%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Dear Colleague, % below please find the Latex file of the FIRST BULLETIN of the % % VIII International Conference on % "Symmetry Methods in Physics" (SymPhys8) % July 28 - August 2, 1997, Dubna, Russia % % Sincerely yours, % G.Pogosyan %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \documentstyle[12pt]{article} \textwidth 160mm \textheight 230mm \topmargin -2.3cm % for epson - 3.5cm for laserjet appr. -12pt \oddsidemargin -0.1cm \setcounter{page}{1} \evensidemargin -0.1cm \begin{document} \vspace{0.6cm} \begin{center} \vspace{0.4cm} {\Large \bf VIII~INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE} \vspace{0.4cm} {\Large \bf ON SYMMETRY METHODS IN PHYSICS} \vspace{0.2cm} {\large \bf SymPhys8} \vspace{0.5cm} {\large\it The Conference is dedicated to the 80th anniversary\\ of Professor Smorodinsky's birth.} \vspace{0.5cm} {\large \bf Dubna, Russia, July 28 - August 2, 1997} \end{center} \vskip 0.5cm \begin{center} {\large FIRST BULLETIN} \end{center} \vskip 0.3cm The VIIIth~International Conference on {\bf Symmetry Methods in Physics}, organized by the Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, is dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Professor Smorodinsky's birth. Professor Ya.A.Smorodinsky (1917-1992) is an outstanding theoretical physicist. For a long time he worked at the Kurchatov Center. Professor Ya.A.Smo\-ro\-din\-sky made a large contribution to the elementary particle physics, nuclear physics, and to investigation of various aspects of symmetries in Physics. The first five Conferences were initiated by Professor Ya.A. Smorodinsky. They were organized by the Institute of Physics and Power Engineering in Obninsk from 1986 to 1991. The last two Conferences of this series were held at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna in 1993 and 1995. The Conference is devoted to modern theoretical investigations on symmetry methods in physics. \vskip 0.2cm The following {\bf topics} will be discussed: \vskip 0.2cm \begin{enumerate} \begin{itemize} \item INTEGRABLE MODELS, SEPARATION OF VARIABLES IN CLASSICAL \\ AND QUANTUM MECHANICS; NONLINEAR PHENOMENA. \item GRAVITATION, STRINGS AND QUANTUM FIELD THEORY. \item QUANTUM GROUPS AND q--SPECIAL FUNCTIONS, \\ NONCOMMUTATIVE GEOMETRY. \item OPTICS, QUANTUM OPTICS AND COHERENT STATES. \item PERIODIC AND APERIODIC STRUCTURES, QUANTUM HALL \\ EFFECT, EXOTIC COULOMB SYSTEMS IN EXTERNAL FIELDS. \item SYMMETRY METHODS IN NUCLEI. \item MATHEMATICAL METHODS. \end{itemize} \end{enumerate} \vspace{0.3cm} After the Conference (August 4 - 13) we plan to organize an INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH WORKSHOP ON INTEGRABLE MODELS, GAUGE THEORY AND QUANTUM GRAVITY. \vspace{0.2cm} \begin{center} {\large\bf PLENARY SPEAKERS} \end{center} \begin{tabbing} \hspace{9cm}\= \kill M.Charlton ({\it London})\> W.Miller Jr. ({\it Minneappolis})\\ V.K.Dobrev ({\it Sofia})\> A.Yu.Morozov ({\it Moscow}) \\ H.D.Doebner$^*$ ({\it Clausthal})\> A.M.Perelomov ({\it Zaragoza})\\ J.P.Draayer ({\it Baton Rouge})\> L.O'Raifeartaigh ({\it Dublin})\\ F.Iachello ({\it New Haven})\> N.Reshetikhin$^*$ ({\it Berkeley})\\ A.U.Klimyk$^*$ ({\it Kiev})\> A.B.Shabat ({\it Moscow})\\ P.Kulish ({\it St.Petersburg})\> D.V.Shirkov ({\it Dubna})\\ V.B.Kuznetsov ({\it Leeds})\> G.Sudarshan$^*$ ({\it Austin})\\ F.J.Lambert$^*$ ({\it Brussel})\> P.Van Moerbeke ({\it Louvain-la Neuve})\\ I.Meshkov ({\it Dubna})\> \end{tabbing} \noindent ($^* $ to be confirmed) \vspace{0.3cm} \begin{center} {\large\bf INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZING COMMITTEE} \end{center} \begin{center} A.N.Sissakian ({\it {\bf