Editor's suggestions, etc.

  1. Editor's choice in Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics:
    Jisuke Kubo and Taichiro Kugo, "Unitarity violation in field theories of Lee-Wick’s complex ghost",
    PTEP 2023, no.12, 123B02 (2023).
    JPS Hot Topics: https://jpsht.jps.jp/article/4.003.html
  2. Letter with press release:
    Yan Lyu, Sinya Aoki, Takumi Doi, Tetsuo Hatsuda, Yoichi Ikeda and Jie Meng, "Doubly Charmed Tetraquark Tcc+ from Lattice QCD near Physical Point",
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 131,  no.16, 161901 (2023).
    Press release: https://www.kyoto-u.ac.jp/ja/research-news/2023-10-20-0
  3. Editor's choice in Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics:
    Seiji Terashima, "Simple bulk reconstruction in anti-de Sitter/conformal field theory correspondence",
    PTEP 2023, no.5, 053B02 (2023).
    JPS Hot Topics: https://jpsht.jps.jp/article/3.019.html
  4. Editor's choice in Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics:
    Kotaro Murakami, Yutaro Akahoshi, Sinya Aoki, Takumi Doi and Kenji Sasaki, "Lattice quantum chromodynamics (QCD) studies on decuplet baryons as meson-baryon bound states in the HAL QCD method",
    PTEP 2023, no.4, 043B05 (2023).
    JPS Hot Topics: https://jpsht.jps.jp/article/3.024.html
  5. Editor's choice in Progress of Theoretical and Expental Physics:
    Shun Arai, Katsuki Aoki, Yuji Chinone, Rampei Kimura, et al., "Cosmological gravity probes: Connecting recent theoretical developments to forthcoming observations",
    PTEP, 2023, no.7, 072E01 (2023).
    JPS Hot Topics: https://jpsht.jps.jp/article/3.032.html
  6. Review with journal cover:
    Naritaka Oshita, "Probing Extreme Gravity with Ringing Black Holes",
    Butsuri 78, no.5, 262 (2023) .
  7. Letter with press release:
    Teppei Okumura and Atsushi Taruya, "First Constraints on Growth Rate from Redshift-space Ellipticity Correlations of SDSS Galaxies at 0.16 < z < 0.70",
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters 945, L30 (2023).
    Press release: https://www.kyoto-u.ac.jp/ja/research-news/2023-04-14
  8. Letter with press release:
    Rina Tazai, Youichi Yamakawa, and Hiroshi Kontani, "Charge-loop current order and Z3 nematicity mediated by bond order fluctuations in kagome metals",
    Nature Communications 14, 7845 (2023).
    Press release: https://www.nagoya-u.ac.jp/researchinfo/result/2023/12/post-599.html
  9. Letter with press release:
    Tomoya Asaba, Asato Onishi , Yoichi Kageyama, Toshiki Kiyosue, Kenichi Ohtsuka, Shota Suetsugu, Yuhki Kohsaka, Tobi Gaggl, Yuichi Kasahara, Hinako Murayama, Kenichiro Hashimoto, Rina Tazai, Hiroshi Kontani, Brenden Ortiz, Stephen Wilson, Qing Li, Hai-Hu Wen, Takasada Shibauchi, and Yuji Matsuda, "Evidence for an odd-parity nematic phase above the charge density wave transition in a kagome metal",
    Nature Physics 20, 40 (2024).
    Press release: https://www.k.u-tokyo.ac.jp/information/category/press/10703.html
  10. Featured at Viewpoint in APS Physics Magazine:
    R. Hanai, “Nonreciprocal frustration: Time crystalline order-by-disorder phenomenon and a spin-glass-like state,”
    Phys. Rev. X 14, 011029 (2024).
    Physics page: https://physics.aps.org/articles/v17/32
  11. PRL Editor's suggestion and EurekAlert! with press release:
    Amit Kumar Chatterjee, Satoshi Takada, and Hisao Hayakawa, "Quantum Mpemba Effect in a Quantum Dot with Reservoirs",
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 080402 (2023).
    Press release: https://www.kyoto-u.ac.jp/en/research-news/2023-08-31
    EurekAlert: https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/999957


  1. Masaya Amo and Tetsuya Shiromizu, 「ブラックホールと我々の宇宙 2つの地平の物語」,
    translation of “A Tale of Two Horizons” by Edgar Shaghoulian, Bessatsu Nikkei Science 264.

