Tokyo) April 17 (Wednesday) 16:30 - 18:00 title: Intersection theory of stacks April 24 (Wednesday) 16:30 - 18:00 title: Revisiting Kontsevich's construction of M_{g,n}^{comb} Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Tokyo Komaba, New Building Room 118 Information: T. Kohno, T. Gocho ====================================================== /end/
======================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No. 193 April 19, 1996 ======================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== Kobe Seminar on Hypergeometric Systems (& Colloquium of Dept. Math., Kobe University) Speaker: Prof. Toshiyuki Tanisaki (Hiroshima) Title : Hypergeometric systems on Hermitian symmetric spaces and the integral representation of their solutions Time : April 30 (Tue), 15:30 -- Speaker: Prof. Masahiko Saito (Kobe) Title : Generating function of rational curves in Calabi-Yau manifolds Time : May 7 (Tue), 15:30 -- ........................................................... Place : Room C501, Dept. Math., Kobe University ====================================================== /end/
======================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No. 192 April 15, 1996 ======================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== Infinite Analysis Seminar Speaker: Professor Paul Martin (City Univ. London) Title : A New Deformation of Schur Algebras Time : April 18 (Thu), 12:00 -- 13:00 Place : Room 102, RIMS, Kyoto University ====================================================== /end/
======================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No. 191 April 11, 1996 ======================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== Infinite Analysis Seminar Speaker: Professor Laszlo Feher (Institute for Nuclear Study, The University of Tokyo) Title : A Construction of Free Field Realizations Time : May 10 (Fri), 12:00 -- 13:00 Place : Room 102, RIMS, Kyoto University ====================================================== /end/
======================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No. 190 April 8, 1996 ======================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== Infinite Analysis Seminar Speaker: Professor Vladimir Korepin Title : Alternating Sign Matrices and Six-vertex Model Time : April 12 (Fri), 12:00 -- 13:00 Place : Room 102, RIMS, Kyoto University ====================================================== /end/
======================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No. 189 April 1, 1996 ======================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== Infinite Analysis Seminar Speaker: Professor I. Cherednik (Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) Title : A New View of SL_2(Z) Time : April 5 (Fri), 12:00 -- 13:00 Place : Room 102, RIMS, Kyoto University ====================================================== /end/
======================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No. 188 March 27, 1996 ======================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== 基研研究会「超対称性」プログラム SUSY from 2 to 11 dimensions 1996年3月27日 (水) -- 30日 (土) 京都大学基礎物理学研究所(Yukawa Institute, Kyoto University) 3月27日 (水) 9:30 - 11:00 小西 憲一 K. Konishi (Genova) Instanton, anomaly and vacuum properties of supersymmetric gauge theories (I) 11:30 - 12:30 村山 斉 H. Murayama (Berkeley) Flavor Physics in Supersymmetry (I) 12:30 - 14:00 昼食 14:00 - 15:00 小西 憲一 K. Konishi (Genova) Instanton, anomaly and vacuum properties of supersymmetric gauge theories (II) 15:00 - 16:00 川野 輝彦 T. Kawano (YITP) SUSY QCD dynamics and N=1 SUSY duality 16:30 - 17:30 井沢 健一 K. Izawa (Univ. of Tokyo) SUSY QCD and Dynamical SUSY breaking 3月28日 (木) 9:30 - 11:00 村山 斉 H. Murayama (Berkeley) Flavor Physics in Supersymmetry (II) 11:30 - 12:30 笹倉 直樹 N. Sasakura (Tohoku) On direct one-instanton calculations in N=2 and N=1 supersymmetric gauge theories. 12:30 - 14:00 昼食 14:00 - 15:30 小西 憲一 K. Konishi (Genova) Introduction to Seiberg-Witten solution of N=2 super Yang Mills theories 16:00 - 17:30 谷井 義彰 Y. Tanii (Saitama) Introduction to supergravities in diverse dimensions (I) 3月29日 (金) 9:30 - 11:00 谷井 義彰 Y. Tanii (Saitama) Introduction to supergravities in diverse dimensions(II) 11:30 - 12:30 中津 了勇 T. Nakatsu (RITS) N=2 SUSY Yang-Mills theory and Integrable systems 12:30 - 14:00 昼食 14:00 - 15:30 岡田 安弘 Y. Okada (KEK) Phenomenology of SUSY Standard Model 16:00 - 17:30 菅野 浩明 H. Kanno (Hiroshima) Half-twisted topological field theory on Kaehler manifolds 3月30日 (土) 9:30 - 11:00 江口 徹 T. Eguchi (Univ. of Tokyo) D -- brane で分かって来た事 11:30 - 13:00 石川 洋 H. Ishikawa (YITP) Introduction to Dirichlet-Branes ・講演時間は90分又は60分で、質問・議論の時間を含んでいます。 ====================================================== /end/
