Time in which psychophysicists are interested is, needless to say, subjective time and conscious experience of it. Unlike the objective definition of a moment in time, a psychological moment of time spreads over a period, not only in the sense that it requires a period of sensory stimulation, but also in that stimulation later in physical time can causally affect perception of an earlier stimulus within a limited timescale (typically <100-150ms). Examples include backward masking, apparent motion, rabbit effect, and flash-lag effect, to name a few. We recently observed using TMS (Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation) that artificial scotoma created by TMS-suppression of visual cortical activity is filled-in by features of subsequent, not prior, background. These results suggest that perception at a moment is in fact supported and modulated by neural activity over 100-150ms. Moreover, as B. Libet indicated in his "backward referral" phenomena in somatosensory perception, time required for neural processing to perceive a sensory event may not always be an accurate indicator of precisely when the event is subjectively perceived.
After reviewing these intriguing phenomena and their implications in perception, I would like to mention analogous issues in decision making and "action." Action even based on "free will" can be predicted from relevant neural activity leading such action (eg. B. Libet's finding of "preparatory potential"), thus causal relationship may be established in Newtonian time which is an inevitable basis of neuroscience. However, whether or not a bodily movement is indeed perceived as a voluntary action seems to be dependent upon subsequent context and circumstantial cues. The philosophical paradox between deterministic view in neuroscience and subjective phenomenology of "free will" may be resolved only when one accepts these predictive and postdictive aspects all together. Our latest study on gaze shift of eyes and preference decision provides a good example along this line.
Thus in short, psychophysicists are challenged by a task of compromising the typically-Newtonian time and causality on one hand, and backward and recursive nature of subjective experience on the other.
心理物理学でいう時間の概念は、いわゆる古典物理学でなじみのある客観的時間とは著しく異なり、主観的かつ意識的な時間として定義される。例えば、瞬間知覚の問題に関して考えるならば、刺激が感覚系を伝達するに要する時間ばかりでなく、後続する刺激が先行する刺激伝達過程に影響を及ぼす時間にも依存することになる。そのために、瞬間知覚とはいっても、その範囲はほぼ100〜150msecに広がるわけである。逆の言い方をするならば、瞬間知覚は100〜150msecにおよぶ神経活動によって維持されるが、同時にその時間内のさまざまな神経活動によっても変容することになる。従って、B. Libet博士も指摘しているように、主観的な知覚成立の瞬間というものは、必ずしも神経伝達の時間尺度だけで客観的に規定することはできない。本講演では、こうした考え方に基づいて、意志決定と行為遂行の問題を考察していきたい。
本講演は日本語で行われます。興味のある方のご参加をお待ちしております。(This talk is given in Japanese.)