Invited Talks (International)

  1. Tadashi Takayanagi, "Holographic Pseudo Entropy and Emergent Spacetime",
    Quantum Complexity: Quantum PCP, Area Laws, and Quantum Gravity, Simons Institute, UC Berkeley, USA, Mar. 21, 2024.
  2. Tadashi Takayanagi, "Pseudo Entropy and Celestial Holography",
    Celestial Kick off, Harvard U., USA, Oct. 28,  2023.
  3. Tadashi Takayanagi, "Holographic Entanglement and Beyond",
    The first International Congress of Basic Science (ICBS), Beijing, China, Jul. 18,  2023.
  4. Masaki Shigemori, "Exact Non-Abelian Supertubes",
    Black-hole microstructure V, CEA Saclay, France, Jun. 9, 2023.
  5. Yasuaki Hikida, "Engineering perturbative string duals for symmetric product orbifold CFTs",
    14th Taiwan String Workshop, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Nov. 3, 2023.
  6. Sinya Aoki, "Recent results on hadron interactions in the HAL QCD method",
    2023 Santa Fe Workshop, "Lattice QCD and Probes of New Physics", Santa Fe, NM, USA, Aug. 7 - 11, 2023.
  7. Sinya Aoki, "Lattice studies on hadron interactions including strange, charm and bottom quarks in the HAL QCD method",
    The 2nd Korea-Japan Nuclear Physics Workshop, IBS, Daejeon, Korea, Nov. 13-15, 2023.
  8. Sinya Aoki, "Geometry from Quantum Field Theories -- "AdS/CFT" by a conformal flow --",
    Toward quantum simulation of gauge/gravity duality and lattice gauge theory, Queen Mary University of London, London, UK, Mar. 4 - 6, 2024.
  9. Hidehiko Shimada, "Anisotropic scale symmetry of the membrane worldvolume theory in lightcone gauge",
    Matrix Quantum Mechanics for M-theory Revisited, CERN, Switzerland, Jan. 8-12, 2024.
  10. Naoki Sasakura, "Tensor eigenvalue/vector distributions through field theoretical methods​​,"
    Phys-Math Seminar​​, Heidelberg University, Heidelberg, Germany, Jul. 19, 2023.
  11. Naoki Sasakura, "Tensor eigenvalue/vector distributions through field theoretical methods​​,"
    The XII. International Symposium on Quantum Theory and Symmetries (QTS12), Czech Technical University, Prague, Czech Republic, Jul. 24-28, 2023​​.
  12. Etsuko Itou, "Velocity of Sound beyond the High-Density Relativistic Limit from Lattice Simulation of Dense Two-Color QCD",
    Quark Confinement 2023, University of Minnesota, USA, May 2-6, 2023.
  13. Etsuko Itou, "Speed of sound exceeding the conformal bound in dense 2-color QCD",
    The 40th International Conference on Lattice field thoery (LATTICE 2023), Fermi Lab, USA. Jul. 31 -  Aug. 4, 2023.
  14. Etsuko Itou, "Three ways of calculating mass spectra for the 2-flavor Schwinger model in the Hamiltonian formalism",
    Zoom seminar for the Simons Confinement Collaboration, Oct. 3, 2023.
  15. Etsuko Itou, "Schwinger model in the Hamiltonian formalism",
    Würzburg Seminar on Quantum Field Theory and Gravity, Germany, Jan. 23, 2024.
  16. Hiromasa Takaura, "Renormalon subtraction in hadronic tau decays",
    The 17th International Workshop on Tau Lepton Physics (TAU2023), U. of Louisville, USA, Dec. 4-8, 2023.
  17. Taichiro Kugo, "Lee-Wick's Complex Ghosts appear and violate Unitarity in Quadratic Gravity",
    The Summer Institute 2023, Sun-Link-Sea, Taiwan, Aug. 21-25, 2023.
  18. Shan-Ming Ruan, "Double Holography of Entangled Universes",
    Seminar, Beihang University, Beijing, China, Jan. 4, 2024.
  19. Shan-Ming Ruan, "Double Holography of Entangled Universes",
    Boson Club, Department of Physics, National Taiwan Normal University, Nov. 21, 2023.
  20. Shan-Ming Ruan, "Double Holography of Entangled Universes",
    Seminar, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing, China, Oct. 16, 2023.