======================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No. 187 March 19, 1996 ======================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== Kobe Seminar on Hypergeometric Systems Speaker: Prof. F. Baldassari (Padova) Title : On G-functions and G-connections Time : April 9 (Tue), 15:30 -- Speaker: Prof. J. Sekiguchi (Himeji-Ko-Dai) Title : Geometry of 6 or 7 lines on the projective plane Time : April 16 (Tue), 15:30 -- ...................................................... Place : Room C501, Dept. Math., Kobe University For further information, contact: Masatoshi NOUMI ====================================================== /end/
======================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No. 186 March 13, 1996 ======================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== Infinite Analysis Seminar Speaker: Professor K. Takasaki (Faculty of Integrated Human Studies of Kyoto University) Title : Isomonodromic Deformation and Supersymmetric Gauge Theories Time : March 15 (Fri), 12:00 -- 13:00 Place : Room 102, RIMS, Kyoto University ====================================================== /end/
======================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No. 185 March 6, 1996 ======================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== Infinite Analysis Seminar Speaker: Professor V. Shomerus (II Institut fuer Theoretische Physik, Univeritaet Hamburg) Title : Lattice Current Algebras Time : March 22 (Fri), 12:00 -- 13:00 Place : Room 102, RIMS, Kyoto University ====================================================== /end/
======================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No. 184 March 2, 1996 ======================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== Kobe Seminar on Hypergeometric Systems Speaker: Dr. Paul G.A. Floris (Kobe/NWO) Title : A q-analogue of the addition formula for disk polynomials Time : March 4 (Mon), 15:30 -- Speaker: Prof. Konrad Schmuedgen (Leipzig) Title : Noncommutative differential calculi on quantum groups Time : March 11 (Mon), 16:00 -- ........................................................... Place : Room C501, Dept. Math., Kobe University ====================================================== /end/
======================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No. 183 February 27, 1996 ======================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== Infinite Analysis Seminar Speaker: Dr. G. Delius Title : Quantum Lie Algebras Time : February 28 (Wed), 15:00 -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Place : Room 102, RIMS, Kyoto University ====================================================== /end/
======================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No. 182 February 20, 1996 ======================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== Infinite Analysis Seminar Speaker: Dr. Jan Felipe van Diejen (University of Tokyo) Title : Spectrum and eigenfunctions of the relativistic (rational) Calogero system in an external field. Time : March 8 (Fri), 12:00 -- 13:00 Place : Room 102, RIMS, Kyoto University ====================================================== /end/
======================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No. 181 February 13, 1996 ======================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== Infinite Analysis Seminar Denis Uglov gives a series of lectures on " Solvable Models with Long-range Interaction " and Representation Theory of Affine Lie Algebras Date : February 15(Thur), 19(Mon), 22(Thur), 26(Mon), 29(Thur) Time : 10:30 -- 12:00 Place: Room 009, RIMS, Kyoto University Contents of Lectures by D. Uglov The aim of the lectures is to give an account about some of the recent developements in Calogero-Sutherland type of models and their connection with Conformal Field Theory. The topics to be covered are mainly (but not only) chosen so as to provide a self-contained introduction to, and description of the recent work by the author on the wedge product in fermionic Calogero-Sutherland Model and its low-energy (conformal) field theory limit. I. Examples of long-range interacting solvable models Calogero-Sutherland models Haldane-Shastry model Deformations of the Calogero-Sutherland models: Trigonometric and Elliptic