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Have you ever wanted to do something like

$ mv a.htm a.html
$ mv b.htm b.html
$ mv z.htm z.html
$ mv 030101.txt data_20030101.txt
$ mv 030102.txt data_20030102.txt
$ mv 031231.txt data_20031231.txt
which should be easy if you could use regular expressions?

pmmv makes your life easier using perl regular expressions. The above examples are done simply by

$ pmmv 's/\.htm$/.html/'
$ pmmv 's/(\d{6})/data_20$1/'




Save pmmv in some appropriate directory, make it executable by "chmod u+x pmmv", and enjoy!

You may need to change the first line
appropriately. To locate your perl, do "which perl".


Try "pmmv" (without arguments).


Although I assume some knowledge of regular expressions, it should be easy to adapt the examples below for your purpose. One can normally read the manual of perl regular expressions by typing "man perlre".

  1. Replace words: foobar

    $ pmmv s/foo/bar/
    This replaces the first occurrence of foo in the filename with bar. If you want to replace every foo in the filename with bar, use
    $ pmmv s/foo/bar/g
    instead. The option g means "replace globally, i.e., all occurrences."

  2. Change extension: *.htm*.html

    $ pmmv s/\\.htm\$/.html/
    $ pmmv 's/\.htm$/.html/'
    These change the extension .htm into .html . The perl s/// expression we want give to pmmv is s/\.htm$/.html/ in both cases, but because arguments are subject to shell parameter expansion, we need to escape characters such as \ or $ by preceding backslashes. By enclosing the perl s/// expression with single quotes, almost all this complication can be avoided. (Unless we want single quotes in the perl s/// expression. This is possible in zsh by settin the RC_QUOTES option.)

    If we want to make this example case insensitive (namely, both foo.htm and foo.HTM be moved to foo.html), one can use

    $ pmmv 's/\.htm$/.html/i'

    The option i means "Do case-insensitive pattern matching."

  3. Switch word positions: "Fall 2003.doc" → "2003 Fall.doc"

    $ pmmv 's/(\w+)\W+(\w+)\.doc/$2 $1.doc/'
    This is the first example with backreference.

  4. Change date format: mmddyy → mmddyyyy: (e.g. "101303" → "10132003")

    $ pmmv 's/(\d{4})03/${1}2003/'
    One needs to enclose the backreference variable name $1 with {} in this example. This doesn't work for year 2004, obviously.

  5. Change date format: mm-dd-yy → mm-dd-yyyy: (e.g. "10-13-03" → "10-13-2003")

    $ pmmv 's/(\d{2})-(\d{2})-0(\d)/$1-$2-200$3/'
    This is a little more complicated than the last example.

  6. Uppercase: abcABC

    $ pmmv 's/(.)/uc($1)/ge'
    This uppercases every alphabet letter. This is the first example with the e option, which means "Evaluate the right side as an expression." This option is very useful because one can make use of the powerful perl functions. In this case, uc() is a perl function that uppercases its argument.

  7. Fill with zeros: 1001, 12012

    $ pmmv 's/(\d+)/substr("00".$1,-3)/e'

  8. Increase numbers: data1data2, data2data3

    $ pmmv -rs 's/(\d+)/$1+1/eg'
    This will add one to every number in the filename. Namely, data1.txt becomes data2.txt and 2003-10-11 becomes 2004-11-12. The -rs option sorts the files in reverse alphabetical order before moving. This is necessary because without -rs, pmmv would do
    $ mv data1.txt data2.txt
    $ mv data2.txt data3.txt
    $ mv data9.txt data10.txt
    Then all files would be gone except for data10.txt ! Anyway, it is always a good idea to check if the expected outcome will result by using the -c option first.

  9. Change date format: mmddyy → mmm-dd-yyyy (e.g. 123103Dec-31-2003)

    $ pmmv 's/(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})/[Jan, Feb,Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec]->[$1-1]."-".$2."-".($3>30 ? 19 : 20).$3/e'
    The following does the reverse:
    $ pmmv 's/([A-z]+)-(\d{2})-(\d{4})/{Jan=>"01", Feb=>"02", Mar=>"03", Apr=>"04", May=>"05", Jun=>"06", Jul=>"07", Aug=>"08", Sep=>"09", Oct=>"10", Nov=>"11"}->{$1}."-".$2."-".substr($3,-2)/e'


07/26/2002: first version
06/15/2003: use @command 
10/09/2003: made webpage