Last update 05/27/2003
Merger of irrotational neutron star binaries
with polytropic index n=1 in full GR (NEW)
Differentially rotating stars in newtonian gravity:
the polytropic index n=1.0
Stellar Core Collapse in full GR (Axisymmetric)
- Collapse (Rigid rot): Γ1=1.32, Γ2=2.5, A=∞
- Collapse (Diff. rot): Γ1=1.32, Γ2=2.5, A=1/4
- Collapse (Diff. rot): Γ1=1.3, Γ2=2.5, A=1/10, M=2.5M_{solar}
- Massive Collapse (Rigid & rapid rot): Γ1=1.3, Γ2=2.5, A=∞ NS formation
- Massive Collapse (Rigid & moderate rot): Γ1=1.3, Γ2=2.5, A=∞ BH formation
Neutron star with torus (Full GR, Axisymmetric)
Secular instability of rotating stars in post newtonian gravity
against GW emission: the polytropic index n=1.0
3D collapse in full GR
- 3D collapse with A=0.1, 12:10, M=2.5: Unstable
- 3D collapse with A=0.1, 12:10, M=2.5(high resol): Unstable
- 3D collapse with A=0.1, 12:105, M=2.5: Unstable
- 3D collapse with A=0.1, 12:105, M=1.5: Unstable
- 3D collapse with A=0.1, 12:108: Stable
- 3D collapse with A=0.25, 12:108: Stable