Ruijsenaars models II. Polynomial representation of the Affine Hecke algebra Polynomial representation of Hecke algebra Affine generators of the Affine Hecke algebra as Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov operators Decomposition of the space of polynomials into irreducible representations of the Affine Hecke algebra, eigenfunctions of the Affine generators and Macdonald Polynomials Diagonalization of the Calogero-Sutherland Hamiltonians and their $q$-deformations. Bosonic and Fermionic cases. III. Conformal limit Wedge product in the fermionic CSM and its $q$-deformation Field Theory limit of CSM over antiferromagnetic vacuum Yangian action and CSM Hamiltonian in the level-1 Fock space module of $ \widehat{sl}_2 $. Decomposition of the Fock space into irreducible representations of the Yangian Haldane-Shastry limit and the Yangian action on irreducible level-1 modules of $ \widehat{sl}_2 $. ====================================================== /end/
======================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No. 180 February 8, 1996 ======================================================= ============================================== おわび!科研費報告書および交付申請書のformatのお知らせ ============================================== 先ほど3月に出す科研費報告書、および5月頃に出す交付申請書の format(MacintoshのFilemaker Pro 2.1で作成)のお知らせを いたしましたが、Binary転送しなかったためfileが 壊れていました。新たに京都大学理学部数学教室のホームページの下 におきましたので、ご利用になりたい方はそこで手に入れて ください。ご迷惑をおかけしました。 URL は http://neptune.kusm.kyoto-u.ac.jp:8080/apps/kakenhi.html です。 Contact: juten::kusm.kyoto-u.ac.jp Tanaka Noriko/Juten Secretariat ====================================================== /end/
======================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No. 180 February 8, 1996 ======================================================= ============================================== 科研費報告書および交付申請書のformatのお知らせ ============================================== 3月に出す科研費報告書、および5月頃に出す交付申請書の formatをMacintoshのFilemaker Pro 2.1で作りました。 fileはWWWの京都大学理学部数学教室のホームページの下 にありますので、ご利用になりたい方はそこで手に入れて ください。 URL は http://neptune.kusm.kyoto-u.ac.jp:8080/apps/kakenhi.fm です。 Contact: juten::kusm.kyoto-u.ac.jp Tanaka Noriko/Juten Secretariat ====================================================== /end/
======================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No. 179 February 9, 1996 ======================================================= =================================== Seminar Information =================================== Infinite Analysis Seminar Speaker: Professor Nanhua Xi (中国学士院数学研究所) Title : Bases of Quantized Enveloping Algebras Time : Friday 9th February, 12:00 -- 13:00 Place : Room 102, RIMS, Kyoto University ---------------------------------- Juten Symposium Date : Feb 8(Thur)--9(Fri) Place: Dept. of Math., Hiroshima University Program: 8(Thur) 11:00-12:00 中西知樹(名大・多元数理) ”可積分系におけるYangian対称性” 14:00-15:00 松尾泰(京大・基礎研) "Dirichlet brane in curved space-time" 15:30-16:30 岡本清郷(広大・理数) ”Kac-Moodyリー群の表現とファイマン経路積分” 9(Fri) 9:30-10:30 志賀弘典(千葉大・理学部) "On the transcendence criterion of the modular function of several variables" 11:30-12:00 河内明夫(大阪市立大・理数) "Floer homology of topological imitations of homology 2-spheres" 14:00-15:00 小島定吉(東工大・情報理工) ”双曲錘多様体の剛体性” Contact: Juten Secretariat ====================================================== /end/
======================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No. 178 February 1, 1996 ======================================================= =================================== Seminar Information =================================== "2nd Announcement" Workshop Quantum cohomology, VOA and CFT (量子コホモロジー, 頂点作用素代数 そして共形場理論) 上記の題目に関連する話題をテーマにした研究会を下記の要領で開きます ので御案内申し上げます。 (2月22日の時間が変更されたのでご注意下さい。) 日時 : 1996 年 2月 20日(火) 11:15ー 2月 22日(木)午前 場所 : 高知大学理学部数学教室会議室 プログラム : 日 10:00-11:00 11:15-12:15 14:00-15:00 15:15-16:15 16:30-17:30 20 土基 前野 斎藤 松尾 21 前野 河合 内藤 松尾 斎藤 9:30-10:30 10:45-11:45 22 前野 河合 講演者: 土基 善文 (高知大理) Non commutative deformations of $P^1\times P^1$ (1 hour) 前野 俊昭(東大数理) Introduction to quantum cohomology (3 hours) 斎藤 恭司 (京大数理研) Hyperbolic root systems and Leech lattice (2 hours) 松尾 厚(東大数理)GKM-algebras, K3 surfaces, and mirror symmetry (2 hours) 河合 俊哉 (東大原子核研) Strings, BPS states and GKM-algebras (2 hours) 内藤 聡 (筑波大数学系) Kostant-type homology formula for GKM algebras (1 hour) 世話役 京都大学大学院 理学研究科 清水 勇二 ====================================================== /end/
