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2012 | |
[25,Mar,2013] | Moto Araki completed his doctorate, and Sosuke Ito came back to the University of Tokyo. |
[25,Mar,2013] | Tomohiko Sano has got a stall for master degree as the award for his outstanding master thesis. (picture) |
[14,Feb,2013] | T. Sano, S. Takada and K. Watanabe won the poster award in GCOE symposium "Development of emergent new fields". |
[01,Jan,2013] | Dr. Takahiro Sagawa left for the University of Tokyo. |
[14,Dec,2012] | Dr. Sagawa's paper has been published from Phys. Rev. Lett. |
[29,Nov,2012] | Professor Hayakawa has been chosen as one of APS outstanding referees.(picture) |
[17,Oct,2012] | Dr. Watanabe and Dr. Otsuki have won the Young Scientist Award of the Physical Society of Japan. |
[24,Sep,2012] | "Thermodynamics of Information Processing in Small Systems" by Takahiro Sagawa, one of Springer theses, has been published. |
[01,Aug,2012] | Dr. Yu Watanabe joined our group. |
[31,Jul,2012] | Proceedings of international conference last year has been published. |
[19,Jul,2012] | As the head editor of PTP, Prof. Hayakawa published the article "Look back on the Progress of Theoretical Physics" in Butsuri. We also notice that PTEP which is a successive journal of PTP has been selected as one of open access journals in SCOAP3. |
[13,Jun,2012] | Workshop titled "Physics of Nonequilibrium Systems -Toward the Understanding of its Universal Aspects-" will be held in Aug. 1-4. |
[30,May,2012] | Open lab in Lorentz festival on June 15.(11:00-11:45, 13:30-14:15) |
[22,May,2012] | Kiyoshi Kanazawa, Takahiro Sagawa, and Hisao Hayakawa "Stochastic Energetics for Non-Gaussian Precesses"has been published in PRL. |
[06,Apr,2012] | A figure from N. Yoshioka and H. Hayakawa, Phys. Rev. E 85, 031302 (2012) in Phys. Rev. E was selected as one of the Kaleidoscope Images. |
[01,Apr,2012] | Dr. Wada and Dr. Yuge moved. Added information of our new comers to the members page. |
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