Workshop, conference, and school organized
宇宙磁気流体力学のフロンティア (2009/Nov)
2009 International School on Numerical Relativity and Gravitation (2009/Dec)
2010 International School on Numerical Relativity and Gravitation (2010/July)
JGRG20 (2010/Sep)
理論懇2010 (2010/Dec)
2011 International School on Numerical Relativity and Gravitational Waves (2011/July)
超新星爆発と数値シミュレーション (2011/Dec)
EANAM2012 (2012/Oct-Nov)
コンパクト連星の合体と電磁波対応天体 (2013/Feb)
2013 International School on Numerical Relativity and Gravitational Waves (2013/August)
コンパクト連星からの重力波とその周辺領域 (2015/Feb)
Nuclear Physics, Compact Stars, and Compact Star Mergers 2016 (2016/Oct-Nov)
連星中性子星・ブラックホールを含む重力波源電磁波対応天体 (2017/March)
Nucleosynthesis and electromagnetic counterparts of neutron-star mergers: Preparation for the new discovery (2019/March)