Publications of Kouichi Hagino

Refereed Papers as Joint Author

  1. Visualization of quantum interferences in heavy-ion elastic scattering
    K. Heo and K. Hagino,
    Phys. Rev. C111 (2025) 034612/1-7. [PRC]

  2. Role of momentum in the generator-coordinate method applied to barrier penetration
    K. Hagino and G.F. Bertsch,
    Phys. Rev. C110 (2024) 054610/1-7 [Editors' suggestion]. [PRC]

  3. Application of the shift-invert Lanczos algorithm to a non-equilibrium Green function for transport problems
    K. Uzawa and K. Hagino,
    Phys. Rev. E110 (2024) 055302/1-8 [Editors' suggestion]. [PRE]

  4. Non-equilibrium Green's function approach to low-energy fission dynamics: Fluctuations in fission reactions
    K. Uzawa and K. Hagino,
    Phys. Rev. C110 (2024) 014321/1-11. [PRC]

  5. Microscopic derivation of transition-state theory for complex quantum systems
    K. Hagino and G.F. Bertsch,
    J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 93 (2024) 064003/1-5. [JPSJ]

  6. Barrier penetration in a discrete basis formalism
    G.F. Bertsch and K. Hagino,
    Phys. Rev. C109 (2024) 054606/1-6. [PRC]

  7. Barrier penetration in a finite mesh method
    K. Hagino,
    Phys. Rev. C109 (2024) 034611/1-3. [PRC]

  8. Non-empirical shape dynamics of heavy nuclei with multi-task deep learning
    N. Hizawa and K. Hagino,
    Phys. Rev. C109 (2024) 014312/1-14. [PRC]

  9. Visualizing quantum coherence and decoherence in nuclear reactions
    K. Hagino and T. Yoda,
    Phys. Lett. B848 (2024) 13826/1-6. [PLB]

  10. Extension of the generator coordinate method with basis optimization
    M. Matsumoto, Y. Tanimura, and K. Hagino,
    Phys. Rev. C108 (2023) L051302/1-6. [PRC]

  11. Orbital-free density functional theory: differences and similarities between electronic and nuclear systems
    G. Colo and K. Hagino,
    Prog. Theo. Exp. Phys. 2023 (2023) 103D01/1-11. [PTEP]

  12. Analysis of a Skyrme energy density functional with deep learning
    N. Hizawa, K. Hagino, and K. Yoshida,
    Phys. Rev. C108 (2023) 034311 [Editors' suggestion]. [PRC]

  13. Schematic model for induced fission in a configuration-interaction approach
    K. Uzawa and K. Hagino,
    Phys. Rev. C108 (2023) 024319. [PRC]

  14. Precise determination of quadrupole and hexadecapole deformation parameters of the sd-shell nucleus, 28Si
    Y. K. Gupta, V. B. Katariy, G. K. Prajapati, K. Hagino, D. Patel, V. Ranga, L. S. Danu, A. Pal, B. N. Joshi, S. Dubey, V. V. Desai, S. Panwar, U. Garg, N. Kumar, S. Mukhopadhyay, Pawan Singh, N. Sirswal, R. Sariyal, I. Mazumdar, B. V. John,
    Phys. Lett. B845, 138120 (2023). [PLB]

  15. Modeling barrier-top fission dynamics in a discrete-basis formalism
    G.F. Bertsch and K. Hagino,
    Phys. Rev. C107 (2023) 044615/1-11. [PRC]

  16. Spatial correlation of a particle-hole pair with a repulsive isovector interaction
    K. Hagino and H. Sagawa,
    Phys. Rev. C106 (2022) 034313/1-6. [PRC]

  17. Fusion of 12C + 24Mg at extreme sub-barrier energies
    G. Montagnoli, A.M. Stefanini, C.L. Jiang, K. Hagino, F. Niola, D. Brugnara, P. Colovic, G. Colucci, L. Corradi, R. Depalo, E. Fioretto, A. Goasduff, G. Pasqualato, F. Scarlassara, S. Szilner and I. Zanon,
    J. Phys. G49 (2022) 095101/1-11. [JPG]

  18. Probing optimal reaction energy for synthesis of element 119 from 51V+248Cm reaction with quasielastic barrier distribution measurement
    M. Tanaka, P. Brionnet, M. Du, J. Ezold, K. Felker, B. J. P. Gall, S. Go, R. Grzywacz, H. Haba, K. Hagino, S. Hogle, S. Ishizawa, D. Kaji, S. Kimura, T. T. King, Y. Komori, R. K. Lemon, M. G. Leonard, K. Morimoto, K. Morita, D. Nagae, N. Naito, T. Niwase, B. C. Rasco, J. B. Roberto, K. P. Rykaczewski, S. Sakaguchi, H. Sakai, Y. Shigekawa, D. W. Stracener, S. VanCleve, Y. Wang, K. Washiyama, and T. Yokokita,
    J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 91 (2022) 084201/1-11. [JPSJ]

  19. Applications of the dynamical generator coordinate method to quadrupole excitations
    N. Hizawa, K. Hagino, and K. Yoshida,
    Phys. Rev. C105 (2022) 064302/1-9. [PRC]

  20. Coupled-channels calculations for nuclear reactions: from exotic nuclei to superheavy elements
    K. Hagino, K. Ogata, and A.M. Moro,
    Prog. in Part. and Nucl. Phys. 125 (2022) 103951/1-62. [PPNP]

  21. Generator coordinate method for transition-state dynamics in nuclear fission
    G.F. Bertsch and K. Hagino,
    Phys. Rev. C105 (2022) 034618/1-7. [PRC]

  22. Microscopic description of cluster decays based on the generator coordinate method
    K. Uzawa, K. Hagino, and K. Yoshida,
    Phys. Rev. C105 (2022) 034326/1-8. [PRC]

  23. Diabatic Hamiltonian matrix elements made simple
    K. Hagino and G.F. Bertsch,
    Phys. Rev. C105 (2022) 034323/1-6. [PRC]

  24. Porter-Thomas fluctuations in complex quantum systems
    K. Hagino and G.F. Bertsch,
    Phys. Rev. E104 (2021) L052104/1-5. [PRE]

  25. Transition-state dynamics in complex quantum systems
    G.F. Bertsch and K. Hagino,
    J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 90 (2021) 11405/1-7. [JPS Hot Topics]. [JPSJ] [JPS Hot Topics].

  26. On deformability of atoms - Comparative study between atoms and atomic nuclei
    T. Naito, S. Endo, K. Hagino, and Y. Tanimura,
    J. of Phys. B54 (2021) 165201/1-30. [JPB]

  27. Role of triaxiality in deformed halo nuclei
    K. Uzawa, K. Hagino, and K. Yoshida,
    Phys. Rev. C104 (2021) L011303/1-4. [PRC]

  28. Heavy-ion fusion reactions at extreme sub-barrier energies
    C.L. Jiang, B.B. Back, K.E. Rehm, K. Hagino, G. Montagnoli, and A.M. Stefanini,
    Eur. Phys. J. A57 (2021) 235/1-47. [EPJA]

  29. Generator coordinate method with a conjugate momentum: application to the particle number projection
    N. Hizawa, K. Hagino, and K. Yoshida,
    Phys. Rev. C103 (2021) 034313/1-8. [PRC]

  30. Fusion reaction of a weakly-bound nucleus with a deformed target
    Ki-Seok Choi, K. S. Kim, Myung-Ki Cheoun, W. Y. So, and K. Hagino,
    Phys. Rev. C103 (2021) 034611/1-6. [PRC]

  31. Semi-classical approaches to heavy-ion reactions: fusion, rainbow and glory
    L.F. Canto, K. Hagino, and M. Ueda,
    Euro. Phys. J. A57 (2021) 11/1-11. [EPJA]

  32. Three related topics on the periodic tables of elements
    Y. Maeno, K. Hagino, and T. Ishiguro
    Foundations of Chemistry 23 (2021) 201-214. [Journal (open access)]

  33. Future of Nuclear Fission Theory
    M. Bender, R. Bernard, G. Bertsch, S. Chiba, J. Dobaczewski, N. Dubray, S. Giuliani, K. Hagino, D. Lacroix, Z. Li, P. Magierski, J. Maruhn, W. Nazarewicz,J. Pei, S. Peru, N. Pillet, J. Randrup, D. Regnier, P.-G. Reinhard, L. Robledo, W. Ryssens, J. Sadhukhan, G. Scamps, N. Schunck, C. Simenel, J. Skalski, I. Stetcu, P. Stevenson, S. Umar, M. Verriere, D. Vretenar, M. Warda, and S. Aberg
    J. of Phys. G47 (2020) 113002/1-58. [JPG]

  34. Time-Dependent Generator Coordinate Method for Many-Particle Tunneling
    N. Hasegawa, K. Hagino, and Y. Tanimura
    Phys. Lett. B808 (2020) 135693/1-5. [PLB]

  35. Least action and the maximum-coupling approximations in the theory of spontaneous fission
    K. Hagino, and G.F. Bertsch
    Phys. Rev. C102 (2020) 024316/1-8. [PRC]

  36. A microscopic model for spontaneous fission: validity of the adiabatic approximation
    K. Hagino and G.F. Bertsch,
    Phys. Rev. C101 (2020) 064317/1-8. [PRC]

  37. Halo structure of the neutron-dripline nucleus 19B
    K.J. Cook,T. Nakamura, Y. Kondo, K. Hagino, K. Ogata, A.T. Saito, N.L. Achouri, T. Aumann, H. Baba, F. Delaunay, Q. Deshayes, P. Doornenbal, N. Fukuda, J. Gibelin, J.W. Hwang, N. Inabe, T. Isobe, D. Kameda, D. Kanno, S. Kim, N. Kobayashi, T. Kobayashi, T. Kubo, S. Leblond, J. Lee, F.M. Marques, R. Minikata, T. Motobayashi, K. Muto, T. Murakami, D. Murai, T. Nakashima, N. Nakatsuka, A. Navin, S. Nishi, S. Ogoshi, N.A. Orr, H. Otsu, H. Sato, Y. Satou, Y. Shimizu, H. Suzuki, K. Takahashi, H. Takeda, S. Takeuchi, R. Tanaka, Y. Togano, J. Tsubota, A.G. Tuff, M. Vandebrouck, and K. Yoneda
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 124 (2020) 212503/1-7. [Editors' suggestion]. [PRL]

