Movies of Numerical Relativity Simulations
created by Yuichiro Sekiguchi.
Animations based on the results of numerical relativity simulations including finite temperature equation of state,
weak interactions, and neutrino effects are listed.
Collapse of High-Entropy Cores to a Black Hole
High-entropy-core models (Nakazato et al. Astrophys. J. 666, 1140 (2007)) are adopted.
Shen EOS (Shen et al. Nucl. Phys. A 637, 435 (1998) and neutrino cooling by general relativisitic
leakage sheme (Sekigcuhi PTP 124, 331 (2010)) are implemented.

Density (upper) and lapse (lower) contours in the x-z plane. The black circle at the center
denotes the apparent horizon.
Animation (about 103 MB)
(See Sekiguchi and Shibata, Astrophys. J. (2011) 737, 6 for detail.)
Collapse of a Massive Stellar Core to a Black Hole
A precollapse stellar core modelled by Umeda and Nomoto (Astrophys. J. 673, 1014 (2008)) is adopted.
Shen EOS (Shen et al. Nucl. Phys. A 637, 435 (1998) and neutrino cooling by general relativisitic
leakage sheme (Sekigcuhi PTP 124, 331 (2010)) are implemented.

Density contour and velocity vectors in the x-z plane at selected timeslices.
Animation (about 414 MB)
(See Sekiguchi et al, PTEP. (2012) 01, A304 for detail.)
Merger of Binary Neutron Stars
Merger of equal-mass binary with individual mass 1.5solar.
Shen EOS (Shen et al. Nucl. Phys. A 637, 435 (1998) and neutrino cooling by general relativisitic
leakage sheme (Sekigcuhi PTP 124, 331 (2010)) are implemented.

Contours of density (right), temperature (middle), and total neutrino emissivity in the orbital plane at a selected timeslice.
Gif animation (density) (about 23.3 MB)
Gif animation (temperature) (about 17.5 MB)
Gif animation (neutrino emissivity) (about 19.5 MB)
(See Sekiguchi et al, Phys. Rev. Lett. (2011) 107, 051102 for detail.)