Title: Observable implications and dependence on stellar and black hole mass of tidal disruption events, based on fully general relativistic hydrodynamics simulations Abstract: A star is tidally disrupted by a supermassive black hole when their separation is shorter than the so-called “tidal radius”. Two important characteristic scales, the tidal radius and the energy of the stellar debris, are often estimated on an order-of-magnitude basis without taking into account the star’s internal structure and relativistic effects. Since tidal disruption events occur at shorter distances for higher black hole mass, fully general relativistic calculations of tidal forces are required to study the pericenter-dependence of tidal disruption properties for a wide range of black hole mass. Using fully general relativistic hydrodynamics simulations and MESA-model initial conditions, we determine the physical tidal radii yielding full disruptions and the characteristic energy widths of the stellar debris for eight stellar masses (0.15 <= M_{*}/M_sol <= 10) and six black hole masses (10^5 <=M_{BH}/M_\sol <= 5 \times 10^7). We also find a nearly-universal relation between the mass remaining and the angular momentum of the star's orbit for partial disruptions which take place outside the physical tidal radius. Finally, I will discuss their observational implications for the disruption cross section and the peak fallback rate and time.