  38. Determination of hexadecapole (beta4) deformation of the light-mass nucleus 24Mg using quasi-elastic measurement
    Y.K. Gupta, B.K. Nayak, U. Garg, N. Sensharma, Shahina, R. Gandhi, D.C. Biswas, M. Senyigit, K.B. Howard, W. Tan, P.D. O'Malley, K. Hagino, M. Smith, O. Hall, M. Hall, Richard J. deBoer, K. Ostdiek, Q. Liu, A. Long, J. Hu, T. Anderson, M. Skulski, W. Lu, E. Lamere, S. Lyons, B. Frentz, A. Gyurjinyan, B. Van de Kolk, and C. Seymour,
    Phys. Lett. B806 (2020) 135473/1-6. [PLB]

  39. A nuclear periodic table
    K. Hagino and Y. Maeno,
    Foundations of Chemistry 22 (2020) 267-273. [Journal (open access)]

  40. Resonance width for a particle-core coupling model with a square-well potential
    K. Hagino, H. Sagawa, S. Kanaya, and A. Odahara,
    Prog. Theo. Exp. Phys. 2020 (2020) 023D01/1-19. [PTEP]

  41. An overview of the scientific contribution of Andrea Vitturi to Nuclear Physics
    L. Fortunato, C.E. Alonso, J.M. Arias, J. Casal, K. Hagino, J.A. Lay, E.G. Lanza, S.M. Lenzi, J. Lubian, T. Oishi, F. P\'erez-Bernal,
    Euro. Phys. J. A56 (2020) 49/1-25. [EPJA]

  42. Time-dependent approaches to open quantum systems
    M. Tokieda and K. Hagino,
    Front. in Phys. 8 (2020) 8/1-8. [Frontiers]

  43. Fusion Dynamics for Hot Fusion Reactions to Synthesize Superheavy Nuclei revealed in Quasielastic Barrier Distributions
    T. Tanaka, K. Morita, K. Morimoto, D. Kaji, H. Haba, R.A. Boll, N. T. Brewer, S. Van Cleve, D.J. Dean, S. Ishizawa, Y. Ito, Y. Komori, K. Nishio, T. Niwase, B.C. Rasco, J.B. Roberto, K.P. Rykaczewski, H. Sakai, D.W. Stracener, and K. Hagino,
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 124 (2020) 052502/1-6. [PRL]

  44. Constraining the 12C+12C astrophysical S-factors with the 12C+13C measurements at very low energies
    N.T. Zhang, X.Y. Wang, H. Chen, Z.J. Chen, W.P. Lin, X.D. Tang, W.Y. Xin, S.W. Xu, D. Tudor, A.I. Chilug, I.C. Stefanescu, M. Straticiuc, I. Burducea, D.G. Ghita, R. Margineanu, C. Gomoiu, A. Pantelica, D. Chesneanu, L. Trache, B. Bucher, L.R. Gasques, K. Hagino, S. Kubono, Y.J. Li, C.J. Lin, A.S. Umar, and Y. Xu
    Phys. Lett. B801 (2020) 135170/1-5. [PLB]

  45. A new approach for open quantum systems based on a phonon number representation of a harmonic oscillator bath
    M. Tokieda and K. Hagino,
    Ann. of Phys. 412 (2020) 168005/1-29. [Elsevier]

  46. Subbarrier fusion reactions of an aligned deformed nucleus
    K. Hagino and S. Sakaguchi,
    Phys. Rev. C100 (2019) 064614/1-6. [PRC]

  47. Dissipation and tunneling in heavy-ion reactions near the Coulomb barrier
    E. Piasecki, M. Kowalczyk, S. Yusa, A. Trzcinska, and K. Hagino,
    Phys. Rev. C100 (2019) 014616/1-11. [PRC]

  48. Sub-barrier fusion involving odd mass nuclei: the case of 36S+50Ti,51V
    G. Colucci, G. Montagnoli, A.M. Stefanini, K. Hagino, A. Caciolli, P. Colovic, L. Corradi, E. Fioretto, F. Galtarossa, A. Goasdu, J. Grebosz, M. Mazzocco, D. Montanari, C. Parascandolo, F. Scarlassara, M. Siciliano, E. Strano, S. Szilner and N. Vukman,
    Eur. Phys. J. A 55 (2019) 111/1-6. [EPJA]

  49. Potential model for nuclear astrophysical fusion reactions with a square-well potential
    R. Ogura, K. Hagino, and C.A. Bertulani,
    Phys. Rev. C99 (2019) 065808/1-4 [PRC]

  50. Time-dependent Hartree-Fock plus Langevvin approach for hot fusion reactions to synthesize the superheavy element with Z=120
    K. Sekizawa and K. Hagino,
    Phys. Rev. C99 (2019) 051602(R)/1-5 [Editors' suggestion]. [PRC]

  51. Superheavy elements: beyond the 7th period in the periodic table
    K. Hagino,
    AAPPS Bulletin 29 (2019) 31-37. [AAPPS]

  52. Branching ratios for deexcitation processes of daughter nuclei following invisible dinucleon decays in 16O
    K. Hagino and M. Nirkko,
    J. of Phys. G45 (2018) 105105/1-17. [JPG]

  53. Hot fusion reactions with deformed nuclei for synthesis of superheavy nuclei: an extension of the fusion-by-diffusion model
    K. Hagino,
    Phys. Rev. C98 (2018) 014607/1-9. [PRC]

  54. Disappearance of nuclear deformation in hypernuclei: a perspective from a beyond-mean-field study
    H. Mei, K. Hagino, J.M. Yao, and T. Motoba,
    Phys. Rev. C97 (2018) 064318/1-6. [PRC]

  55. Role of the hexadecapole deformation of projectile 28Si in heavy-ion fusion reactions near the Coulomb barrier
    G. Kaur, K. Hagino, and N. Rowley,
    Phys. Rev. C97 (2018) 064606/1-5. [PRC]

  56. Origin of a maximum of astrophysical S factor in heavy-ion fusion reactions at deep subbarrier energies
    K. Hagino, A.B. Balantekin, N.W. Lwin, and Ei Shwe Zin Thein,
    Phys. Rev. C97 (2018) 034623/1-4. [PRC]

  57. Coupled-channels analyses for 9,11Li+208Pb fusion reactions with multi-neutron transfer couplings
    K.-S. Choi, M.-K. Cheoun, W.Y. So, K. Hagino, and K.S. Kim,
    Phys. Lett. B780 (2018) 455-460. [PLB]

  58. Fusion hindrance for the positive Q-value system 12C+30Si
    G. Montagnoli, A.M. Stefanini, C.L. Jiang, K. Hagino, F. Galtarossa, G. Colucci, S. Bottoni, C. Broggini, A. Caciolli, P. Colovic, L. Corradi, S. Courtin, R. Depalo, E. Fioretto, G.Fruet, A. Gal, A. Goasdu, M. Heine, S.P. Hu, M. Kaur, T. Mijatovic, M. Mazzocco, D. Montanari, F. Scarlassara, E. Strano, S. Szilner, and G.X. Zhang,
    Phys. Rev. C97 (2018) 024610/1-6. [PRC]

  59. Determination of fusion barrier distributions from quasielastic scattering cross sections towards superheavy nuclei synthesis
    T. Tanaka, Y. Narikiyo, K. Morita, K. Fujita, D. Kaji, K. Morimoto, S. Yamaki, Y. Wakabayashi, K. Tanaka, M. Takeyama, A. Yoneda, H. Haba, Y. Komori, S. Yanou, B.J.-P. Gall, Z. Asfari, H. Faure, H. Hasebe, M. Huang, J. Kanaya, M. Murakami, A. Yoshida, T. Yamaguchi, F. Tokanai, T. Yoshida, S. Yamamoto, Y. Yamano, K. Watanabe, S. Ishizawa, M. Asai, R. Aono, S. Goto, K. Katori, and K. Hagino,
    J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 87 (2018) 014201/1-9. [JPSJ]

  60. Role of deformation in odd-even staggering in reaction cross sections for 30,31,32Ne and 36,37,38Mg isotopes
    Y. Urata, K. Hagino, and H. Sagawa,
    Phys. Rev. C96 (2017) 064311/1-6. [PRC]

  61. Transition from vibrational to rotational characters in low-lying states of hypernuclei
    H. Mei, K. Hagino, J.M. Yao, and T. Motoba,
    Phys. Rev. C96 (2017) 014308/1-9. [PRC]

  62. Applicability of the Wong formula for fusion cross sections from light to heavy systems
    N. W. Lwin, N. N. Htike, and K. Hagino,
    Phys. Rev. C95 (2017) 064601/1-4. [PRC]

  63. New and efficient method for solving the eigenvalue problem for the two-center shell model with finite depth potentials
    K. Hagino and T. Ichikawa,
    Phys. Rev. C95 (2017) 054620/1-7. [PRC]

  64. Quantum tunneling with friction
    M. Tokieda and K. Hagino,
    Phys. Rev. C95 (2017) 054604/1-9. [PRC]

  65. New concept for pairing anti-halo effect as a localized wave packet of quasi-particle
    K. Hagino and H. Sagawa,
    Phys. Rev. C95 (2017) 024304/1-5. [PRC]

  66. Anharmonicity of multi-octupole-phonon excitations in 208Pb: analysis with multi-reference covariant density functional theory and subbarrier fusion of 16O+208Pb
    J.M. Yao and K. Hagino,
    Phys. Rev. C94 (2016) 011303(R)/1-5. [PRC]

