
Date: Wed, 20 Feb 2002 12:41:41 +0900 (JST)
From: Kaoru Hagiwara <kaoru@post.kek.jp>


に(金曜日の午前中までに) kaoru.hagiwara@kek.jp までご連絡下さい。


Program of the KEK theory meeting on Collider Physics (2/25--27)  

====== Feb/25 (Morning) ====    09:00--12:20

Akiya Miyamoto (KEK)    60
Physics at JLC

Shingo Kiyoura (KEK)    30
Extracting SUSY Parameters from the Higgs Boson Properties.

====== break    20

Youichi Yamada (Tohoku Univ.)    30
Two-loop renormalization of  \tan\beta and its gauge dependence

Yosuke Uehara (Univ. of Tokyo)    30
Measureing Anomalous Higgs-Vector Boson Couplings at e+e- LC

Michihiro Hori (Hiroshima Univ.)    30
Angular distribution of decay lepton in top quark pair production at NLC

====== Feb/25 (Afternoon) ====    13:30--18:20

Naohito Saito (Riken)    45
Polarized pp collisions at RHIC

Masahide Inuzuka (Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.)    45
Physics with the polarised lepton beams at HERA

Michio Hashimoto (Tohoku Univ.)    45
Top-color model and its signatures

====== break    20

Eri Asakawa (KEK, Univ. of Tokyo)    45
Probing heavy Higgs at photon colliders

Shinya Kanemura (KEK)    30
Single charged Higgs boson production in polarized photon collision

Sin-Kyu Kang (KEK)    30
Neutrino oscillation and R-parity violating collider physics

Fumihiko Takayama (Tohoku Univ.)    30
Signal of R-parity violation from the decay of the lighter chargino

====== Feb/26 (Morning) ====    09:00--12:20

Taizan Watari (Univ. of Tokyo)   45
Semi-simple Unification 

Toshifumi Yamashita (Kyoto Univ.)   30
Doublet-Triplet Splitting in E_6 unification

====== break    20

Koichi Hamaguchi (Univ. of Tokyo)    45
Ultra-high-energy cosmic rays and particle physics

Takeshi Nihei (Nihon Univ.)    30
New cosmological and experimental constraints on the CMSSM

Junichi Kamoshita (Ochanimizu Univ.)    30
e+e- \to \gamma\gamma and e\gamma \to e\gamma in Noncommutative QED

====== Feb/26 (Afternoon) ====    13:30--18:05

Koji Ishii (Kobe Univ.)    60
Physics at LHC

Kinya Oda (KEK)    45
Signal of large extra dimension at LHC

Kang-Young Lee (KIAS, Korea)    30
Enhancement of the Higgs pair production at LHC; the MSSM and
extra-dimension effects

====== break    20

Yosuke Uehara (Univ. of Tokyo)    30
Measuring the Spin of Invisible Massive Graviton
Excitations at Future Linear Colliders

Yuichiro Kiyo (Tohoku Univ.)    30
Offshell suppression of renormalon in heavy quark boundstate

Keiji Igi (Kanagawa Univ.)    30
Test of pi-p total cross sections at high energies using new
finite-energy sum rules:  log\nu vs log^2\nu

Satoru Yamashita (Univ. of Tokyo)    30
Higgs search at LEP; update

====== party    18:20--    

====== Feb/27 (Morning) ====    09:00--12:05

Ryuichiro Kitano (KEK)    45
Model Discrimination by Lepton Flavor Violating tau Decays

Kenji Inami (Nagoya Univ.)    45
CP and flavor violation of tau at Belle

====== break    20

Fumihiko Ukegawa (Univ. of Tsukuba)   45
b and heavy quark physics at Tevatron

Prafulla Kumar Behera (KEK)    30
Prompt charmonium production at Belle

====== Feb/27 (Afternoon) ====    13:15--17:20

Kazuhiko Hara (Univ of Tsukuba)    45
Higgs search, top and W at Tevatron

Seong-Youl Choi (Chonbuk,Korea)    30
Measuring the spin of the Higgs boson

Oleg Lebedev (Sussex Univ, England)    45
SUSY CP problem

====== break    20

Andrew Akeroyd (KIAS,Korea)    30
Probing scalar-pseudoscalar mixing in the MSSM at high-energy
e+e- colliders

Jae Sik LEE (KEK)    30
Decays of the MSSM Higgs bosons with explicit CP violation

Keisho Hidaka (Tokyo-Gakugei Univ.)    30
Impact of CP phases on the search for staus and tau-sneutrino