  21. Shan-Ming Ruan, "A half de Sitter Holography",
    Würzburg Seminar on QFT and Gravity. The Julius Maximilian University of Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany, Jun. 6, 2023.
  22. Shan-Ming Ruan, "On holography for a half de Sitter Space",
    Seminar, Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, May 30, 2023.
  23. Shan-Ming Ruan, "Gluing AdS/CFT",
    Conference: "Black holes, Islands and Braneworlds". Kavli Institute for Theoretical Sciences, Beijing, China, Apr. 29, 2023.
  24. Jonathan Harper, "Timelike entanglement entropy",
    Seminar, APCTP, Pohang, South Korea Aug. 2023.
  25. Katsuki Aoki, "Towards quantum gravity constraints from S-matrix",
    14th Taiwan String Workshop, National Taiwan University, Oct. 2023.
  26. Katsuki Aoki, "Towards quantum gravity constraints from S-matrix",
    BIG&C Meetings: Barcelona Initiative for Gravitation and Cosmology, ICCUB, Sep. 2023.
  27. Katsuki Aoki, "Effective field theory approaches to cosmology",
    IBS CTPU-CGA Workshop on Modified Gravity, IBS, Jun. 2023.
  28. Antonio De Felice, "Starobinsky inflation with a quadratic Weyl tensor",
    Numerical and Analytical Relativity 2024, Online, March 22, 2024.
  29. Antonio De Felice, "Starobinsky inflation with a quadratic Weyl tensor",
    2024 Modern Trends in Field Theory, João Pessoa (Brazil), March 5, 2024.
  30. Antonio De Felice, "Cosmology and Modified Gravity Models",
    Workshop for the 20th anniversary of CP3, Louvain University (Belgium), October 9, 2023.
  31. Kunihito Ioka, "Off-Axis Gamma-Ray Bursts and Electromagnetic Counterparts",
    The 32nd Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics, Tsung-Dao Lee Institute, Shanghai, China, 12/11-15, 2023.
  32. Kunihito Ioka, "Fast Radio Bursts in the Fireball Paradigm",
    AEI Colloquium, Max Planck Institute, Potsdam, Germany, 10/13, 2023.
  33. Kunihito Ioka, "GRB",
    New Evolution of Multi-Messenger Astrophysics, Penn State University, USA, 8/20-24, 2023.
  34. Kenta Kiuchi, “Introduction to Numerical Relativistic Hydrodynamics”, 
    Invited lecture, Summer School on Gravitational Wave Astronomy, ICTS, Bengaluru, India.
  35. Kenta Kiuchi, “Numerical Relativity in Multi-Messenger Era”, 
    Invited plenary talk, XV ICGAC, Kolon Hotel, Gyeongju, Korea.
  36. Kenta Kiuchi, “A large-scale dynamo and its application to electromagnetic signals in binary neutron star mergers”,
    Ready, set go! Preparing for the O4 LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA observing run, The Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany.
  37. Koutarou Kyutoku, "Gravitational waves from compact binary mergers",
    Black Hole and Gravitational Waves: from alternative gravity to data analysis, Pohang, September 4-8, 2023.
  38. Shinji Mukohyama, "Effective field theory of black hole perturbations with timelike scalar profile'',
    8th conference on gravity and particles, Iran (Online), December 2023.
  39. Shinji Mukohyama, "Effective field theory of black hole perturbations with timelike scalar profile'',
    International Conference on Beyond Standard Model: From Theory to Experiment (BSM 2023), Hurghada, Egypt (Online), November 2023.
  40. Shinji Mukohyama, "Effective field theory of black hole perturbations with timelike scalar profile'',
    Prague Autumn 2023: CAS-JSPS-IBS CTPU-CGA workshop in cosmology, gravitation and particle physics, Prague, Prague, Czech Republic, October 2023.
  41. Shinji Mukohyama, "Horava-Lifshitz cosmology revisited'',
    IFPU Focus-Week Program: Lorentz violations in gravity, Trieste, Italy, July 2023.
  42. Shinji Mukohyama, "Gravity and cosmology beyond general relativity'',
    IBS CTPU-CGA 2023 Workshop on Modified Gravity, Daejeon, Korea, June 2023.
  43. Shinji Mukohyama, "Effective field theory of black hole perturbations with timelike scalar profile'',
    The 15th Spontaneous Workshop, Corsica, France (Online), April 2023.