  67. Investigating multi-channel quantum tunneling in heavy-ion fusion reactions with Bayesian spectral deconvolution
    K. Hagino
    Phys. Rev. C93 (2016) 061601(R)/1-5. [PRC]

  68. Low-energy hypernuclear spectra with microscopic particle-rotor model with relativistic point coupling hyperon-nucleon interaction
    H. Mei, K. Hagino, J.M. Yao, and T. Motoba,
    Phys. Rev. C93 (2016) 044307/1-11. [PRC]

  69. Evolution of fusion hindrance for asymmetric systems at deep sub-barrier energies
    A. Shrivastava, K. Mahata, S.K. Pandit, V. Nanal, T. Ichikawa, K. Hagino, A. Navin, C.S. Palshetkar, V.V. Parkar, K. Ramachandran, P.C. Rout, Abhinav Kumar, A. Chatterjee, and S. Kailas,
    Phys. Lett. B755 (2016) 332-336. [PLB]

  70. Decay dynamics of the unbound 25O and 26O nuclei
    K. Hagino and H. Sagawa,
    Phys. Rev. C93 (2016) 034330/1-12. [PRC]

  71. Generator coordinate method for hypernuclear spectroscopy with a covariant density functional
    H. Mei, K. Hagino and J.M. Yao,
    Phys. Rev. C93 (2016) 011301(R)/1-5. [PRC]

  72. Enhancement factor for two-neutron transfer reactions with a schematic coupled-channels model
    K. Hagino and G. Scamps,
    Phys. Rev. C92 (2015) 064602/1-4. [PRC]

  73. Coupled-channels description of multi-nucleon transfer and fusion reactions at energies around and far below the Coulomb barrier
    G. Scamps and K. Hagino,
    Phys. Rev. C92 (2015) 054614/1-10. [PRC]

  74. Influence of vibrational excitation on surface diffuseness of the internuclear potential: Study through heavy-ion quasi-elastic scattering at deep-subbarrier energies
    G. Kaur, B.R. Behera, A. Jhingan, P. Sugathan, and K. Hagino,
    Phys. Rev. C92 (2015) 044609/1-7. [PRC]

  75. Quasi-elastic barrier distributions for 20Ne+58,60,61Ni systems: Influence of weak channels
    A. Trzcinska, E. Piasecki, K. Hagino, W. Czarnacki, P. Decowski, N. Keleey, M. Kisielinski, P. Koczon, A. Kordyasz, E. Koshchiy, M. Kowalczyk, B. Lommel, M. Palacz, A. Stolarz, I. Strojek, and K. Zerva,
    Phys. Rev. C92 (2015) 034619/1-6. [PRC]

  76. Theoretical models for exotic nuclei
    H. Sagawa and K. Hagino,
    Euro. Phys. J. A51 (2015) 102/1-31. [EPJA]

  77. Three-dimensional mesh calculations for covariant density functional theory
    Y. Tanimura, K. Hagino, and H.Z. Liang,
    Prog. Theo. Exp. Phys. 2015 (2015) 073D01/1-29. [PTEP]

  78. Semi-microscopic modeling of heavy-ion fusion reactions with multi-reference covariant density functional theory
    K. Hagino and J.M. Yao,
    Phys. Rev. C91 (2015) 064606/1-11. [PRC]

  79. Microscopic study of low-lying spectra of Lambda hypernuclei based on a beyond-mean-field approach with covariant energy density functional
    H. Mei, K. Hagino, J.M. Yao, and T. Motoba,
    Phys. Rev. C91 (2015) 064305/1-16. [PRC]

  80. Examination of fusion cross sections and fusion oscillations with a generalized Wong formula
    N. Rowley and K. Hagino,
    Phys. Rev. C91 (2015) 044617/1-13. [PRC]

  81. Multi-dimensional fission model with a complex absorbing potential
    G. Scamps and K. Hagino,
    Phys. Rev. C91 (2015) 044606/1-6. [PRC]

  82. Triaxially deformed relativistic point-coupling model for Lambda hypernuclei: a quantitative analysis of hyperon impurity effect on nuclear collective properties
    W.X. Xue, J.M. Yao, K. Hagino, Z.P. Li, H. Mei, and Y. Tanimura,
    Phys. Rev. C91 (2015) 024327/1-13. [PRC]

  83. Systematic study of nuclear matrix elements in neutrinoless double beta decay with a beyond-mean-field covariant density functional theory
    J.M. Yao, L.S. Song, K. Hagino, P. Ring, and J. Meng,
    Phys. Rev. C91 (2015) 024316/1-8. [PRC]

  84. Microscopic particle-rotor model for low-lying spectrum of Lambda hypernuclei
    H. Mei, K. Hagino, J.M. Yao, and T. Motoba,
    Phys. Rev. C90 (2014) 064302/1-6. [PRC]

  85. Role of diproton correlation in two-proton emission decay of the 6Be nucleus
    T. Oishi, K. Hagino, and H. Sagawa,
    Phys. Rev. C90 (2014) 034303/1-14. [PRC]

  86. Three-body model calculation of the 2+ state in 26O
    K. Hagino and H. Sagawa,
    Phys. Rev. C90 (2014) 027303/1-4. [PRC]

  87. Three-body model calculations for N=Z odd-odd nuclei with T=0 and T=1 pairing correlations
    Y. Tanimura, H. Sagawa, and K. Hagino,
    Prog. Theo. Exp. Phys. 2014 (2014) 053D02/1-9. [PTEP]

  88. A microscopic benchmark-study of triaxiality in low-lying states of 76Kr
    J.M. Yao, K. Hagino, Z.P. Li, J. Meng, and P. Ring,
    Phys. Rev. C89 (2014) 054306/1-10. [PRC]

  89. Effect of pairing on the symmetry energy and the incompressibility
    J. Margueron, E. Khan, G. Colo, K. Hagino, and H. Sagawa,
    Euro. Phys. J. A50 (2014) 18 (7 pages). [EPJA]

  90. Correlated two-neutron emission in the decay of unbound nucleus 26O
    K. Hagino and H. Sagawa,
    Phys. Rev. C89 (2014) 014331/1-6. [PRC]

  91. Sum rule approach to a soft dipole mode in Lambda hypernuclei
    F. Minato and K. Hagino,
    Phys. Rev. C88 (2013) 064303/1-6. [PRC]

  92. Quasi-elastic scattering in the 20Ne+90,92Zr reactions: role of non-collective excitations
    S. Yusa, K. Hagino and N. Rowley,
    Phys. Rev. C88 (2013) 054621/1-7. [PRC]

  93. Non-collective excitations in low-energy heavy-ion reactions: applicability of the random-matrix model
    S. Yusa, K. Hagino and N. Rowley,
    Phys. Rev. C88 (2013) 044620/1-5. [PRC]

  94. Reaction cross sections of hypernuclei and the shrinkage effect
    T. Akaishi and K. Hagino,
    Phys. Rev. C88 (2013) 047603/1-3. [PRC]

  95. Application of the inverse Hamiltonian method to Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov calculations
    Y. Tanimura, K. Hagino, and P. Ring,
    Phys. Rev. C88 (2013) 017301/1-4. [PRC]

  96. Competition between T=1 and T=0 pairing in pf-shell nuclei with N=Z
    H. Sagawa, Y. Tanimura, and K. Hagino,
    Phys. Rev. C87 (2013) 034310/1-5. [PRC]

  97. Role of T=0 pairing in Gamow-Teller states in N=Z nuclei
    C.L. Bai, H. Sagawa, M. Sasano, T. Uesaka, K. Hagino, H.Q. Zhang, X.Z. Zhang, and F.R. Xu,
    Phys. Lett. B719 (2013) 116-120. [PLB]

  98. Subbarrier fusion reactions and many-particle quantum tunneling
    K. Hagino and N. Takigawa,
    Prog. Theo. Phys 128 (2012) 1061-1106. [PTP] (Erratum)

  99. Double isobaric analog of 11Li in 11B
    R.J. Charity, L.G. Sobotka, K. Hagino, D. Bazin, M.A. Famiano, A. Gade, S. Hudan, S.A. Komarov, J. Lee, S.P. Lobastov, S.M. Lukyanov, W.G. Lynch, C. Metelko, M. Mocko, A.M. Rogers, H. Sagawa, A. Sanetullaev, M.B. Tsang, M.S. Wallace, M.J. van Goethem, and A.H. Wuosmaa,
    Phys. Rev. C86 (2012) 041307(R)/1-5. [PRC]

  100. Impurity effect of Lambda particle on the structure of 18F and 19F_Lambda
    Y. Tanimura, K. Hagino, and H. Sagawa,
    Phys. Rev. C86 (2012) 044331/1-7. [PRC]

  101. Reaction cross sections of the deformed halo nucleus 31Ne
    Y. Urata, K. Hagino, and H. Sagawa,
    Phys. Rev. C86 (2012) 044613/1-7. [PRC]

  102. Time-dependent approach to many-particle tunneling in one-dimension
    T. Maruyama, T. Oishi, K. Hagino, and H. Sagawa,
    Phys. Rev. C86 (2012) 044301/1-8. [PRC]

  103. Isoscalar and isovector density dependence of the pairing functional determined from global fitting
    M. Yamagami, J. Margueron, H. Sagawa, and K. Hagino,
    Phys. Rev. C86 (2012) 034333/1-11. [PRC]

  104. Transition from subbarrier to deep subbarrier regimes in heavy-ion fusion reactions
    Ei Shwe Zin Thein, N. W. Lwin, and K. Hagino,
    Phys. Rev. C85 (2012) 057602/1-4. [PRC]

  105. Role of non-collective excitations in heavy-ion fusion reactions and quasi-elastic scattering around the Coulomb barrier
    S. Yusa, K. Hagino, and N. Rowley,
    Phys. Rev. C85 (2012) 054601/1-8. [PRC]

  106. Dynamical approach to heavy-ion induced fission using actinide target nuclei at energies around the Coulomb barrier
    Y. Aritomo, K. Hagino, K. Nishio, and S. Chiba,
    Phys. Rev. C85 (2012) 044614/1-15. [PRC]

