\documentstyle[12pt]{article} \textheight=23.5truecm\textwidth=16.5truecm\hoffset=-1.8cm\voffset=-20mm \parskip=.5pt \begin{document} \font\bigbf=cmbx10 at 14.40pt \def\lunch#1{\smallskip\item[#1] {\bf Lunch}\smallskip\par} \def\dinner#1{\smallskip\item[#1] {\bf Dinner}\smallskip\par} \def\ch#1{\smallskip \item{}Chairman: #1 \smallskip} \def\dubrovin{B. Dubrovin, Quantum cohomologies and isomonodromy deformations\ } \def\dijkgraaf{R. Dijkgraaf, String duality and algebraic geometry\ } \def\getzler{E. Getzler, The structure of two-dimensional topological field theories at genus 1\ } \def\viallet{C. Viallet, Singularity and integrability of rational transformations} \def\batyrev{V. Batyrev, Mirror symmetry and Calabi-Yau manifolds} \def\maciocia{A. Maciocia, Fourier-Mukai transforms for K3 fibrations} \def\raina{A.K. Raina, Energy-momentum tensor in conformal field theory and projective structure} \def\plaza{F. Plaza, The automorphisms group of $k((z))$: applications to the bosonic string} \def\bartocci{C. Bartocci, Fourier-Mukai transform and mirror duality} \def\takasaki{K. Takasaki, Isomonodromic deformations and Whitham equations} \def\fukaya{K. Fukaya, Deformation of $A^{\infty}$ structure and quantum cohomology} \def\asorey{M. Asorey, Unstable bundles in quantum gauge theories} \def\kaufmann{R. Kaufmann, The tensor product in the theory of Frobenius manifolds and quantum cohomology} \def\quandt{I. Quandt, On a relative version of the Krichever correspondence} \def\velazquez{V. Mu\~noz Vel\'azquez, Basic classes for fiber connected sums of four-manifolds} \def\santacruz{S. A. Santa Cruz, Twistor geometry for hyperk\"ahler metrics on complex adjoint orbits} \def\quiroga{T. L. G\'omez de Quiroga, Brill-Noether theory on singular curves and vector bundles on K3 and del Pezzo surfaces} \def\oscar{O. Garc\'{\i}a-Prada, Gauge theory in higher dimensions} \def\korepanov{I. G. Korepanov, Tetrahedron equation and algebraic geometry} \def\valli{G. Valli, Some new ranges for Atiyah-Jones stability theorem} \def\verbitsky{M. Verbitsky, New examples of compact hyperk\"ahler manifolds} \def\bondal{A. Bondal, A symplectic grupoid and Poisson-Lie groups} \def\foth{P.A. Foth, Moduli of flat bundles on open K\"ahler manifolds} \def\natanzon{S. Natanzon, A compactification of the Hurwitz space} \def\falqui{G. Falqui, On some algebro-geometrical and cohomological aspects of the KP hierarchy} \def\schechtman{V. Schechtman, Screening operators, Lie-de Rham cocycles and Gromov-Witten invariants} \def\pedroni{M. Pedroni, A Lie-algebraic generalization of the Mumford system, its symmetries and its multi-Hamiltonian structure} \def\nikulin{V. Nikulin, The arithmetic Mirror Symmetry} \centerline{\bigbf Summer Workshop on Algebraic Geometry and Physics} \bigskip \centerline{\bf Castillo de la Mota, Medina del Campo, Spain}\medskip \centerline{\bf September 16--20, 1997} \bigskip \font\smallrm=cmr10 at 10pt\font\smallbf=cmbx10 at 10pt{\smallrm\baselineskip=9pt \noindent Sponsored by \begin{list}{}{\topsep=2pt\itemsep=-3pt} \item[---] Universidad de Salamanca, Spain \item[---] International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA-ISAS), Trieste (Italy) \item[---] Junta de Castilla y Le\'on \end{list} } \baselineskip=12pt \bigskip\bigskip \centerline{\bigbf Preliminary Programme} \bigskip {\bigbf Tuesday 16 September} \begin{list}{}{\topsep=2pt\itemsep=-3pt} \item[12:00] Registration \item[13:00] Informal gathering and wine party \lunch{14:00} %\ch{} \item[16:30] \getzler (I) \item[17:30] Coffee break \item[18:00] \fukaya \item[18:30] \kaufmann \item[19:00] \verbitsky \dinner{20:30} \end{list} \bigskip {\bigbf Wednesday 17 September} \begin{list}{}{\topsep=2pt\itemsep=-3pt} %\ch{} \item[09:30] \dijkgraaf (I) \item[10:30] \dubrovin (I) \item[11:30] Coffee break \item[12:00] \batyrev \item[12:30] \plaza \item[13:00] \bondal \lunch{14:00} %\ch{} \item[16:30] \getzler (II) \item[17:30] Coffee break \item[18:00] \viallet \item[18:30] \falqui \item[19:00] \takasaki \dinner{20:30} \end{list} \bigskip \vfill\eject {\bigbf Thursday 18 September} \begin{list}{}{\topsep=2pt\itemsep=-3pt} %\ch{} \item[09:30] \dijkgraaf (II) \item[10:30] \dubrovin (II) \item[11:30] Coffee break \item[12:00] \oscar \item[12:30] \bartocci \item[13:00] \schechtman \lunch{14:00} %\ch{} \item[16:30] \getzler (III) \item[17:30] Coffee break \item[18:00] \raina \item[18:30] \maciocia \item[19.00] \velazquez \dinner{20:30} \end{list} \bigskip {\bigbf Friday 19 September} \begin{list}{}{\topsep=2pt\itemsep=-3pt} %\ch{} \item[09:30] \dijkgraaf (III) \item[10:30] \dubrovin (III) \item[11:30] Coffee break \item[12:00] \santacruz \item[12:30] \pedroni \item[13:00] \nikulin \lunch{14:00} \item[16:00] Guided tour of Salamanca \item[21:30] Social dinner \end{list} \bigskip {\bigbf Saturday 20 September} \begin{list}{}{\topsep=2pt\itemsep=-3pt} %\ch{} \item[09:30] \quandt \item[10:00] \korepanov \item[10:30] \foth \item[11:00] \valli \item[11:30] Coffee break \item[12:00] \asorey \item[12:30] \quiroga \item[13:00] \natanzon \lunch{14:00} \end{list} \end{document} \bye