Kaoru Hagiwara (KEK)    15
Concluding remarks

End of the program of the KEK/TH collider meeting (2/25--27)

Date: Wed, 30 Jan 2002 23:03:37 +0900 (JST)
From: Kaoru Hagiwara <kaoru@post.kek.jp>


LEPヒッグス探索の最終結果			未定
Tevatron Run II での物理に関して
  ヒッグス探索、トップ、Wボソンの精密測定	Kazuhiko Hara, Tsukuba 
  bと重クォークの物理				Fumihiko Ukegawa, Tsukuba
  タウを用いたCP、フレーバー変換過程の測定	Kenji Inami, Nagoya 
  電子陽電子衝突によるチャーモニウム生成	Prafulla Behera, KEK 
HERAの結果とHERAIIでの物理		Masahide Inuzuka, TMU
RHIC偏極陽子陽子衝突実験			Naohito Saito, Riken
LHCの物理					Koji Ishii, Kobe
JLCの物理					Akiya Miyamoto, KEK  

理論に関しては、超対称性標準模型に於けるCP問題(Oleg Lebedev, Sussex)、
LHCでの余剰次元探索(Kinya Oda, KEK)、LCでの超対称性粒子の精密測定
(Seong-youl Choi, Chonbuku)、トップ凝縮による対称性の破れ、余剰次元と



Dear colleagues, 

                KEK Theory Meeting on Collider Physics 
                   February 25(Mon) - 27(Wed), 2002
                     KEK Building 4, Seminar-Hall
                           Tsukuba, Japan

                           (1st circular)

The Theory Meeting on Collider Physics will take place at KEK 
according to the above schedule.  We intend to focus on
Physics at the TeV scale and the "Energy Frontier".  

In the energy frontier, the LEP experiments have been completed, 
and the Tevatron Run II has started.  HERA is now making precision 
measurements, and RHIC started colliding polarized protons.  The 
LHC will start producing physics at multi-TeV scale in 2006.  The 
world high energy community seemed to have reached the consensus 
that our next principal project should be an e+e- linear collider.  
Ultra-high-energy cosmic rays may also be of our interests, as well  
as some aspects of cosmology.  We plan to invite reviews on all the 
major experiments and on future projects.  

We welcome theory/phenomenology talks on all the related subjects.  

If you would like to participate, please fill in the registration 
form at the end of this announcement and send it to the following 
address by E-mail:

Ms. Keiko Iizumi (Secretary)
Phone:   0298-64-5393
FAX:     0298-64-5755
E-mail:  thscrtry@post.kek.jp

The deadline for application is January 31st (Thu), 2002.  

For comments and queries, please send an e-mail to any one of the 
organizers listed at the bottom of this message. 

At the moment, we only have twin rooms at the KEK on-site accommodation.
In addition, we have reserved some single rooms at Urban Hotel
(http://www.urbanhotel.co.jp) at 6500 yen per night.  Please
state your preference below.  Please note, however, that we may not 
be able to satisfy your preference.  If you wish to arrange your own 
accommodation, hotels near KEK can be found from:

We look forward to meeting you at KEK.  

Yours sincerely,

Mayumi Aoki , 
Eri Asakawa , 
Kaoru Hagiwara , 
Junji Hisano , 
Shinya Kanemura , 
Sin Kyu Kang , 
Shingo Kiyoura , 
Masafumi Koike , 
Jae Sik Lee , 
Kinya Oda , 
Kosuke Odagiri , 
Yasuhiro Okada , 
Stefan Recksiegel , 
Yoshinori Yasui 

Application form   (Please complete the form in Japanese if you can.)

                KEK Theory Meeting on Collider Physics 
                   February 25(Mon) - 27(Wed), 2002
                     KEK Building 4, Seminar-Hall
                           Tsukuba, Japan
1. Name:
2. Affiliation:
   Job title:
   Supervisor (for students):
3. E-mail:
4. Postal address at the institute:
5. Lodging: yes/no at:
   KEK dormitory from m/dd night till m/dd morning
   Urban Hotel from m/dd night till m/dd morning
6. Travel support from KEK:  yes/no
   Use of airplane:   yes/no

The payment of the travel support is made by a bank-transfer into 
your bank account.  If you ask for our support, please fill in the 
form below:


Itinerary: m/dd(day) - m/dd(day), x nights and y days
Account details:
    _____ Bank _____ branch
    Account name:
    Account type: (e.g. current account)
    Account number:
    Current address:


7. Do you wish to give a talk?: yes/no
   If yes,


End of application form   