  107. Odd-even staggering of reaction cross sections for 22,23,24O isotopes
    K. Hagino and H. Sagawa,
    Phys. Rev. C85 (2012) 037604/1-2. [PRC]

  108. Hyperon effects in covariant density functional theory with recent astrophysical observations
    W.H. Long, B.Y. Sun, K. Hagino, and H. Sagawa,
    Phys. Rev. C85 (2012) 025806/1-12. [PRC]

  109. Application of random phase approximation to vibrational excitations of double-Lambda hypernuclei
    F. Minato and K. Hagino,
    Phys. Rev. C85 (2012) 024316/1-10. [PRC]

  110. Description of single-Lambda hypernuclei with relativistic point coupling model
    Y. Tanimura and K. Hagino,
    Phys. Rev. C85 (2012) 014306/1-8. [PRC]

  111. Pairing correlations and odd-even staggering in reaction cross sections of weakly bound nuclei
    K. Hagino and H. Sagawa,
    Phys. Rev. C85 (2012) 014303/1-8. [PRC]

  112. Relation between shrinkage effect and compression of rotational spectrum in 7Li_Lambda hypernucleus
    K. Hagino and T. Koike,
    Phys. Rev. C84 (2011) 064325/1-7. [PRC]

  113. Effect of proton-proton Coulomb repulsion on soft dipole excitations of light proton-rich nuclei
    T. Oishi, K. Hagino, and H. Sagawa,
    Phys. Rev. C84 (2011) 057301/1-3. [PRC]

  114. Impurity effect of Lambda hyperon on collective excitations of atomic nuclei
    J.M. Yao, Z.P. Li, K. Hagino, M. Thi Win, Y. Zhang, and J. Meng,
    Nucl. Phys. A868 (2011) 12-24. [NPA].

  115. Microscopic description of quantum shape fluctuation in C isotopes
    J.M. Yao, J. Meng, P. Ring, Z.P. Li, and K. Hagino,
    Phys. Rev. C84 (2011) 024306/1-9. [PRC]

  116. Evidence for pairing anti-halo effect in odd-even staggering in reaction cross sections of weakly bound nuclei
    K. Hagino and H. Sagawa,
    Phys. Rev. C84 (2011) 011303(R)/1-4. [PRC]

  117. Ground state properties and Coulomb dissociation of the deformed halo nucleus 31Ne
    Y. Urata, K. Hagino, and H. Sagawa,
    Phys. Rev. C83 (2011) 041303(R)/1-5. [PRC]

  118. Shape of Lambda hypernuclei in the (beta,gamma) deformation plane
    Myaing Thi Win, K. Hagino and T. Koike,
    Phys. Rev. C83 (2011) 014301/1-9. [PRC]

  119. Two-neutron halo nuclei in one dimension: dineutron correlation and breakup reaction
    K. Hagino, A. Vitturi, F. Perez-Bernal, and H. Sagawa,
    J. of Phys. G38 (2011) 015105/1-15. [JPG]

  120. Iterative solution of a Dirac equation with inverse Hamiltonian method
    K. Hagino and Y. Tanimura,
    Phys. Rev. C82 (2010) 057301/1-4. [PRC]

  121. Nuclear orientation in the reaction 34S+238U and synthesis of the new isotope 268Hs
    K. Nishio, S. Hofmann, F.P. Hessberger, D. Ackermann, S. Antalic, Y. Aritomo, V.F. Comas, Ch.E. Dullmann, A. Gorshkov, R. Graeger, K. Hagino, S. Heinz, J.A. Heredia, K. Hirose, H. Ikezoe, J. Khuyagbaatar, B. Kindler, I. Kojouharov, B. Lommel, R. Mann, S. Mitsuoka, Y. Nagame, I. Nishinaka and T. Ohtsuki,
    Phys. Rev. C82 (2010) 024611/1-9. [PRC]

  122. Effect of pairing correlations on incompressibility and symmetry energy in nuclear matter and finite nuclei
    E. Khan, J. Margueron, G. Colo, K. Hagino, and H. Sagawa,
    Phys. Rev. C82 (2010) 024322/1-9. [PRC]

  123. Diproton correlation in the proton-rich Borromean nucleus 17Ne
    T. Oishi, K. Hagino, and H. Sagawa,
    Phys. Rev. C82 (2010) 024315/1-5; Phys. Rev. C82 (2010) 069901(E). [PRC]

  124. Role of non-collective excitations in low-energy heavy-ion reactions
    S. Yusa, K. Hagino, and N. Rowley,
    Phys. Rev. C82 (2010) 024606/1-7. [PRC]

  125. Cooper pair sizes in 11Li and in superfluid nuclei: a puzzle?
    K. Hagino, H. Sagawa, and P. Schuck,
    J. of Phys. G37 (2010) 064040/1 - 064040/7. [JPG]

  126. Structure of 72,74Ge nuclei probed with a combined analysis of heavy-ion fusion reactions and Coulomb excitation
    Muhammad Zamrun F., Zakarya Mohamed Mohamed Mahmoud, N. Takigawa, and K. Hagino,
    Phys. Rev. C81 (2010) 044609/1-8. [PRC]

  127. Hyperons as a probe of nuclear deformation
    H.-J. Schulze, Myaing Thi Win, K. Hagino and H. Sagawa,
    Prog. Theo. Phys. 123 (2010) 569-580. [PTP]

  128. beta-decay half-lives at finite temperatures for N=82 isotones
    F. Minato and K. Hagino,
    Phys. Rev. C80 (2009) 065808/1-7. [PRC]

  129. Exploring fusion at extreme sub-barrier energies with weakly bound nuclei
    A. Shrivastava, A. Navin, A. Lemasson, K. Ramachandran, V. Nanal, M. Rejmund, K. Hagino, T. Ichikawa, S. Bhattacharyya, A. Chatterjee, S. Kailas, K. Mahata,K. V.V. Parkar, R.G. Pillay, and P.C. Rout,
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 103 (2009) 232702/1-4. [PRL]

  130. Effects of weakly coupled channels on quasielastic barrier distributions
    E. Piasecki, L. Swiderski, W. Gawlikowicz, J. Jastrzebski, N. Keeley, M. Kisielinski,S. Kliczewski,A. Kordyasz,M. Kowalczyk, S. Khlebnikov, E. Koshchiy, E. Kozulin, T. Krogulski, T. Loktev, M. Mutterer, K. Piasecki, A. Piorkowska, K. Rusek, A. Staudt, M. Sillanpa, S. Smirnov, I. Strojek, G. Tiourin, W.H. Trzaska, A. Trzcinska, K. Hagino, and N. Rowley,
    Phys. Rev. C80 (2009) 054613/1-7. [PRC]

  131. Fission of heavy Lambda hypernuclei with the Skyrme-Hartree-Fock approach
    F. Minato, S. Chiba, and K. Hagino,
    Nucl. Phys. A831 (2009) 150-162. [NPA].

  132. Signature of smooth transition from diabatic to adiabatic states in heavy-ion fusion reactions at deep subbarrier energies
    T. Ichikawa, K. Hagino, and A. Iwamoto,
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 103 (2009) 202701/1-4. [PRL]

  133. Test of finite temperature random-phase approximation on a Lipkin model
    K. Hagino and F. Minato,
    Phys. Rev. C80 (2009) 047301/1-4. [PRC]

  134. Two-particle correlations in continuum dipole transitions in Borromean nuclei
    K. Hagino, H. Sagawa, T. Nakamura, and S. Shimoura,
    Phys. Rev. C80 (2009) 031301(R)/1-4. [PRC]

  135. Systematic study of the surface properties of the nuclear potential with high precision large-angle quasi-elastic scatterings
    C.J. Lin, H.M. Jia, H.Q. Zhang, F. Yang, X.X. Xu, F. Jia, Z.H. Liu, and K. Hagino,
    Phys. Rev. C79 (2009) 064603/1-5. [PRC]

  136. Deformation of Lambda-hypernuclei
    Myaing Thi Win and K. Hagino,
    Phys. Rev. C78 (2008) 054311/1-5. [PRC]

  137. Reply to "Comment on 'Coexistence of BCS- and BEC-Like pair structures in halo nuclei'"
    K. Hagino, H. Sagawa, J. Carbonell, and P. Schuck,
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 101 (2008) 179202. [PRL]

  138. Shape evolution of C isotopes in (beta, gamma) deformation plane
    Y. Zhang, H. Sagawa, D. Yoshino, K. Hagino and J. Meng.
    Prog. Theo. Phys. 120 (2008) 129-142. [PTP]

  139. Strong dineutron correlation in 8He and 18C
    K. Hagino, N. Takahashi, and H. Sagawa
    Phys. Rev. C77 (2008) 054317/1-9. [PRC]

  140. Effective pairing interactions with isospin density dependence
    J. Margueron, H. Sagawa, and K. Hagino
    Phys. Rev. C77 (2008) 054309/1-10. [PRC]

  141. Fission barriers in the neutron-proton isospin plane for heavy neutron-rich nuclei
    F. Minato and K. Hagino
    Phys. Rev. C77 (2008) 044308/1-5. [PRC]

  142. Coupled-channels analyses for large-angle quasi-elastic scattering in massive systems
    Muhammad Zamrun F., K. Hagino, S. Mitsuoka, and H. Ikezoe
    Phys. Rev. C77 (2008) 034604/1-11. [PRC]

  143. Effects of anharmonic vibration on large-angle quasi-elastic scattering of 16O+144Sm
    Muhammad Zamrun F. and K. Hagino
    Phys. Rev. C77 (2008) 014606/1-7. [PRC]

  144. BCS-BEC crossover of neutron pairs in symmetric and asymmetric nuclear matters
    J. Margueron, H. Sagawa, and K. Hagino
    Phys. Rev. C76 (2007) 064316/1-11. [PRC]

  145. Dipole excitation and geometry of borromean nuclei
    K. Hagino and H. Sagawa,
    Phys. Rev. C76 (2007) 047302/1-4. [PRC]

