Title: Forward-modeling tidal disruption events and their detections in surveys to understand selection effects and their implications Abstract: Surveys are detecting TDEs at ever-increasing rates. It is now possible to use these samples to characterize our detection rates as a function of galaxy properties such as central black hole mass, galaxy stellar mass, and star formation rate. Past work already indicates that the TDEs we detect are over-represented in a particular subclass of post-starburst galaxies, and that these host galaxies primarily reside in the “green valley” of galaxy color-luminosity space. However, the reason for this host galaxy preference remains mysterious, and is affected to an uncertain degree by a number of selection effects. I will present forward modeling of stellar disruption rates and survey selection effects that will help to disentangle the roles of SMBH demographics, stellar dynamics, and nuclear obscuration in shaping the distribution of the galaxies in which observable TDEs reside.