  44. Atsushi Naruko, "Spatial gradient expansion approach for generic scalar-tensor theories'',
    Black Hole and Gravitational Waves: from modified theories of gravity to data analyses, APCTP, Korea, September, 2023.
  45. Naritaka Oshita, “Universality in the black hole ringdown”,
    Black Hole and Gravitational Waves: from modified theories of gravity to data analysis, APCTP, Korea, 5th September 2023.
  46. Naritaka Oshita, "Echoes and Entropy of Quantum Black Holes",
    Quantum Spacetime in the Cosmos: From Conception to Reality, Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Canada, 11th May 2023.
  47. Yoko Oya, “Chemical Diagnostics for Tracing the Physical Structures in Disk-Forming Regions of Young Low-Mass Protostellar Sources”,
    2023 Kavli-IAU Astrochemistry Symposium. Astrochemistry VIII - From the First Galaxies to the Formation of Habitable Worlds., Traverse City (USA), July (2023).
  48. Yoko Oya, “Physical Structures Traced by Chemical Diagnostics in Disk-Forming Regions of Young Low-Mass Protostellar Sources”, 
    ALMA science workshop between Chile and Japan, Santiago (Chile), December (2023).
  49. Misao Sasaki, "PBH formation from highly non-Gaussian tails",
    IBS Workshop on (Primordial) Black Holes and Gravitational Waves, March 20, 2024.
  50. Misao Sasaki, "Perspectives on Inflationary Cosmology",
    seminar series: Quantum Gravity and All of That, January 25, 2024.
  51. Misao Sasaki, "Prospects in Inflation",
    LeCosPA seminar, Decmeber 18, 2023.
  52. Misao Sasaki, "Early Universe theory (inflation) review",
    QUPosium-2023, December 11, 2023
  53. Misao Sasaki, "Primordial Black Holes as a Probe of the Early Universe",
    ASIAA workshop on large-scale parity violation, December 4, 2023.
  54. Misao Sasaki, "Summary without summary: random thoughts on PBHs",
    Focus week on primordial black holes, November 17, 2023.
  55. Misao Sasaki, "Cosmology - the quest for the birth and evolution of the Universe -",
    Tongji University Colloquium, October 9, 2023.
  56. Misao Sasaki, "Inflation, primordial black holes, and gravitational waves",
    APCTP Lectures, September 5-6, 2023.
  57. Misao Sasaki, "Cosmology of Primordial Black Holes and Gravitational Waves",
    ICGAC15, July 7, 2023.
  58. Misao Sasaki, "PBHs from highly non-Gaussian tails of the probability distribution",
    ICCUB School: Primordial Black Holes, June 28, 2023.
  59. Misao Sasaki, "Primordial black holes may dark matter of the universe",
    Symmetry 2023, June 22, 2023.
  60. Misao Sasaki, "Primordial Black Holes may be Dark Matter of the Universe",
    ITP-CAS Colloquium, May 20, 2023.
  61. Misao Sasaki, "Multiple Classical Histories as a Solution to the Black Hole Information Loss Paradox",
    Werner Israel Memorial Symposium, May 19, 2023.
  62. Misao Sasaki, "Primordial Black Holes from Inflation",
    ICDSS2023, April 25, 2023
  63. Misao Sasaki, "Inflation and Gravitational Wave Cosmology",
    The Annual Meeting of the Chinese Society of Gravity and Relativistic Astrophysics, April 22, 2023.
  64. Kazufumi Takahashi, "Generalized disformal Horndeski theories: beyond Horndeski and DHOST",
    IBS CTPU-CGA Workshop on Modified Gravity, June 22, 2023.
  65. M. Sato, “Bulk-Boundary Correspondence in Point-Gap Topological Phases”, Ohio State University, USA, March 20, 2024.
  66. M. Sato, “Bulk-Boundary Correspondence in Point-Gap Topological Phases”,  Princeton University, USA, March 12, 2024.
  67. M. Sato, “Point-gap topological phases”, Non-Hermitian Topology: from Classical Optics to Quantum Matter, Dresden, Germany, August 14-18, 2023.
  68. M. Sato, Point-Gap “Topological Phases from Topological Materials”, Conference of Condensed Matter Physics 2023, Liyang China, August 6-11, 2023.
  69. M. Sato, “Extended Nielsen-Ninomiya theorem in non-Hermitian systems and its application”, META 2023, 13th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics, Paris, France, July 18-21, 2023.