  146. Systematic study of the nuclear potential through high precision back-angle quasi-elastic scattering measurements
    L.R. Gasques, M. Evers, D.J. Hinde, M. Dasgupta, P.R.S. Gomes, R.M. Anjos, M.L. Brown, M.D. Rodriguez, R.G. Thomas, and K. Hagino,
    Phys. Rev. C76 (2007) 024612/1-9. [PRC]

  147. Potential inversion with subbarrier fusion data reexamined
    K. Hagino and Y. Watanabe,
    Phys. Rev. C 76 (2007) 021601(R)/1-4. [PRC]

  148. Charge radius and dipole response of 11Li
    H. Esbensen, K. Hagino, P. Mueller, and H. Sagawa,
    Phys. Rev. C76 (2007) 024302/1-6. [PRC]

  149. Probing the tail of the nuclear potential between identical nuclei with quasi-elastic Mott scattering
    D.J. Hinde, R.L. Ahlefeldt, R.G. Thomas, K. Hagino, M.L. Brown, M. Dasgupta, M. Evers, L.R. Gasques, and M.D. Rodriguez,
    Phys. Rev. C76 (2007) 014617/1-9. [PRC]

  150. Coexistence of BCS- and BEC-Like pair structures in halo nuclei
    K. Hagino, H. Sagawa, J. Carbonell, and P. Schuck,
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 99 (2007) 022506. [PRL]

  151. Systematics of threshold incident energy for deep sub-barrier fusion
    T. Ichikawa, K. Hagino, and A. Iwamoto,
    Phys. Rev. C75 (2007) 064612/1-4. [PRC]

  152. Existence of one-body barrier revealed in deep sub-barrier fusion
    T. Ichikawa, K. Hagino, and A. Iwamoto,
    Phys. Rev. C75 (2007) 057603/1-4. [PRC]

  153. Failure of the Woods-Saxon nuclear potential to simultaneously reproduce precise fusion and elastic scattering measurements
    A. Mukherjee, D.J. Hinde, M. Dasgupta, K. Hagino, J.O. Newton, R.D. Butt,
    Phys. Rev. C75 (2007) 044608/1-7. [PRC]

  154. Effect of electronic environment on neutrino-nucleus reactions at r-process sites
    F. Minato, K. Hagino, N. Takigawa, A.B. Balantekin, and Ph. Chomaz,
    Phys. Rev. C75 (2007) 045802/1-5. [PRC]

  155. Three-body model calculations for the 16C nucleus
    K. Hagino and H. Sagawa,
    Phys. Rev. C75 (2007) 021301(R)/1-5. [PRC]

  156. No-recoil approximation to knock-on exchange potential in the double folding model for heavy-ion collisions
    K. Hagino, T. Takehi, and N. Takigawa,
    Phys. Rev. C74 (2006) 037601/1-4. [PRC]

  157. Deformation parameter for diffuse density
    K. Hagino, N.W. Lwin, and M. Yamagami,
    Phys. Rev. C74 (2006) 017310/1-4. [PRC]

  158. Comprehensive study of reaction mechanisms for the 9Be+144Sm system at near- and sub-barrier energies
    P.R.S. Gomes, I. Padron, E. Crema, O.A. Capurrod, J.O. Fernandez Niellod, A. Arazi, G.V. Marti, J. Lubian, M. Trotta, A.J. Pacheco, J.E. Testoni, M.D. Rodriguez, M.E. Ortega, L.C. Chamon, R.M. Anjos, R. Veiga, M. Dasgupta, D.J. Hinde and K. Hagino,
    Phys. Rev. C73 (2006) 064606/1-11. [PRC]

  159. Probing surface diffuseness of nucleus-nucleus potential with quasielastic scattering at deep sub-barrier energies
    K. Washiyama, K. Hagino, and M. Dasgupta,
    Phys. Rev. C73 (2006) 034607/1-5. [PRC]

  160. Disentangling the reaction mechanisms of weakly bound nuclei
    P.R.S. Gomes, I. Padron, E. Crema, O.A. Capurrod, J.O. Fernandez Niellod, G.V. Marti, A. Arazi, M. Trotta, J. Lubian, M.E. Ortega, A.J. Pacheco, M.D. Rodriguez, J.E. Testoni, R.M. Anjos, L.C. Chamon, M. Dasgupta, D.J. Hinde and K. Hagino,
    Phys. Lett. B634 (2006) 356-361. [PLB]

  161. Systematic of isomeric configurations in N=77 odd-Z isotones near the proton drip line
    M.N. Tantawy, C.R. Bingham, K.P. Rykaczewski, J.C. Batchelder, W. Krolas, M. Danchev, D. Fong, T.N. Ginter, C.J. Gross, R. Grzywacz, K. Hagino, J.H. Hamilton, D.J. Hartley, M. Karny, K. Li, C. Mazzocchi, A. Piechaczek, A.V. Ramayya, K. Rykaczewski, D. Shapira, A. Stolz, J.A. Winger, C.-H. Yu, and E.F. Zganjar,
    Phys. Rev. C73 (2006) 024316/1-17. [PRC]

  162. An extra push from entrance-channel effects
    N. Rowley, N. Grar, and K. Hagino,
    Phys. Lett. B632 (2006) 243-246. [PLB]

  163. Role of low-l component in deformed wave functions near the continuum threshold
    K. Yoshida and K. Hagino,
    Phys. Rev. C72 (2005) 064311/1-6. [PRC]

  164. Pairing correlations in nuclei on the neutron-drip line
    K. Hagino and H. Sagawa,
    Phys. Rev. C72 (2005) 044321/1-6. [PRC]

  165. Absence of structure in the 20,22Ne + 118Sn quasi-elastic barrier distribution
    E. Piasecki, L. Swiderski, P. Czosnyka, M. Kowalczyk, K. Piaseki, M. Witecki, T. Czosnyka, J. Jastrzebski, A. Kordyasz, M. Kisielinski, T. Krogulski, M. Mutterer, S. Khlebnikov, W.H. Trzaska, K. Hagino, and N. Rowley,
    Phys. Lett. B615 (2005) 55-60. [PLB]

  166. Surface diffuseness anomaly in heavy-ion potentials for large-angle quasielastic scattering
    K. Hagino, T. Takehi, A.B. Balantekin, and N. Takigawa,
    Phys. Rev. C71 (2005) 044612/1-4. [PRC]

  167. Perturbative Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov model for many-body pairing correlations
    K. Hagino and H. Sagawa,
    Phys. Rev. C71 (2005) 044302/1-5. [PRC]

  168. Systematic failure of the Woods-Saxon nuclear potential to describe both fusion and elastic scattering: Possible need for a new dynamical approach to fusion
    J.O. Newton, R.D. Butt, M. Dasgupta, D.J. Hinde, I.I. Gontchar, C.R. Morton, and K. Hagino,
    Phys. Rev. C70 (2004) 024605/1-15. [PRC]

  169. WKB approximation for multi-channel barrier penetrability
    K. Hagino and A.B. Balantekin,
    Phys. Rev. A70 (2004)032106/1-6. [PRA]

  170. Large angle scattering and quasi-elastic barrier distributions
    K. Hagino and N. Rowley,
    Phys. Rev. C69 (2004) 054610/1-11. [PRC]

  171. Systematics of the diffuseness parameter in heavy-ion fusion reactions: the need for a new dynamical treatment of fusion?
    J.O. Newton, R.D. Butt, M. Dasgupta, I. Gontchar, D.J. Hinde, C.R. Morton, A. Mukherjee, and K. Hagino,
    Phys. Lett. B586 (2004)219-224. [PLB]

  172. Subbarrier fusion in the systems 11,10Be + 209Bi
    C. Signorini, A. Yoshida, Y.X. Watanabe, D. Pierroutsakou, L. Stroe, T. Fukuda, M. Mazzocco, N. Fukuda, Y. Mizoi, M. Ishihara, H. Sakurai, A. Diaz-Torres, and K. Hagino,
    Nucl. Phys. A735 (2004)329-344. [NPA]

  173. Structure of positive energy states in a deformed mean-field potential
    K. Hagino and Nguyen Van Giai,
    Nucl. Phys. A735 (2004) 55-76. [NPA]

  174. Near barrier fusion excitation function of 6Li + 208Pb
    Y.W. Wu, Z.H. Liu, C.J. Lin, H.Q. Zhang, M. Ruan, F. Yang, Z.C. Li, M. Trotta, and K. Hagino,
    Phys. Rev. C68 (2003) 044605/1-5. [PRC]

  175. Role of virtual break-up of projectile in astrophysical fusion reactions
    K. Hagino, M.S. Hussein, and A.B. Balantekin,
    Phys. Rev. C68 (2003) 048801/1-4. [PRC]

  176. Quadrupole correlation energy by the generator coordinate method
    K. Hagino, G.F. Bertsch, and P.-G. Reinhard,
    Phys. Rev. C 68 (2003) 024306/1-8. [PRC]

  177. Electromagnetic moments and electric dipole transitions in carbon isotopes
    T. Suzuki, H. Sagawa, and K. Hagino,
    Phys. Rev. C 68 (2003) 014317/1-10. [PRC]

  178. Fusion cross sections at deep subbarrier energies
    K. Hagino, N. Rowley, and M. Dasgupta,
    Phys. Rev. C 67 (2003) 054603/1-4. [PRC]

  179. Near-barrier fusion of weakly bound 6,7Li with 59Co
    C. Beck, F.A. Souza, N. Rowley, S.J. Sanders, N. Aissaoui, E.E. Alonso, P. Bednarczyk, N. Carlin, S. Courtin, A. Diaz-Torres, A. Dummer, F. Haas, A. Hachem, K. Hagino, F. Hoellinger, R.V.F. Janssens, N. Kintz, R. Liguori Neto, E. Martin, M.M. Moura, M.G. Munhoz, P. Papka, M. Rousseau, A. Snchez i Zafra, O. Stzowski, A.A. Suaide, E.M. Szanto, A. Szanto de Toledo, S. Szilner, and J. Takahashi,
    Phys. Rev. C 67 (2003) 054602/1-5. [PRC]

