非平衡物理学グループセミナー 2007

12月26日(水) 13:30-

吉野 元  (大阪大学理学研究科)

Phase model approach to non-linear rheology

We discuss non-linear rheology of a simple model developed to mimic
layered systems such as lamellar structures under shear. 
Our model is closely related to a family of phase models 
developed to study dynamics of charge-density-waves (CDW)
and superconductors. We focus on a 2-dimensional version of the model
which exhibits a Kosterlitz-Thouless Transition in equilibrium at 
a critical temperature Tc. While the system behaves as a Newtonian 
fluid at high temperatures T > Tc, it exhibits shear thinning at 
low temperatures T < Tc. The non-linear rheology is understood as 
due to collective motions of edge dislocations and resembles
the non-linear transport phenomena in superconductors by vorticies.
The so called shear-thinning exponent is related to other conventional
critical exponents by a scaling relation. Finally we discuss an extension
of the model which exhibits a jamming transition at zero temperature.

"Non-linear rheology of layered systems - a phase model approach"
Hajime Yoshino, Hiroshi Matsukawa, Satoshi Yukawa and Hikaru Kawamura
J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 89 012014 (2007) arXiv:0709.3883
波多野 恭弘  (東京大学 地震研)

Scaling Properties of the Jamming Transition and Rheology of Inelasti Particles

The jamming transition is, in short, a solidification phenomenon of
inelastic particles. In contrast to conventional solid-liquid
transition, it can be regarded as a second-order phase transition in
the sense that the second-order derivative of the energy (i.e., the
bulk modulus) is discontinuous at the transition point. Moreover,
various power-law behaviors including the diverging correlation length
are observed near the transition point.
In this talk, as an example of such power-law behaviors, we show
scaling laws with respect to rheology. These scaling laws are of the
same form as those in conventional critical phenomena. By means of
molecular dynamics simulation, some critical exponents are estimated in
order to discuss the universality class of the jamming transition.
西野 貴博   (京都大学 理学研究科)

A FDR-preserving field theoretical approach to the fluctuating hydrodynamics.

Fluctuation-Dissipation relation preserving field
theoretical method for the fluctuating hydrodynamics is
>From the analysis of the fluctuating hydrodynamics, we
will discuss about cutoff mechanism which is suggested by
Das and Mazenko (PRE,1986),and Schmitz, Dufty and De
We also derive the non-ergodic parameter in the first loop
order approximation.

京都大学基礎物理学研究所 研究棟・講義室K102
地図 (Map)


セミナー係 : 中島 千博
E-mail: nakajima@yukawa.kyoto-u.ac.jp
tel: 075-753-2930