
Curriculum Vitae

Educational background

1978. 5. 11 Born in Kobe, Hyogo prefecture, Japan
1994. 3 - 1997. 3 Kobe High School
1997. 4 - 2001. 3 Osaka University, School of Science, Department of Physics
2001. 4 - 2003. 3 Osaka University, Graduate School of Science, Department of Physics, Master course
2003. 3. 25 Master degree of physics
2003. 4 - 2006. 3 Osaka University, Graduate School of Science, Department of Physics, Doctor course
2006. 3. 24 Doctor of Science (Theoretical nuclear physics)

Career background

2005. 4 - 2006. 3 JSPS Research Fellow DC2 (Osaka University, RCNP)
2006. 4 - 2007. 3 JSPS Research Fellow PD (Kyoto University, YITP)
2007. 4 - 2008. 11 JSPS Research Fellow PD (Kyoto University, YITP)
2007. 6 - 2008. 11 Visiting T.U. Muenchen, Physik Department T39
2008. 12 - 2013. 3 GCOE Assistant Professor, Toko Institute of Technology, Department of Physics
2013. 4 - 2013. 7 Assistant Professor, Toko Institute of Technology, Department of Physics
2013. 8 - Assistant Professor, Kyoto University, YITP


2007. 2. 5 Inoue Research Award for Young Scientists
2008. 3. 26 Young Scientist Award of the Physical Society of Japan

About me

Favorite symmetry Chiral symmetry
Favorite particles Hadrons, Baryons, Exotics
Favorite representation Nonlinear
Favorite textbook Quantum theory of gauge fields I,II
Taichiro Kugo (in Japanese)
Computer environment
Machine MacBook Pro (1.83 GHz Intel Core Duo)
OS Mac OSX(10.4.11) Tiger
Editor Alphatk(8.3.3) & mi(2.1.6)
TeX environment OzTeX(5.2) & pTeXi+Feynmf+BibTeX j
Drawing Adobe Illustrator CS2 (12.0.1)
Graph Igor Pro (6.01)
Presentation Keynote(3.0.2) + LaTeXiT(1.15.0)
Major Piano, Composition, Arrangement
in High school Choir (Bass)
in University Orchestra (Viola)
People I respect
Physicist Y. Nambu
Novelist R. Radiguet, J. D. Salinger, Y. Kawabata
Composer L. v. Beethoven, A. Miyoshi
Conductor C. Kleiber
Pianist M. Pollini, W. Kempff
Violist N. Imai
Painter H. Matisse
Favorite animals Panda, Capybara, Sheep
Favorite church Peterskirche (Wien)
Favorite Buddhist statue Shoukannon Bosatsu, Yakushiji (Nara)
Favorite languege Italian
Favorite railway Hankyu railway
Favorite tea house Musica (Dojima)
Distasteful transportation Airplane

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