  180. Fine structure in proton emission from 145Tm discovered with novel technique of digital signal processing
    M. Karny, R. Grzywacz, J.C. Batchelder, C.R. Bingham, C.J. Gross, K. Hagino, J.H. Hamilton, Z. Janas, W.D. Kulp, J.W. McConnell, M. Momayezi, A. Piechaczek, K. Rykaczewski, P.A. Semmes, J.A. Winger, and E.F. Zganjar,
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 90 (2003) 012502/1-4. [PRL]

  181. Fusion suppression and sub-barrier breakup of weakly bound nuclei
    D.J. Hinde, M. Dasgupta, B.R. Fulton, C.R. Morton, R.J. Wooliscroft, A.C. Berriman and K. Hagino,
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 89 (2002) 272701/1-4. [PRL]

  182. Low-energy photodisintegration of 9Be with the molecular orbit model
    N. Itagaki and K. Hagino,
    Phys. Rev. C66 (2002) 057301/1-4. [PRC]

  183. Radiation correction to astrophysical fusion reactions and the electron screening problem
    K. Hagino and A.B. Balantekin,
    Phys. Rev. C66 (2002) 055801/1-5. [PRC]

  184. Fusion and breakup in the reactions of 6Li and 7Li nuclei with 209Bi
    M. Dasgupta, D.J. Hinde, K. Hagino, S.B. Moraes, P.R.S. Gomes, R.M. Anjos, R.D. Butt, A.C. Berriman, N. Carlin, C.R. Morton, J.O. Newton, and A. Szanto de Toledo,
    Phys. Rev. C66 (2002) 041602(R)/1-4. [PRC]

  185. Dominance of collective over proton transfer couplings in the fusion of 32S and 34S with 89Y
    A. Mukherjee, M. Dasgupta, D.J. Hinde, K. Hagino, J.R. Leigh, J.C. Mein, C.R. Morton, J.O. Newton, and H. Timmers,
    Phys. Rev. C66 (2002) 034607/1-8. [PRC]

  186. Projection and ground state correlations made simple
    K. Hagino, P.-G. Reinhard, and G.F. Bertsch,
    Phys. Rev. C65 (2002) 064320/1-11. [PRC]

  187. Isotopic dependence and transfer channel coupling effects in the fusion of 16O + 112,116Sn and 32S + 112,116,120Sn at energies around the barrier
    V. Tripathi, L.T. Baby, J.J. Das, P. Sugathan, N. Madhavan, A.K. Sinha, P.V. Madhusoodhan Rao, S.K. Hui, R. Singh, and K. Hagino,
    Phys. Rev. C65 (2002) 014614/1-9. [PRC]

  188. Experimental barrier distributions for the fusion of 12C, 16O, 28Si, and 35Cl with 92Zr and coupled-channels analyses
    J.O. Newton, C.R. Morton, M. Dasgupta, J.R. Leigh, J.C. Mein, D.J. Hinde, H. Timmers, and K. Hagino,
    Phys. Rev. C64 (2001)064608/1-12. [PRC]

  189. Role of dynamical particle-vibration coupling in reconciliation of the d3/2 puzzle for spherical proton emitters
    K. Hagino,
    Phys. Rev. C64 (2001) 041304(R)/1-5. [PRC]

  190. Influence of higher-order deformations in the 34S + 168Er fusion reaction
    C.R. Morton, A.C. Berriman, R.D. Butt, M. Dasgupta, D.J. Hinde, A. Godley, J.O. Newton, and K. Hagino,
    Phys. Rev. C64 (2001) 034604/1-8. [PRC]

  191. Continuum QRPA in the coordinate space representation
    K. Hagino and H. Sagawa,
    Nucl. Phys. A695 (2001) 189 - 201. [NPA]

  192. Role of deformation in the non-mesonic decay of light hypernuclei
    K. Hagino and A. Parreno,
    Phys. Rev. C63 (2001) 044318/1-6. [PRC]

  193. Applicability of the orientation average formula in heavy-ion fusion reactions of deformed nuclei
    T. Rumin, K. Hagino, and N. Takigawa,
    Phys. Rev. C63 (2001) 044603/1-4. [PRC]

  194. Mean field theory for global binding systematics
    G.F. Bertsch and K. Hagino,
    Phys. At. Nuclei 64 (2001) 588 - 594. [Journal]

  195. Correlation energy of the pairing Hamiltonian
    K. Hagino and G.F. Bertsch,
    Nucl. Phys. A679 (2000) 163 - 174. [NPA]

  196. Role of 28Si excitations in the sub-barrier fusion of 28Si + 120Sn
    L.T. Baby, V. Tripathi, J.J. Das, P. Sugathan, N. Madhavan, A.K. Sinha, M.C. Radhakrishna, P.V. Madhusoodhan Rao, S.K. Hui, and K. Hagino,
    Phys. Rev. C62 (2000) 014603/1-7. [PRC]

  197. Role of break-up processes in fusion enhancement of drip-line nuclei below the Coulomb barrier
    K. Hagino, A. Vitturi, C.H. Dasso, and S.M. Lenzi,
    Phys. Rev. C61 (2000) 037602/1 - 4. [PRC]

  198. RPA approach to rotational symmetry restoration in a three-level Lipkin model
    K. Hagino and G.F. Bertsch,
    Phys. Rev. C61 (2000) 024307/1 -5. [PRC]

  199. Effects of beta6 deformation and low-lying vibrational bands on heavy-ion fusion reactions at sub-barrier energies
    T. Rumin, K. Hagino, and N. Takigawa,
    Phys. Rev. C61 (2000) 14605/1 - 11. [PRC]

  200. A program for coupled-channels calculations with all order couplings for heavy-ion fusion reactions
    K. Hagino, N. Rowley, and A.T. Kruppa,
    Comput. Phys. Comm 123 (1999) 143 - 152. [CPC]

  201. Anharmonic collective excitation in a solvable model
    G.F. Bertsch, P.F. Bortignon, and K. Hagino,
    Nucl. Phys. A657 (1999) 59 - 72. [NPA]

  202. Coupled-channels analysis of the fusion barrier distribution for the 16O + 208Pb reaction
    C.R. Morton, A.C. Berriman, M. Dasgupta, D.J. Hinde, J.O. Newton, K. Hagino, and I.J. Thompson,
    Phys. Rev. C60 (1999) 44608/1 - 11. [PRC]

  203. Anharmonicity of the dipole resonance of metal clusters
    K. Hagino,
    Phys. Rev. B60 (1999) R2197 - R2199. [PRB]

  204. Fusion versus breakup: observation of large fusion supression for 9Be + 208Pb
    M. Dasgupta, D.J. Hinde, R.D. Butt, R.M. Anjos, A.C. Berriman, N. Carlin, P.R.S. Gomes, C.R. Morton, J.O. Newton, A. Szanto de Toledo, and K. Hagino,
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 82 (1999) 1395 - 1398. [PRL]

  205. Bremsstrahlung in alpha decay
    N. Takigawa, Y. Nozawa, K. Hagino, A. Ono, and D.M. Brink,
    Phys. Rev. C59 (1999) R593 - R597. [PRC]

  206. Effects of finite width of excited states on heavy-ion sub-barrier fusion reactions
    K. Hagino and N. Takigawa,
    Phys. Rev. C58 (1998) 2872 - 2878. [PRC]

  207. Excitation of nuclear anharmonic vibrations in heavy-ion fusion reactions
    K. Hagino, S. Kuyucak, and N. Takigawa,
    Phys. Rev. C57 (1998) 1349 - 1360. [PRC]

  208. Fusion barrier distributions in systems with finite excitation energy
    K. Hagino, N. Takigawa, and A.B. Balantekin,
    Phys. Rev. C56 (1997) 2104 - 2108. [PRC]

  209. Role of anharmonicities of nuclear vibrations in fusion reactions at subbarrier energies
    K. Hagino, N. Takigawa, and S. Kuyucak,
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 79 (1997) 2943 - 2946. [PRL]

  210. Adiabatic quantum tunneling in heavy-ion sub-barrier fusion
    K. Hagino, N. Takigawa, M. Dasgupta, D.J. Hinde, and J.R. Leigh,
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 79 (1997) 2014 - 2017. [PRL]

  211. Validity of the linear coupling approximation in heavy-ion fusion reactions at sub-barrier energies
    K. Hagino, N. Takigawa, M. Dasgupta, D.J. Hinde, and J.R. Leigh,
    Phys. Rev. C55 (1997) 276 - 284. [PRC]

  212. Thermal fission rate around superfluid-normal phase transition
    K. Hagino, N. Takigawa, and M.Abe,
    Phys. Rev. C53 (1996) 1840 - 1844. [PRC]

  213. Reply to "Comment on `Shape and superdeformed structure in Hg isotopes in relativistic mean field model' and `Structure of neutron-deficient Pt, Hg and Pb isotopes'"
    N. Takigawa, S. Yoshida, K. Hagino, S.K. Patra, and C.R. Praharaj,
    Phys. Rev. C53 (1996) 1038 - 1040. [PRC]

  214. Path integral approach to no-Coriolis approximation in heavy-ion collisions
    K. Hagino, N. Takigawa, A.B. Balantekin, and J.R. Bennett,
    Phys. Rev. C52 (1995) 286 - 290. [PRC]

  215. Effects of finite excitation energy of environment on fast quantum tunneling
    K. Hagino, N. Takigawa, J.R. Bennett, and D.M. Brink,
    Phys. Rev. C51 (1995) 3190 - 3200. [PRC]

  216. Dynamical norm method for non-adiabatic macroscopic quantum tunneling
    N. Takigawa, K. Hagino, and M.Abe,
    Phys. Rev. C51 (1995) 187 - 197. [PRC]

  217. Role of mass renormalization in adiabatic quantum tunneling
    N. Takigawa, K. Hagino, M. Abe and A.B. Balantekin,
    Phys. Rev. C49 (1994) 2630 - 2636. [PRC]