  70. M. Sato, “Extended Nielsen-Ninomiya theorem in non-Hermitian systems and its application”, Superstripes 2023, Ischia, Italy, June 26-July 1, 2023.
  71. Rina Tazai, Youichi Yamakawa, Hiroshi Kontan, "Chiral Current Order and Magnetization in Kagome Metal", QMT 2023, Pohang, Korea, June 27, 2023.
  72. M. Sato, "Non-Hermitian Topological Phases", Topological and Correlated Matter, Gordon Research Conference, Four Points Sheraton / Holiday Inn Express, California, USA, May 27-28, 2023.
  73. Hisao Hayakawa,
    National Central University, Taoyuan, Taiwan, Feb. 22, 2024.
  74. Hisao Hayakawa,
    Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, Feb. 21, 2024.
  75. Hisao Hayakawa, "Physics of impact-induced hardening in colloids",
    IUTAM Symposium on Rapid granular flows and turbulent particle suspensions, IIT Bombay, Mumbai, India, Jan. 22, 2024.
  76. Hisao Hayakawa, "Theory of Dense Dry Collisional Flow and Beyond",
    Discrete Simulation and Continuum Modeling of Granular Matter, Masseria Salamina, Puglia, Italy, May 24, 2023.
  77. Ryo Hanai, “Non-reciprocal frustration physics”,
    the programme at the Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences in Cambridge, “New Statistical Physics of Living Matter: Non-equilibrium states under adaptive control”,  Isaac Newton Institute, Edinburgh, UK, Nov. 2023.
  78. Ryo Hanai, “Non-reciprocal frustration physics”,
    Frontiers in nonequilibrium physics: active matter, topology and beyond, YITP, Kyoto, Jul. 2023.
  79. Masakiyo Kitazawa, "Theoretical Study of QCD Phase Diagram at High Baryon Density",
    The 2023 Fall Meeting of the Division of Nuclear Physics of the American Physical Society and the Physical Society of Japan, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA, Nov. 26 - Dec. 3, 2023.
  80. Masakiyo Kitazawa, "Novel signals for fluctuation measurements",
    Fluctuations and Correlations of conserved charges in nuclear collisions – Challenges and Future Prospects, GSI, Darmstadt, Germany, Nov. 6-10, 2023.
  81. Masakiyo Kitazawa, "Exploring strongly interacting matter in heavy-ion collisions",
    The 52nd edition of the International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics (ISMD 2023), Károly Róbert Campus of MATE, Gyöngyös, Hungary, Aug. 21-27, 2023.
  82. Yuya Tanizaki, "Noninvertible Solitonic Symmetry",
    Categorical aspects of symmetry, Nordita (Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics), Stockholm, Sweden, Aug. 22-25, 2023.
  83. Yuya Tanizaki, "Topology of SU(N)/ℤN lattice gauge fields and generalized 't Hooft anomaly",
    Quark Confinement 2023, FTPI, University of Minnesota, MN, USA, May 2-6, 2023.
  84. Yui Hayashi, "Reconstruction and interpretation of propagators with complex singularities",
    Nonperturbative QFT in the complex momentum space, Maynooth University, Maynooth, Ireland, Jun. 2023.
  85. Hiromasa Watanabe, "Partial deconfinement in theories, from large-N theories to SU(N=3) QCD",
    Numerical Methods in Theoretical Physics 2023, APCTP, Korea, Jul. 12, 2023.
  86. Hiromasa Watanabe, "Toward the application of large-N deconfinement to SU(3) QCD",
    Corfu2023:Workshop on Noncommutative and Generalized Geometry in String theory, Gauge theory and Related Physical Models, Corfu Summer Institute, Greece, Sep. 20, 2023.

Invited Talks (in Japan)

  1. Tadashi Takayanagi, "On Holography in de Sitter Space",
    The 32nd Workshop on General Relativity and Gravitation in Japan (JGRG32), Nagoya, Japan Dec. 1, 2023.
  2. Tadashi Takayanagi, "On Holography in de Sitter Space",
    KEK Theory Workshop 2023, Tsukuba, Japan, Nov. 30,  2023.
  3. Tadashi Takayanagi, "Holographic Universe from Quantum Information",
    KMI colloquium, Nagoya U., Jul. 13, 2023.
