2月 10(木) 13:30~
Bongsoo Kim(所属:)

Weak coupling expansion for the Kawasaki-Dean equation: nonperturbative treatment of thermal noise and a correction to MCT

The time evolution of the density field for interacting Brownian
particles is governed by a Langevin equation with multiplicative noise,
known as the Kawasaki-Dean equation. When the Martin-Siggia-Rose
(MSR) field theory is formulated for the equilibrium dynamics of this
equation, inconsistency arises between the loop expansion scheme
and the flucuation-dissipation relationship due to the multiplicative
nature of the stochasticequation. Time reversal symmetry of the
MSR action, discovered by Andreanov, Biroli, and Lefevre offers two
independent ways of resolving this inconsistency. One is the field-doubling
method, and the other is the weak coupling expansion. The latter
method is characterized by a non-perturbative treatment of thermal noise.
In this talk, I sketch ongoing calculations for the weak coupling
It is shown that the second order results give a correction to the naive
one-loop mode-coupling results. There is the possibility that this
may round off sharp ergodicity-nonergodicity transition predicted by the
naive one-loop theory.

京都大学 基礎物理学研究所 研究棟・講義室K102
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