Chairman}, Dubna}) \end{center} \begin{tabbing} \hspace{9cm}\= \kill Yu.A.Danilov ({\it Moscow})\> L.Michel ({\it France})\\ H.D.Doebner ({\it Clausthal})\> R.M.Mir-Kasimov ({\it Dubna})\\ A.T.Filippov ({\it Dubna})\> J.Patera ({\it Montreal})\\ T.Iwai ({\it Kyoto})\> Yu.F.Smirnov({\it Moscow})\\ V.G.Kadyshevsky ({\it Dubna})\> A.Solomon ({\it Milton Keynes})\\ M.Kibler ({\it Lyon})\> L.Vinet ({\it Montreal})\\ Y.S.Kim ({\it Maryland})\> P.Winternitz ({\it Montreal})\\ I.V.Komarov ({\it St.Petersburg})\> K.B.Wolf ({\it Mexico})\\ V.I.Man'ko ({\it Moscow})\> D.P.Zhelobenko ({\it Moscow})\\ \end{tabbing} \vspace{0.2cm} \begin{center} {\large\bf LOCAL ORGANIZING COMMITTEE} \vspace{0.3cm} \begin{center} G.S.Pogosyan ({\it {\bf Chairman}, Dubna}), L.G.Mardoyan ({\it {\bf Scientific Secretary}, Dubna}), \end{center} T.S.Donskova ({\it {\bf Secretary}, Dubna}), A.P.Isaev ({\it Dubna}), G.G.Sandukovskaya ({\it Dubna}), N.Ya.Smorodinskaya ({\it Moscow}), V.I.Sanyuk ({\it Moscow}), S.I.Vinitsky ({\it Dubna}). \end{center} \vspace{0.3cm} \noindent {\large\bf Scientific Programme} \vspace{0.2cm} Around 22 plenary talks (45 minutes including ducsussion) are scheduled for the six morning sessions. The two parallel sessions (except Wednesday July 30) for short talks (25 minutes) will be held in the afternoon. Contributions to be given as a talk will be selected by recommendation of the International Organizing Committee. All other contributions will be presented as posters. \vspace{0.3cm} \noindent {\large\bf Social Programme} \vspace{0.2cm} Social Programme will include a Welcome Party on Monday evening (July 28), a boat excursion with a picnic on Wednesday afternoon (July 30), a Concert in the Scientists' Club on Thursday (July 31) and a banquet on Friday (August 01) in the International Conference Hall. Independently, we are also planning the programme for accompanying persons. The social programme {\bf is included} in the registration fee. \vspace{0.3cm} \noindent {\large\bf Fees} \vspace{0.2cm} The {\bf conference fee} will be {\bf US\$ 450-550} (depending on the category of rooms in the hotel) for participants and {\bf US\$ 200} for accompanying persons. The conference fee includes: \begin{enumerate} \begin{itemize} \item {\it registration fee} \item {\it bus transportation from the Moscow airport or railway station to Dubna and back} \item {\it hotel accommodation (for seven days)} \item {\it breakfast and lunch} \item {\it a copy of the Conference Proceedings} \end{itemize} \end{enumerate} \vspace{0.3cm} \noindent {\large\bf Conference Site} \vspace{0.2cm} The Conference will be held at the Laboratory of Theoretical Physics of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research situated in Dubna. Dubna is a quiet and pleasant town lying 132 km north of Moscow on the picturesque banks of the great Russian river Volga. Its surroundings offer peaceful rural scenery which, though having no famous monuments, keeps memories of the past. A 1--2 hours trip brings you to Moscow, the capital of Russia, to Sergiev Posad, the Russian Orthodox centre with its 500-year-old Trinity Monastery, to Fedoskino, the centre of the traditional Russian lacquer box craft, and to many other places of interest on this old Russian territory. \vspace{0.3cm} \noindent {\large\bf Proceedings} \vspace{0.2cm} The Proceedings of the conference will be published. The Proceedings of the 4-7th Conferences were published under the editorship of: (i) Yu.F. Smirnov and R.M. Asherova (Obninsk, 1991), (ii) Yu.F. Smirnov and R.M Asherova (Obninsk, 1992), (iii) A.N. Sissakian, G.S. Pogosyan and S.I. Vinitsky (Dubna, 1994), and (iv) A.N. Sissakian and G.S. Pogosyan (Dubna, 1996). \vspace{0.3cm} \noindent {\large\bf Additional Information} \vspace{0.2cm} Persons interested in participating are kindly asked to apply before March 31, 1997 by fax or e-mail. The second bulletin containing further information and a more detailed scientific program of the Conference will be sent on receiving the application forms. The Conference home page \begin{center} http://thsun1.jinr.dubna.su/~symphys8 \end{center} The working language of the Conference will be English. \vskip 0.3cm \begin{center} {\bf Please, address all mail concerning} \end{center} \vskip 0.1cm \begin{tabbing} \hspace{9cm}\= \kill {\it scientific programme to} \> {\it visas, accommodation, transportation to} \\ \> \\ {\bf Dr. George Pogosyan} \> {\bf Mrs. Tatyana Donskova}\\ Laboratory of Theoretical Physics\> International Department \\ Joint Institute for Nuclear Research\> Joint Institute for Nuclear Research \\ 141980 Dubna, Moscow Region, Russia \> 141980 Dubna, Moscow Region, Russia \\ \end{tabbing} \newpage \begin{center} \vspace{0.2cm} {\large \bf VIII~INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE} \vspace{0.4cm} {\large \bf ON SYMMETRY METHODS IN PHYSICS} \vspace{0.4cm} {\it Dubna, Russia, July 28 - August 2, 1997} \end{center} \vspace{0.2cm} \begin{center} {\large\bf APPLICATION FORM} \end{center} \vspace{0.2cm} \noindent SURNAME: ............................................................................... ......................................\\ \\ FIRST NAME(S): ............................................................................... .............................\\ \\ TITLE:$~~~~~~~$MR$~~~~~~~~~~$MS$~~~~~~~~~~$DR$~~~~~~~~~~~~$PROF\\ \\ MAILING ADDRESS: ............................................................................... .......................\\ ............................................................................... ............................................................\\ Phone: ..................................................Fax: ....................................................................\\ Telex: ...........................................E-mail: ........................................................................\\ Citizenship:.................................................................... .....................................................\\ Passport number and date of expiry: ............................................................................... ...\\ Day, month and year of birth ............................................................................... ...............\\ \\ I plan to attend the conference:$~~~~~~~~~$Yes$~~~~~~~~~~$Maybe\\ \\ I plan to submit a contribution:$~~~~~~$Yes$~~~~~~~~$Maybe$~~~~~~~~~~$No\\ \\ Preliminary title of the contribution:.................................................................. ..................\\ ............................................................................... .............................................................\\ \\ {\bf Please choose one of the following fields}: \\ \noindent 1. Separation of variables in classical and quantum mechanics [ ] \\ 2. Finite dimensional integrable systems [ ] \\ 3. Integrability in gravity and string theory [ ] \\ 4. Nonlinear phenomena [ ] \\ 5. Geometric methods in quantum theory [ ] \\ 6. Quantum algebras and quantum groups [ ] \\ 7. Noncommutative and quantum geometry [ ] \\ 8. Special functions and group representations [ ] \\ 9. Periodic and aperiodic structures [ ] \\ 10. Quantum Hall effect [ ] \\ 11. Optics, quantum optics and coherent states [ ] \\ 12. Symmetry methods in nuclei [ ] \\ 13. Exotic Coulomb systems in external fields [ ] \\ 14. Mathematical methods [ ] \\ \end{document}