% This is the first announcement of the % 1997 SUMMER WORKSHOP ON ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY AND PHYSICS % which will take place at MEDINA DEL CAMPO, SPAIN % on 16-20 SEPTEMBER 1996. %It is a printable plain TeX file. \magnification=\magstephalf \vsize=23truecm\hsize=15.5truecm \parskip=3pt\nopagenumbers\font\bigbf=cmbx10 at 12pt \parindent=0pt \centerline{\bigbf 1997 Summer Workshop on} \smallskip \centerline{\bigbf Algebraic Geometry and Physics} \medskip \centerline{organized by the \bf University of Salamanca} \centerline{and the \bf International School for Advanced Studies,Trieste} \smallskip \centerline{in {\bf Medina del Campo, Spain}} \smallskip \centerline{on \bf September 16--20, 1997} \bigskip The Department of Mathematics of the University of Salamanca, in collaboration with the International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA) in Trieste, organizes the second Workshop on Algebraic Geometry and Physics (WAGP97). The workshop will take place at ``Castillo de la Mota", a historic castle in the small town of Medina del Campo (Valladolid), some 150 km from Madrid. {\bf Topics:} Algebraically integrable systems; conformal field theories and moduli spaces; invariants of four-manifolds and Seiberg-Witten theory; Calabi-Yau manifolds, mirror symmetry and string and gauge theories dualities. (To have a more precise idea of the planned scientific activity you may consult the scientific programme of WAGP96 on the web page http://www.sissa.it/fm/fm.workshop.html). {\bf International Advisory Committee:} E. Arbarello (Rome), P. Candelas (Austin), R. Dijkgraaf (Amsterdam), Yu. Manin (MPI Bonn and Steklov), C. Vafa (Harvard). {\bf Scientific Committee:} \hfil\break D. Hern\'andez Ruip\'erez, J. Mateos Guilarte, J. Mu\~noz Porras (Salamanca), \hfil\break U. Bruzzo, B. Dubrovin, C. Reina (SISSA), \hfil\break M.S. Narasimhan (ICTP Trieste). {\bf Format:} The morning sessions will be mainly devoted to three short courses. Moreover there will be space for some participants to present their work. If too many communications are proposed, the Scientific Committee will make a choice on the basis of the suggestions of the Advisory Committe. We aim at having a relatively small audience of specialists to ensure an informal and cooperative atmosphere. On the afternoon and evening of September 19 some social activity will take place, which will probably include a tour of Salamanca. Some touristic information about Salamanca, as well as complementary information about WAGP97, may be found on the web page http://klein.usal.es/wagp97/welcome.html The following minocourses are scheduled: R. Dijkgraaf, {\sl String Duality and Algebraic Geometry} B. Dubrovin, {\sl Quantum Cohomologies and Isomonodromy Deformations} E. Getzler, {\sl The structure of two-dimensional topological field theories at genus 1.} {\bf Expenses and support:} Participants will be accommodated at ``Castillo de la Mota'' or in hotels in Medina del Campo. All meals will be served at ``Castillo de la Mota''. Accommodation will cost 5,000 pts per day (1 US\$ = about 130 pts), while meals for the whole duration of the workshop will cost 16,000 pts. Due to requirements by some funding institutions, a registration fee of 10,000 pts will be levied; junior participants may ask for its waiving. It will be possible for the organization to support fully or in part the living expenses of some participants. No funding will be available to cover travel expenses. The workshop will be partly supported by the Regional Government (Junta de Castilla y Le\'on), the University of Salamanca and SISSA. Applications for funding have been submitted to the Spanish Ministry for Education and Culture and other institutions. Junior participants (graduate students or very recent PhD's) who ask for financial support should enclose to their application a short curriculum vitae (research interests, their thesis advisor's name, publications if any). \medskip Intended participants should fill in the registration form, to be found after this message, and send it WITHIN MARCH 28th, possibly by e-mail. An acknowledgement will be sent within a few days. A second circular with a more detailed scientific programme and information about travel and accommodation will be sent as soon as possible. \medskip We hope that you may be interested in this initiative, and look forward to hearing from you. \medskip The Organizing Committee D. Hern\'andez Ruip\'erez, U. Bruzzo, J.A. Dom\'{\i}nguez P\'erez,\hfil\break E. G\'omez Gonz\'alez, J. Mateos Guilarte, J. Mu\~noz Porras \bigskip Postal address: D. Hern\'andez Ruip\'erez, Organizaci\'on de WAGP97, Departamento de Mate\-m\'atica Pura y Aplicada, Universidad de Salamanca, Plaza de la Merced 1-4, 37008 Salamanca, Spain. \vfill\eject %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %\magnification=\magstephalf \vsize=23truecm\hsize=16truecm \baselineskip=30pt\parindent=0pt\nopagenumbers \centerline{\bf 1997 Summer Workshop on Algebraic Geometry and Physics} \centerline{\bf Medina del Campo, Spain, September 16--20, 1997} \bigskip \centerline{\bf REGISTRATION FORM} \bigskip NAME: DATE OF BIRTH: POSITION: AFFILIATION: E-MAIL ADDRESS: POSTAL ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: FAX: Do you wish to present a contribution? (please erase as necessary or check): YES NO Title of your proposed contribution: Do you apply for financial support? (please erase as necessary or check): YES NO Do you apply for the waiving of the registration fee? (please erase as necessary or check): YES NO \bye