  4. Tadashi Takayanagi, "Emergence of Extreme Universe from Quantum Information",
    iTHEMS colloquium, Riken, Wako, Apr. 17,  2023.
  5. Sinya Aoki, "素粒子論から一般相対性理論と宇宙論へ",
    シミレーション天文学のこれまでとこれから ーハードウエア・アプリケーション・サイエンスー, Kobe University Integrated Research Center Convention Hall, Sep. 4-6, 2023.
  6. Hidehiko Shimada, "Spectral winding and quantum anomaly",
    New trends of conformal theory from probability to gravity, Okinawa Institute for Science and Technology, Okinawa, , Jul. 31- Aug. 4, 2023.
  7. Naoki Sasakura, "テンソルの固有値分布 — なぜ積分できるんだろう —​​",
    場の理論と弦理論の数理的側面​,Tokyo Institute of Technology,Sep. 23-24, 2023.
  8. Etsuko Itou, "Speed of Sound beyond the conformal bound in Dense Two-Color QCD - Lattice Simulation Results -",
    第18回Hadron Spectroscopy Cafe, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Sep. 21, 2023.
  9. Etsuko Itou, "量子計算の 素粒子・原子核理論への応用 ",
    857th ASRC Seminar, Advanced Science Research Center, Nuclear Research Science Institute, Nov. 6, 2023.
  10. Etsuko Itou, "量子の世界を計算する",
    西宮湯川記念講演会 科学セミナー, Frente Hall, Nishinomiya City, Dec. 2, 2023.
  11. Etsuko Itou, "量子コンピュータでみる素粒子の世界",
    講演会「湯川博士の贈り物」, Yukawa Institute for Theoreticao Physics, Kyoto University, Feb. 10, 2024.
  12. Etsuko Itou, "量子コンピュータと素粒子の世界",
    京都大学研究連携基盤 第19回附置研究所・センターシンポジウム, Matsumoto Performing Arts Centre, Matsumoto, Mar. 2, 2024.
  13. Etsuko Itou, "QCDと第一原理計算",
    計算物理春の学校 2024 , Okinawa Prefectural Municipality Hall, Mar. 10-15, 2024.
  14. Etsuko Itou, "場の理論のハミルトニアン形式とテンソルネットワーク法",
    日本物理学会 2024年春季大会, シンポジウム「テンソルネットワーク法の進展とさらなる可能性」, Mar. 18, 2024.
  15. Hiromasa Takaura, "Determination of |V_cb| from inclusive decay process using OPE",
    Bファクトリー物理勉強会 第27回ミーティング, Nagoya University, Jun. 30, 2023.
  16. Hiromasa Takaura, "&mu+e-コライダー, &mu+&mu+コライダー(mTRISTAN)での物理",
    日本物理学会第78回年次大会, 企画講演, Tohoku University, Sep. 18, 2023.
  17. Shan-Ming Ruan, "Complexity Equals Anything: Singularity Probes",
    E-Lab Seminar, Theoretical Elementary Particle Physics Laboratory, Nagoya University, Jul. 4, 2023.
  18. Akira Matsumoto, "DMRGを用いたゲージ理論の質量スペクトル計算とTRGで見るラージNゲージ理論",
    Tensor Network 2023, Center for Computational Sciences, University of Tsukuba, Nov. 14, 2023.
  19. Akira Matsumoto, "Three ways of calculating composite-particle spectra of gauge theories in the Hamiltonian formalism",
    Seminar at Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kanazawa University, Oct. 27, 2023.
  20. Akira Matsumoto, "Three ways of calculating composite-particle spectra of gauge theories in the Hamiltonian formalism",
    Seminar at Particle Physics Theory Group, Osaka University, Oct. 24, 2023.
  21. Akira Matsumoto, "Three ways of calculating composite-particle spectra of gauge theories in the Hamiltonian formalism",
    Seminar at Hadron theory group, University of Tokyo, Oct. 18, 2023.
  22. Masaya Amo, "定常AdSブラックホールの面積の上限予想",
    第8回ブラックホール研究会, Mar. 2024.
  23. Masaya Amo, "定常AdSブラックホールの面積の上限予想",
    大阪公立大学宇宙物理研究室セミナー, Jan. 2024.
  24. Katsuki Aoki, "Analytic S-matrix of Unstable Particles",
    Kanto-NTU HEP Workshop, Saitama Univerisity, Jan. 2024.
