Cosmological Perturbation and Cosmic Microwave Background 
room & schedule
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Alexey Starobinsky Landau InstituteRESCEU K208 3/14 3/23                  
Alicia Bueno Belloso  Universidad Autonoma de Madrid K203E 3/13 3/27        
Antonio De Felice Tokyo University of Science K506 3/14 3/27          
Antonio Enea Romano National Taiwan University Y210 3/19 3/27                    
Chan-Gyung Park  Kyungpook National University Y103 3/20 3/26                        
Daniele Steer  University of Paris VII K506 3/13 3/26          
David Langlois  APC, CNRS - University  Paris VII K506 3/14 3/22                    
Dominic Galliano University of Portsmouth K203E 3/13 3/27        
Frederico Arroja Ewha Womans University K205 3/13 3/27        
Gianmassimo Tasinato University of Portsmouth K203E 3/14 3/27          
Gong-bo Zhao University of Portsmouth K203E 3/13 3/27        
Guido Pettinari  University of Portsmouth K203E 3/13 3/27        
Gustavo Niz University of Portsmouth K208 3/13 3/27        
Hajime Goto  The Graduate University for Advanced Studies Y210 3/20 3/24                            
Ivonne Zavala University of Bonn K203E 3/18 3/27                  
Jai-chan Hwang  Kyungpook National University K404 3/20 3/26                        
Jinn-Ouk Gong  CERN K404 3/20 3/31              
Kazuhiro Yamamoto Hiroshima Univ. Y103 3/20 3/25                          
Kazuya Koyama University of Portsmouth Y103 3/20 3/27                      
Kouji Nakamura  NAOJ Y210 3/18 3/23                          
Maresuke Shiraishi  Nagoya Univ. Y210 3/18 3/22                            
Masahide Yamaguchi  Tokyo Institute of Technology K208 3/14 3/24                
Nobuyuki Sakai  Yamagata Univ. K404 3/21 3/23                                
Osamu Seto Hokkkai-Gakuen University Y103 3/18 3/23                          
Rampei Kimura  Hiroshima Univ. Y103 3/20 3/25                          
Robert Crittenden University of Portsmouth K208 3/14 3/30    
Shinji Mukohyama  IPMU, the Univ. of Tokyo K208 3/13 3/19                        
Shuichiro Yokoyama  Nagoya Univ. K203E/Y210 3/14 3/26                
Shuntaro Mizuno University of Portsmouth Y210 3/18 3/26                    
Soo A Kim KIAS Y103 3/19 3/25                        
Takeshi Chiba Nihon Univ. K506 3/13 3/22                  
Teruaki Suyama  RESCEU, the Univ. of Tokyo K205 3/14 3/25              
Tomo Takahashi  Saga Univ. K506 3/16 3/23                      
Yong-Seon Song  KIAS K404 3/22 3/26                            
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