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Kyoto (YITP | Phys Dept | Hakubi)
Nagoya (String | E-ken | GCOE | KMI | Math)
Amsterdam (String | ITFA Seminars | NIKHEF | GRAPPA) | Leiden | Utrecht
Caltech (Theory | HEP | Colloquium | Physics | PMA Calendar)
UCLA (TEP | TEP Informal | Physics | Math) | USC String | KITP@UCSB | SoCal String Seminars

Preprint servers & Journals (hep-th | hep-ph | gr-qc | catchup || help | faq | uploads | submit | replace | localtime)
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Hep-th groups

Hokkaido  |  Ibaraki  |  Keio  |  Kindai  |  KEK  |  Kyoto (dept | Yukawa)  |  Kyushu  |  Nagoya (String8 | phys | math | GCOE | KMI)  |  Nichidai  |  Ochanomizu  |  Okayama (OIQP)  |  Osaka  |  Osaka City U  |  RIKEN (Kawai grp | Hashimoto grp | iTHES)  |  Rikkyo (ITP | Math-Phys Center)  |  Tohoku  |  Tokyo (Hongo | IPMU | Komaba)  |  TITech  |  Tsukuba

Amsterdam  |  Barcelona  |  Brown  |  Bhubaneswar  |  Caltech  |  CERN  |  Chicago  |  Crete  |  Durham (MathPhys | Phys | IPPP)  |  Edinburgh  |  Harvard  |  Helsinki  |  HRI  |  Groningen  |  ICTS  |  Illinois  |  Imperial  |  Kentucky  |  KCL  |  KIAS  |  Leiden  |  Leuven  |  Liverpool  |  London Triangle  |  Max-Planck (Munich | Potsdam)  |  Michigan  |  MIT  |  Munich  |  NBI  |  (Greater) Paris  |  NTU  |  U Penn  |  Perimeter  |  QMUL  |  Stony Brook  |  Surrey  |  Swansea  |  Texas A&M  |  Texas, Austin  |  TIFR (Mumbai | Bengaluru)  |  Trieste (ICTP | SISSA)  |  Southampton  |  UBC  |  UCLA TEP  |  UCSB/KITP  |  UCSD  |  USC  |  Utrecht  |  Weizmann  |  Wisconsin  |  Wits
European Superstring Theory Network


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