  25. Katsuki Aoki, "Is a scalar field everything about dark sectors/modified gravity?",
    第12 回観測的宇宙論ワークショップ, Saga University, Dec. 2023.
  26. Kunihito Ioka, "Off-Axis Gamma-Ray Bursts and Electromagnetic Counterparts",
    Israel/Japan Transient Theory Workshop, RESCEU, Hongo Campus of U. Tokyo, 9/29, 2023.
  27. Koutarou Kyutoku, "Gravitational waves from binary-neutron-star mergers and the equation of state",
    Condensed Matter Physics of QCD 2024, Kyoto, March 11-12, 2024.
  28. Koutarou Kyutoku, "Gravitational waves and physics of compact objects",
    Gravitational Wave Probes of Physics Beyond Standard Model, Osaka, November 6-9, 2023.
  29. Shinji Mukohyama, "Horava-Lifshitz cosmology revisited'',
    CAS-JSPS-IBS CTPU-CGA 2023 Summer Workshop on Cosmology, Gravity, Particle Physics, Hokkaido, Japan (Online), August 2023.
  30. Atsushi Naruko, "Axion Cloud Decay due to the Axion-photon Conversion with Background Magnetic Fields'',
    Extreme Mass Dark Matter Workshop: from Superlight to Superheavy, YITP, Kyoto, March, 2024.
  31. Atsushi Naruko, "Wronskian relation in a homogeneous but anisotropic universe with perturbations'',
    Kiban-b kickoff workshop, Okayama University of Science, Okayama, June, 2023.
  32. Takahiro Nishimichi, "Emulators for cosmological inference",
    Statistical Analysis of Random Fields in Cosmology, KEK, Japan, March 6, 2024.
  33. Naritaka Oshita, “Black Hole Ringdown”,
    CAS-JSPS-IBS CTPU-CGA 2023 Summer Workshop on Cosmology, Gravity, Particle Physics, Hokkaido Shikotsuko, 31st August 2023.
  34. Yoko Oya, Cecilia Ceccarelli, Claudio Codella, Claire J. Chandler, Minami Sakai, Satoshi Yamamoto, “ALMA Large Project FAUST (Fifty AU STudy of the chemistry in the disk/envelope system of Solar-like protostars)”, 
    日本地球惑星科学連合2023年大会, Makuhari Messe, May 2023.
  35. Yoko Oya, “星・惑星系形成研究における、電波観測の成果から遠赤外線観測へのフィードバック”, 
    遠赤外線天文学の将来サイエンス検討会, ISAS, March 2024.
  36. Misiao Sasaki, "Primordial Black Holes from Inflation",
    Nishinomiya-Yukawa symposium, February 14, 2024.
  37. Misao Sasaki, "The birth of the Universe and its evolution",
    20th Sakata-Hayakawa Memorial Lecture, February 3, 2024.
  38. Atsushi Taruya, "Non-equilibrium gravitational dynamics of cosmic structure formation",
    Joint Symposium on “Exploring the creation of matter and structure in the universe from extreme non-equilibrium phenomena”, JPS 2024 Spring Meeting, Online, March 18–21, 2024.
  39. Atsushi Taruya, "To be or not to be: (non-)universal features in the dark matter halos",
    The 14th RESCEU Symposium on "From Large to Small Structures in the Universe”, RESCEU, Univ. Tokyo, Japan, Oct. 30--Nov. 2, 2023.
  40. Atsushi Taruya, "Galaxy ellipticity correlations as a novel probe of cosmology,'’
    HSC Medium-band filter Nagoya workshop (hybrid), Nagoya Univ., Japan, Sep. 1, 2023.
  41. Atsushi Taruya, "Cosmology with wide-field spectroscopic surveys”,
    NECO school: science and methods for wide-field photometric and spectroscopic extragalactic and cosmological surveys, YITP, Kyoto Univ., Japan, Aug. 28–Sep. 8, 2023.
  42. Rina Tazai, Yoichi Yamakawa, Seiichiro Onari, Hiroshi Kontani, "カゴメ超伝導体における 新奇な多重量子相転移相の理論研究",
    基研 超伝導研究会 2023 超伝導研究の発展と広がり, Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University, December 20, 2023.
  43. Rina Tazai, Yoichi Yamakawa, Hiroshi Kontani, "Mechanism of Various Condensation in Metal Loop Current and Bond Order",
    研究会 対相関から対凝縮相への微視的アプローチ, Osaka University, September 4, 2023.
