(31 Jan. 2024 updated)
- PhysRevD.79.093004 (arxiv:0903.0287)
- In Eq. (18), 1/(8π)*(s-wave) + 1/(12π)*(p-wave) should be 1/(32π)*(s-wave) + 1/(48π)*(p-wave).
- In Eq. (19) and (20), 1/(3π) and 1/(12π) should be 1/(12π) and 1/(48π) respectively.
- EurPhysJC.732381 (arxiv:1210.2305)
- In Eq. (15), p-wave does not exist.
- PhysRevD.88.015029 (arxiv:1303.7356)
- Neutrino mass formula may be incorrect (under investigation).
- PhysRevLett.111.09.1301 (arxiv:1307.6181)
- δae ≡ a_e(SM) - a_e(exp) should be δa_e ≡ a_e(exp) - a_e(SM).
- JHEP_2014_07_140 (arxiv:1312.2840)
- In the neutrino mass formulae Eq. (2.6), (2.7) and (2.8), 1/(4π)2 should be 1/(2(4π)2).
- In Eq. (3.4), σμν should be iσμν.
- JCAP_2014_06_027 (arxiv:1312.3761)
- Neutrino mass formula may be incorrect (under investigation).
- PhysLettB-2014-732 (arxiv:1401.6921)
- In Eq. (2.2), the λ'5 term is forbidden by the symmetries.
- Neutrino mass from rainbow type diagram is not included in the paper, but should be included.
- JCAP_2014_09_016 (arxiv:1405.5870)
- In the neutrino mass formula (2.13), 1/(16(4π)4) should be 1/(8(4π)4).
- In Fig.2, the arrow of the charged scalar η+ is opposite.
- In Eq.(2.22), the denominator in the right hand side should be (4π)2<φ>2.
And the numerator should be cos2α F(mη+2,mH2) + sin2α F(mη+2,mL2) - cos2α sin2α F(mH2,mL2).
- JCAP_2015_09_063 (arxiv:1507.01591)
- Below Eq. (4.4), mχ0Vii(∞) -> 4mχ0Vii(∞).
- JHEP_2016_02_174 (arxiv:1511.03265)
- In Eq. (2.1), the sign of the fourth term (the coupling with A0) should be positive.
- In Eq. (4.1), √2αem/256π5 should be multiplied. (31 Jan 2024 updated)
- JHEP_2016_08_079 (arxiv:1605.07643)
- In Eq. (2.5), g should be g2.
- In eq.(3.1), (3.3), (3.4) and (5.1), the factor (4π)2 in denominator should be (4π)4.
- JCAP_2017_01_042 (arxiv:1611.06746)
- For χ annihilation, contribution of additional channel χ†χ→Z' H is missing in the paper, but should be included.
- JHEP_2020_05_057 (arxiv:2001.03954)
- In Eq. (2.16), 0.1 GeV should be 0.1 eV.
- Below Eq. (3.11), gB-L≈m2Z'/(4v2φ) should be g2B-L≈m2Z'/(4v2φ).
- JHEP_2021_10_237 (arxiv:2106.03384)
- In Eq. (2.7), ε/(k/1+mi)PL should be (k/1+mi)PL.