======================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No. 177 January 22, 1996 ======================================================= =================================== Seminar Information =================================== Workshop Quantum cohomology, VOA and CFT (量子コホモロジー, 頂点作用素代数 そして共形場理論) 上記の題目に関連する話題をテーマにした研究会を下記の要領で開きます。 科学研究費総合研究 A (課題番号:07304002、代表者:桂利行教授) から旅費の援助をしますので、旅費を希望される方は次まで 御連絡下さるよう御案内申し上げます。 東京都目黒区駒場3-8-1 東京大学大学院 数理科学研究科 桂 利行 日時 : 1996 年 2月 20日(火) 11:15ー 2月 22日(木)午前 場所 : 高知大学理学部数学教室会議室 プログラム : 日 10:00-11:00 11:15-12:15 14:00-15:00 15:15-16:15 16:30-17:30 20 土基 前野 斎藤 未定 21 前野 河合 内藤 斎藤 未定 22 前野 河合 講演者: 土基 善文 (高知大理) Non commutative deformations of $P^1\times P^1$ (1 hour) 前野 俊昭(東大数理) Introduction to quantum cohomology (3 hours) 斎藤 恭司 (京大数理研) Hyperbolic root systems and Leech lattice (2 hours) 河合 俊哉 (東大原子核研) Strings, BPS states and GKM-algebras (2 hours) 内藤 聡 (筑波大数学系) Kostant-type homology formula for GKM algebras (1 hour) ====================================================== /end/
======================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No. 176 January 22, 1996 ======================================================= =================================== Seminar Information =================================== Date : January 23 (Tue) 13:30-- Place : Room K202, Yukawa Institute, Kyoto University Speaker: HAMADA Kenji (KEK) Title : "W_\infty Structures of 2D String Theory" ------------------------------------ Date : January 31 (Wed) 15:00-- Place : Room 501, Dept. of Physics, Kyoto University Speaker: ITO Katsushi (Dept. of Phys., Tsukuba Univ.) Title : "Prepotentials in N=2 SU(2) Supersymmetric Yang-Mills Theory with Massless Hypermultiplets" ====================================================== /end/
======================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No. 175 January 19, 1996 ======================================================= =================================== Seminar Information =================================== Miniworkshop on Vassiliev invariants and quantum invariants =========================================================== January 31 (Wednesday) 10:30 - 17:30 Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Tokyo Room 212 (Ichiken, Komaba Campus) - program - 10:30 - 11:30 S. Duzhin (Aizu University) A lower bound for the number of Vassiliev knot invariants 13:00 - 14:00 T. Kohno (University of Tokyo) Poisson algebra structure of chord diagrams on surfaces and its quantization 14:30 - 15:30 T. Ohtsuki (Tokyo Institut of Technology) Calculations of universal quantum invariant of some 3-manifolds (15:30 - 16:30 Tea (Common Room, New building)) 16:30 - 17:30 J. Murakami (Osaka University) Applications of universal quantum invariant of 3-manifolds ------------------------------------------------------------------- On the previous day (January 30) from 16:30 to 18:00 A. Kawauchi (Osaka City University) is giving a lecture on "Applications of topological imitations to the quantum invariants and the Floer homology" at Tuesday Topology Seminar (Room 126, New Building). -------------------------------------------------------------------- Information: Toshitake KOHNO ====================================================== /end/
======================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No. 174 January 16, 1996 ======================================================= =================================== Seminar Information =================================== Infinite Analysis Seminar Speaker: Dr. D. Uglov (RIMS) Title : Semi-infinite wedgs and the thermodynamic limit of the spin-Calogero-Sutherland model Time : Friday 19th January, 12:00 -- 13:00 Place : Room 102, RIMS, Kyoto University ====================================================== /end/
======================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No. 173 Errata January 12, 1996 ======================================================= =================================== Errata =================================== 重点領域研究公開講演会 Juten Symposium Date: Februay 8 (Thur) - 9 (Fri), 1996 Place: Dept. of Mathmatics, Hiroshima University Program 8 (Thur) 11:00-12:00 NAKANISHI Tomoki(Nagoya University) ”可積分系におけるYangian対称性” 14:00-15:00 MATSUO Yutaka(Kyoto University) "Dirichlet brane in curved space-time" 15:30-16:30 OKAMOTO Kiyosato(Hiroshima University) ”Kac-Moodyリー群の表現とファイマン経路積分” 9 (Fri) 9:30-10:30 SHIGA Hironori(Chiba University) "On the transcendence criterion of the modular function of several variables" "11:00"-12:00 KAWAUCHI Akio(Osaka City University) "Floer homology of topological imitations of homology 2-spheres" 14:00-15:00 KOJIMA Sadayoshi(Tokyo Institute of Technology) ”双曲錘多様体の剛体性” Juten will support some travel expenses. Please contact Juten Secretariat (juten::kusm.kyoto-u.ac.jp) ====================================================== /end/