  44. Hisao Hayakawa, "Quantum Mpemba effect: an anomalous thermal relaxation process in quantum matter",
    East Asia Joint Seminars on Statistical Physics 2023, Pacifico Yokohama, Yokohama, Oct. 10, 2023.
  45. Hisao Hayakawa,
    The 9th International Discussion Meeting on Relaxations in Complex Systems, Makuhari Messe, Chiba, Aug. 14, 2023.
  46. Hisao Hayakawa, "Kyozi Kawasaki Memorial",
    28th International Conference on Statistical Physics, Statphys28, Univ. Tokyo, Tokyo, Aug. 9, 2023.
  47. Hisao Hayakawa, "Theory of Mpemba effect: an anomalous relaxation process",
    Discussion Meeting: Soft matter & Statistical Physics, OIST, Okinawa, Jun. 26, 2023.
  48. Ryo Hanai, “Physics of open many-body nonequilibrium physics”,
    SQP2024 Online Winter School, Hatano Lab, Feb. 2024.
  49. Ryo Hanai, “Non-equilibrium physics”,
    Osaka University, Osaka, Japan, Oct. 2023.
  50. Masakiyo Kitazawa, "Lee-Yang zeros around critical point of heavy-quark QCD",
    Condensed Matter Physics of QCD 2024, YITP, Kyoto, Mar. 11-22, 2024.
  51. Masakiyo Kitazawa, "J-PARC-HIの物理とその広がり",
    J-PARCと重イオン衝突実験の交差点, KEK Tokai Campus, Tokai, Oct. 27-28, 2023.
  52. Masakiyo Kitazawa, "J-PARC-HI: Theory",
    Workshop on nuclear physics with heavy ion reaction and related topics, Tohoku University, Sendai, Sep. 30, 2023.
  53. Masakiyo Kitazawa, "Machine learning topological sector of SU(3) YM theory",
    A Focused Week of Physics for Machine Learning in Kyoto (2023), YITP, Kyoto, Kyoto, Aug. 7-10, 2023.
  54. Masakiyo Kitazawa, "Critical point and fluctuations",
    Workshop on Highly Baryonic Matter at RHIC-BES and Future Facilities (WHBM2023), Univ. of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Apr. 29-30, 2023.
  55. Masakiyo Kitazawa, "J-PARC Heavy-Ion Project",
    The 9th Asian Triangle Heavy-Ion Conference (ATHIC 2023), Hiroshima, Apr. 23-27, 2023.
  56. Yuya Tanizaki, "Solving QCD semiclassically with 't Hooft flux",
    駒場研究会 場の理論への非摂動的アプローチ, Komaba, Tokyo, March 30-31, 2024.
  57. Yuya Tanizaki, "Wilson-'t Hooft classifications and N=1* SYM gapped vacua in view of 1-form symmetry",
    QFT and Related Mathematical Aspects 2024, Osaka Metropolitan University (OMU), Osaka, Mar. 27-29, 2024.
  58. Yuya Tanizaki, "非可逆的対称性とソリトンのトポロジカル安定性 (Noninvertible symmetry and topological stability of solitons)",
    統計物理学懇談会(第 11 回) , Japan (online), March 13-14, 2024.
  59. Yuya Tanizaki, "場の理論における一般化された対称性とその応用 (Generalized symmetries in QFTs and their applications)",
    Chubu Summer School 2023, Sinshu University, Nagano, Japan, Sep. 11-13, 2023.
  60. Yuya Tanizaki, "非摂動的な場の理論のダイナミクスと一般化された対称性 (Generalized symmetry and dynamics of nonperturbative QFTs)",
    YONUPA Summer School 2023, Tokyo, Japan, Aug. 17-21, 2023.
  61. Yui Hayashi, “(企画講演)Quark-hadron-Higgs-confinement continuity and vortices”,
    日本物理学会(2024年春季大会), Mar. 2024.
  62. Hiromasa Watanabe, "Searching the optimal matrix configurations by Replica-Exchange Monte Carlo methods for matrix models",
    離散的手法による場と時空のダイナミクス 2023, University of Tsukuba, Sep. 13, 2023.
  63. Hiromasa Watanabe, "有限温度ゲージ理論の非閉じ込め相転移と部分閉じ込め",
    日本物理学会 2024年春季大会, Online, Mar. 19, 2024.