Curriculum Vitae

Born in Nagoya, Japan on Feb.1,1962 Married, Two Children Japanese citizen
1. Education

2. Experience

Social Activities

  1. Japanese Physical Society a member of executive committee (2006-2008)
  2. Japanese Physical Society the head of field committee (2007-8) and subhead (2006-7)
  3. a member of executive committee of organizing Prog. Theor. Phys.(2008.4-)
  4. Progress of Theoretical Physics, Editor (2008.4-) Editor-in-chief (2011.4-2012.12)
  5. Granular Matter, Editor (2011.1-)
  6. a member of executive committee of Yukawa Foundation(2008.4-2011.3)
  7. IPAP a member of steering committee (2009.4-)
  8. A subleader of global COE project of Kyoto University The next generation of Physisc, Spun from Universality to Emergence
  9. a member of committee of AEMMG ("Association pour lfEtude de la MicroMecanique des Milieux Granulaires") (2009.11-)

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