Conference papers

  1. Microscopic description of induced fission in a configuration interaction approach
    K. Uzawa, K. Hagino, and G.F. Bertsch
    in the proceedings of the International conference on heavy-ion collisions at near-barrier energies (FUSION23), November 19-24, 2023, Shizuoka, Japan. EPJ Web Conf. 306 (2024) 01027/1-4. [EPJ]

  2. Non-empirical description of nuclear collective motion with optimized basis for multi-reference density functional theory
    M. Matsumoto, Y. Tanimura, and K. Hagino,
    in the proceedings of the International conference on heavy-ion collisions at near-barrier energies (FUSION23), November 19-24, 2023, Shizuoka, Japan. EPJ Web Conf. 306 (2024) 01040/1-5. [EPJ]

  3. Quantum surface friction model for fusion reactions around the Coulomb barrier
    M. Tokieda and K. Hagino
    in the proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions (NN2018), Omiya, Japan, Dec. 4-8, 2018. JPS Conf. Proc. 32 (2020) 010008/1-4. [JPS]

  4. Barrier distribution for fusion to synthesize superheavy elements: role of static deformation of a target nucleus
    K. Hagino and T. Tanaka
    in the proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions (NN2018), Omiya, Japan, Dec. 4-8, 2018. JPS Conf. Proc. 32 (2020) 010020/1-4. [JPS]

  5. Effects of Non-Zero Spin in Sub-Barrier Fusion Involving Odd Mass Nuclei: The Case of 36S + 50Ti, 51V
    G. Colucci, G. Montagnoli, A. M. Stefanini, K. Hagino, A. Caciolli, P. Coloviyc, L. Corradi, E. Fioretto, F. Galtarossa, A. Goasduff, J. Grebosz, M. Mazzocco, D. Montanari, C. Parascandolo, F. Scarlassara, M. Siciliano, E. Strano, S. Szilner, and N. Vukman
    in the proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions (NN2018), Omiya, Japan, Dec. 4-8, 2018. JPS Conf. Proc. 32 (2020) 010010/1-4. [JPS]

  6. Fusion barrier distribution and superheavy elements
    K. Hagino and T. Tanaka
    in the proceedings of the XLI Brazilian Meeting on Nuclear Physics, Maresias, Brazil, Sep. 2-6, 2018. J. of Phys. Conf. Ser. 1291 (2019) 012010/1-7. [JPhys]

  7. Relativistic Mean Field and Beyond Aproaches for Deformed Hypernuclei
    J.M. Yao, H. Mei, K. Hagino, and T. Motoba
    in the proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Hypernuclear and Strange Particle Physics, June 24-29, 2018. arXiv:1808.04042 [nucl-th]. [arXiv]

  8. Beyond the neutron-drip line: two-neutron decay of unbound nuclei
    K. Hagino and H. Sagawa
    in the proceedings of the Ito International Research Center Symposium "Perspectives of the Physics of Nuclear Structure", Nov. 1-4, 2017. JPS Conf. Proc. 23 (2018) 012010/1-8. [JPS]

  9. Di-neutron correlations and decay dynamiccs of nuclei near and beyond drip line
    H. Sagawa and K. Hagino
    in the proceedings of the 12th International Spring Seminar on Nuclear Physics: Current Problems and Prospects for Nuclear Structure, May 15-19, 2017, Sant'Angeldo d'Ischia, Italy. J. of Phys.: Conf. Ser. 966 (2018) 012003/1-6. [JPConf]

  10. Evolving theoretical descriptions of heavy-ion fusion: from phenomenological to microscopic approaches
    K. Hagino
    in the proceedings of the International conference on heavy-ion collisions at near-barrier energies (FUSION17), February 20-24, 2017, Hobart, Australia. EPJ Web of Conf. 163 (2017) 00022/1-6. [EPJ]

  11. Three-body model for nuclei near and beyond drip line
    H. Sagawa and K. Hagino,
    in the proceedings of XXIII Nuclear Physics Workshop "Marie and Pierre Curie" Essential Problems in Nuclear Physcics. Acta Phys. Polon. Supp. 10 (2017) 211-224. [APP]

  12. Description of multi-nucleon transfer and fusion reactions with the coupled-channel method
    G. Scamps, D. Bourgin, F. Haas, K. Hagino, and S. Courtin,
    in the proceedings of INPC2016. PoS INPC2016 (2017) 213/1-7. [PoS]

  13. Coupled-channels description of the 40Ca+58,64Ni transfer and fusion reactions
    G. Scamps, D. Bourgin, K. Hagino, F. Haas and S. Courtin,
    in the proceedings of the "International Workshop on Multi Facets of EOS and Clustering", [arXiv]

  14. Beyond-mean-field approach to low-lying spectra of \Lambda hypernuclei
    K. Hagino, H. Mei, J.M. Yao, and T. Motoba,
    in the proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Hypernuclear and Strange Particle Physics (HYP2015), September 7-12, 2015, Sendai, Japan. JPS Conf. Proc. 17 (2017) 012007/1-4. [JPS]

  15. Recent developments in heavy-ion fusion reactions around the Coulomb barrier
    K. Hagino, N. Rowley, and J.M. Yao,
    in the proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Compound-Nuclear Reactions and Related Topics (CNR*15), October 9-23, 2015, Tokyo, Japan. EPJ Web of Conferences 122 (2016) 07002/1-10. [EPJ]

  16. Fission life-time calculation using a complex absorbing potential
    G. Scamps and K. Hagino,
    in the proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Compound-Nuclear Reactions and Related Topics (CNR*15), October 9-23, 2015, Tokyo, Japan. EPJ Web of Conferences 122 (2016) 01004/1-5. [EPJ]

  17. Present status of coupled-channels calculations for heavy-ion subbarrier fusion reactions
    K. Hagino and J.M. Yao,
    in the proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions (NN2015), June 21-26, 2015, Catania, Italy. EPJ Web of Conferences 117 (2016) 08003/1-10. [EPJ]

  18. Are there good probes for the di-neutron correlation in light neutron-rich nuclei?
    K. Hagino and H. Sagawa,
    in the proceedings of the international workshop on weakly bound exotic nuclei (WBEN), May 24-30, 2015, Natal, Brazil. Few-Body Systems 57 (2016) 185-193. [Few-Body]

  19. Three-dimensional mesh calculations for covariant density functional theory
    Y. Tanimura, K. Hagino, and H. Liang,
    in the proceedings of the International Conference on Nuclear Structure and Dynamics '15, June 14-19, 2015, Portoroz, Slovenia. AIP Conf. Proc. 1681 (2015) 03008/1-4. [AIP]

  20. Pairing interaction and reaction mechanism for one- and two-particle transfer reactions: A simple model in one dimension
    A. Vitturi, L. Moschini, K. Hagino, and A. Moro,
    in the proceedings of the International Conference on Nuclear Structure and Dynamics '15, June 14-19, 2015, Portoroz, Slovenia. AIP Conf. Proc. 1681 (2015) 060001/1-6. [AIP]

  21. Neutrinoless double-beta decay in covariant density functional theory
    P. Ring, J.M. Yao, L.S. Song, K. Hagino, and J. Meng,
    in the proceedings of the International Conference on Nuclear Structure and Dynamics '15, June 14-19, 2015, Portoroz, Slovenia. AIP Conf. Proc. 1681 (2015) 050008/1-4. [AIP]

  22. Nuclear Transmutation of long-lived nucleides with laser comption scattering: quantitative analysis by theoretical approach
    S. Takai and K. Hagino,
    in "Nuclear Back-end and Transmutation Technology for Waste Disposal" edited by K. Nakajima (Springer Open, 2014), p. 3-11. [paper]

  23. Two-nucleon Correlations in the Decay of Unbound Nuclei beyond the Drip Lines
    K. Hagino and H. Sagawa,
    in the proceedings of the 2nd conference on Advances in Radioactive Isotope Science (ARIS2014), June 1-6, 2014, Tokyo, Japan. JPS Conf. Proc. 6 (2015) 020001/1-020001/6. [JPS]

  24. Subbarrier fusion of carbon isotopes: from resonance structure to fusion oscillations
    K. Hagino and N. Rowley,
    in the proceedings of NUBA conference series-1: Nuclear Physics and Astrophysics, September 15-21, 2014, Antalya, Turkey, J. of Phys. Conf. Series 590 (2015) 012020/1-6. [Journal]

  25. Mapping from quasi-elastic scattering to fusion reactions
    K. Hagino and N. Rowley,
    in the proceedings of VI International Conference FUSION14, Feb. 24-28, 2014, New Delhi, India.
    EPJ Web of Conferences 86 (2015) 00014/1-6 [EPJ]

  26. Collective excitations of Lambda hypernuclei
    K. Hagino, J.M. Yao, F. Minato, Z.P. Li, and M. Thi Win,
    Nucl. Phys. A914 (2013) 151-159. [NPA]

  27. Pairing correlations and anti-halo effect in weakly bound nuclei
    H. Sagawa and K. Hagino,
    Prog. Theo. Phys. Suppl. 196 (2012) 244 - 249. [PTP]

  28. Smooth transition from sudden to adiabatic states in deep-subbarrier fusion reactions
    T. Ichikawa, K. Hagino, and A. Iwamoto,
    Prog. Theo. Phys. Suppl. 196 (2012) 269 - 274. [PTP]

  29. Impurity effect of a hyperon on shape-coexistence nucleus 44S in the energy functional based collective Hamiltonian
    H. Mei, Z.P. Li, J.M. Yao, and K. Hagino,
    Int. J. of Mod. Phys. E21 (2012) 1250024/1-9 [IJMP]

  30. Role of non-collective excitations in subbarrier fusion reactions
    K. Hagino, S. Yusa, and N. Rowley,
    in Proceedings of the 5th International Conference FUSION11, May 2-6, 2011, Saint-Malo, France
    EPJ Web of Conferences 17 (2011) 11002/1-4 [EPJ]

  31. Smooth transition from sudden to adiabatic states in heavy-ion fusion reactions at deep-subbarrier incident energies
    T. Ichikawa, K. Hagino, and A. Iwamoto,
    in Proceedings of the 5th International Conference FUSION11, May 2-6, 2011, Saint-Malo, France
    EPJ Web of Conferences 17 (2011) 07001/1-6 [EPJ]

  32. Two-particle correlations in continuum dipole transitions in Borromean nuclei
    K. Hagino and H. Sagawa,
    in Proceedings of Many-body correlations from dilute to dense nuclear systems (MBC2011), Feb. 15-18, 2011, Paris, France
    J. of Phys. Conf. Ser. 321 (2011) 012003/1-4 [JPConf].