======================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No. 173 January 11, 1996 ======================================================= =================================== Seminar Information =================================== 重点領域研究公開講演会 Juten Symposium Date: Februay 8 (Thur) - 9 (Fri), 1996 Place: Dept. of Mathmatics, Hiroshima University Program 8 (Thur) 11:00-12:00 NAKANISHI Tomoki(Nagoya University) ”可積分系におけるYangian対称性” 14:00-15:00 MATSUO Yutaka(Kyoto University) "Dirichlet brane in curved space-time" 15:30-16:30 OKAMOTO Kiyosato(Hiroshima University) ”Kac-Moodyリー群の表現とファイマン経路積分” 9 (Fri) 9:30-10:30 SHIGA Hironori(Chiba University) "On the transcendence criterion of the modular function of several variables" 11:30-12:00 KAWAUCHI Akio(Osaka City University) "Floer homology of topological imitations of homology 2-spheres" 14:00-15:00 KOJIMA Sadayoshi(Tokyo Institute of Technology) ”双曲錘多様体の剛体性” Juten will support some travel expenses. Please contact Juten Secretariat (juten::kusm.kyoto-u.ac.jp) ====================================================== /end/
======================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No. 172 December 25, 1995 ======================================================= =================================== Seminar Information =================================== --2nd Announcement-- Workshop "Solvable lattice models and Hecke algebras" (「格子模型とヘッケ環」) 1996.1.16(Tue)-1.19(Fri), at Tohoku University, Mathematical Institute, room 518 ====================================================== # a tentative plan | 16th | 17th | 18th | 19th ---------------------------------------------------- 10:30- | --- | Tanisaki | Okado | Kuroki ---------------------------------------------------- 14:00- |Nakanishi | Kirillov | Yamada+ | --- | | |Nakayashiki| ・Prof. Nakanishi (Nagoya u.) Yangian symmetry in CFT and lattice models ・Prof. Tanisaki (Hiroshima u.) Representations of semisimple Lie groups and Hecke algebras ・Prof. Kirillov (Univ. of Tokyo) Introduction to Bethe Ansatz and the appearance of dilogarithm in lattice model theory ・Prof. Okado (Osaka u.) An explicit expression of sl(2)^ Demazure character ・Prof. Yamada and Prof. Nakayashiki (Kyushu u.), Kostka polynomials and the Energy functions ・Prof. Kuroki (Tohoku u.), to be announced ## We welcome your participation. ### From JR Sendai Station to the Mathematical Institute To get to the Mathematical Institute, you can go by bus or by taxi. The buses might be slightly difficult to use the first time. However, a taxi to the Institute is quite expensive, about 2000 yen, so it is best to use the bus system for commuting. To take the bus, the trip begins at the bus pool, which is located in front of the station and just to the north of the Hotel Metropolitan Sendai. There you will see many bus stops, marked by rectanguloid posts numbered from 1 up to the 30s. The W7-1 bus goes to Tohoku University and leaves from the post marked with a 9. The W7-1 is not very frequent - it comes about once every half hour, and once every twenty minutes during rush hour. Boarding at the rear door of the bus, passengers take a white slip of paper from machine located just inside the door. This white slip is used for deterimining the fare that must be paid at the end of the trip. For this trip the fare is 220 yen, and it is best to have exact change ready. The stop you get off at is about 8th stop. It is the stop called the Rigakubu-Mae. ``Rigakubu" is Japanese for ``Faculty of Science" and ``mae" is Japanese for ``in front of", and anyone on the bus will understand this word. About two thirds of the way through the bus trip, you will cross a river. Rigakubu-Mae is the first stop after going up a long hill, about 1 kilometer long. After taking this bus trip once, you will find it is a convenient way to reach the Institute. You will also find that a rental car is quite unnecessary in Sendai. ! Additional Info : Because the access road for the campus being under restruction, bus route will be slightly modified in January. By luck, ANY bus from the bus post 9 at the buspool will stop at RIGAKUBU-MAE. But please take care of the direction of the bus; some of them will travel the round-triping route in the opposite way and will cost some money and time (approx. 100 yen and 15 minutes more, not serious :-)). ====================================================== /end/