  33. New type of pairing interactions in nuclear matter and finite nuclei
    H. Sagawa, J. Margueron, and K. Hagino,
    in Proceedings of Many-body correlations from dilute to dense nuclear systems (MBC2011), Feb. 15-18, 2011, Paris, France
    J. of Phys. Conf. Ser. 321 (2011) 012002/1-4 [JPConf].

  34. Di-neutron correlation in the ground state and E1 excitations of Borromean nuclei
    K. Hagino, H. Sagawa, and T. Oishi,
    in Proceedings of International Symposium on Forefronts of Researches in Exotic Nuclear Structures", Mar. 1-Mar. 4, 2010, Niigata, Japan
    Modern Phys. Lett. A25 (2010) 1842-1845 [MPLA].

  35. Entrance-channel effects in heavy-ion capture: role of octuple phonons
    N. Rowley and K. Hagino
    in Proceedings of the 10th international conference on nucleus-nucleus collisions (NN2009), Aug. 16-21, 2009, Beijing, China.
    Nucl. Phys. A834 (2010) 110c-116c. [NPA]

  36. Subbarrier fusion reactions with dissipative couplings
    K. Hagino, S. Yusa, and N. Rowley
    in Proceedings of the 10th international conference on nucleus-nucleus collisions (NN2009), Aug. 16-21, 2009, Beijing, China.
    Nucl. Phys. A834 (2010) 135c-138c. [NPA]

  37. Systematic study of the surface diffuseness of nuclear potential with high precision large-angle quasi-elastic scattering
    H.M. Jia, C.J. Lina, H.Q. Zhang, F. Yang, Z.H. Liu, F. Jia, X.X. Xu, S.T. Zhang and K. Hagino
    in Proceedings of the 10th international conference on nucleus-nucleus collisions (NN2009), Aug. 16-21, 2009, Beijing, China.
    Nucl. Phys. A834 (2010) 189c-191c. [NPA]

  38. Reaction mechanisms for weakly-bound, stable nuclei and unstable, halo nuclei on medium-mass targets
    C. Beck, N. Rowley, P. Papka, S. Courtin, M. Rousseau, F.A. Souza, N. Carlin, R. Liguori Neto, M.M. de Moura, M.G. Del Santo, A.A.P. Suaide, M.G. Munhoz, E.M. Szanto, A. Szanto de Toledo, N. Keeley, A. Diaz-Torres and K. Hagino
    in Proceedings of the 10th international conference on nucleus-nucleus collisions (NN2009), Aug. 16-21, 2009, Beijing, China.
    Nucl. Phys. A834 (2010) 440c-445c. [NPA]

  39. Two neutron correlations in exotic nuclei
    H. Sagawa and K. Hagino
    in Proceedings of international conference "Nuclear Structure and Dynamics (NSD09)", May 4-8, 2009, Dubrovnik, Croatia.
    AIP Conf. Proc. 1165 (2009) 110-113. [AIP]

  40. Electron screening effects on alpha-decay
    A. Musumarra, F. Farinon, C. Nociforo, H. Geissel, G. Baur, K.-H. Behr, A. Bonasera, F. Bosch, D. Boutin, A. Brunle, L. Chen, A. Del Zoppo, C. Dimopoulou, A. Di Pietro, T. Faestermann, P. Figuera, K. Hagino, R. Janik, C. Karagiannis, P. Kienle, S. Kimura, R. Knobel, I. Kojouharov, C. Kozhuharov, T. Kuboki, J. Kurcewicz, N. Kurz, K. Langanke, M. Lattuada, S. A. Litvinov, Yu. A. Litvinov, G. Martinez-Pinedo, M. Mazzocco, F. Montes, Y. Motizuki, F. Nolden, T. Ohtsubo, Y. Okuma, Z. Patyk, M. G. Pellegriti, W. Pla, S. Pietri, Z. Podolyak, A. Prochazka, C. Scheidenberger, V. Scuderi, B. Sitar, M. Steck, P. Strmen, B. Sun, T. Suzuki, I. Szarka, D. Torresi, H. Weick, J. S. Winfield, M. Winkler, H. J. Wollersheim, and T. Yamaguchi
    in Proceedings of international conference "Nuclear Structure and Dynamics (NSD09)", May 4-8, 2009, Dubrovnik, Croatia.
    AIP Conf. Proc. 1165 (2009) 415-418. [AIP]

  41. Are the Weak Channels Really Weak?
    E. Piasecki, A. Trzcinska, W. Gawlikowicz, J. Jastrzebski, N. Keeley, M. Kisielinski, S. Kliczewski, A. Kordyasz, M. Kowalczyk, S. Khlebnikov, E. Koshchiy, E. Kozulin, T. Krogulski, T. Lotkiev, M. Mutterer, K. Piasecki, A. Piorkowska, K. Rusek, A. Staudt, I. Strojek, W.H. Trzaska, M. Sillanpaa, S. Smirnov, G. Tiourin, K. Hagino, N. Rowley,
    Acta Phys. Polonica B40 (2009) 849-852. [ Acta Phys. Pol. B]

  42. Deformation and weak decay of Lambda hypernuclei
    K. Hagino, Myaing Thi Win, and Y. Nakagawa
    in Proceedings of Sendai International Symposium on Strangeness Nuclear and Hadronic Systems (SENDAI08), Dec. 15-18, 2008, Sendai, Japan (World Scientific, 2010) 260-265.
    (e-print:0903.3093 [nucl-th]).

  43. Deformation of Lambda hypernuclei
    Myaing Thi Win and K. Hagino
    in Proceedings of Sendai International Symposium on Strangeness Nuclear and Hadronic Systems (SENDAI08), Dec. 15-18, 2008, Sendai, Japan (World Scientific, 2010) 418-419.

  44. Mesonic decay of neutron-rich Lambda hypernuclei with Skyrme-Hartree-Fock method
    Y. Nakagawa and K. Hagino
    in Proceedings of Sendai International Symposium on Strangeness Nuclear and Hadronic Systems (SENDAI08), Dec. 15-18, 2008, Sendai, Japan (World Scientific, 2010) 402-403.

  45. Pairing correlation in unstable nuclei and BCS-BEC crossover
    H. Sagawa, J. Margueron, and K. Hagino,
    in Proceedings of Franco-Japanese Sympsium on "New Paradigms in Nuclear Physics", Sep. 29-Oct. 2, 2008, Paris, France
    Int. J. of Mod. Phys. E18 (2009) 2035-2039 [IJMPE].

  46. Di-neutron correlation in light neutron-rich nuclei
    K. Hagino, H. Sagawa, and P. Schuck,
    in Proceedings of Franco-Japanese Sympsium on "New Paradigms in Nuclear Physics", Sep. 29-Oct. 2, 2008, Paris, France
    Int. J. of Mod. Phys. E18 (2009) 2045-2049 [IJMPE].

  47. Fusion and quasi-elastic scattering around the Coulomb barrier: determination of inter-nucleus potential
    K. Hagino
    in Proceedings of the 6th Japan-Italy symposium on Heavy-Ion physics, Nov. 11-15, 2008, Tokai, Japan
    AIP Conf. Proc. 1120 (2009) 3-8. [AIP]

  48. Fusion at deep subbarrier energies: potential inversion revisited
    K. Hagino and N. Rowley,
    in Proceedings of the FUSION08: International Conference on New Aspects of Heavy Ion Collisions Near the Coulomb Barrier, September 22-26, 2008, Chicago, USA.
    AIP Conf. Proc. 1098 (2009) 18-25. [AIP]

  49. Existence of a one-body barrier revealed in deep subbaarrier fusion
    T. Ichikawa, K. Hagino and A. Iwamoto,
    in Proceedings of the FUSION08: International Conference on New Aspects of Heavy Ion Collisions Near the Coulomb Barrier, September 22-26, 2008, Chicago, USA.
    AIP Conf. Proc. 1098 (2009) 32-37. [AIP]

  50. Existence of a one-body barrier revealed in deep subbarrier fusion
    T. Ichikawa, K. Hagino, and A. Iwamoto,
    in the Proceedings of International Nuclear Physics Conference 2007 (INPC2007), June 3-8, 2007, Tokyo, Japan, vol. 2 (2008) 519-521.

  51. Heavy-ion reactions at deep subbarrier energies
    K. Hagino, K. Washiyama, Y. Watanabe, and T. Ichikawa,
    in the Proceedings of International Nuclear Physics Conference 2007 (INPC2007), June 3-8, 2007, Tokyo, Japan, vol. 2 (2008) 525-527.

  52. Isospin dependent pairing interactions and BCS-BEC crossover
    H. Sagawa, J. Margueron, and K. Hagino,
    in Proceedings of International Symposium on the Nuclear Physics and Astrophysics: From Stable Beams to Exotic Nuclei, June 25-30, 2008, Cappadocia, Turkey.
    AIP Conf. Proc. 1072 (2008) 142-147. [AIP]

  53. Thermal effects on the Fission Barrier of neutron-rich nuclei
    F. Minato and K. Hagino,
    in Proceedings of International Symposium on the Nuclear Physics and Astrophysics: From Stable Beams to Exotic Nuclei, June 25-30, 2008, Cappadocia, Turkey.
    AIP Conf. Proc. 1072 (2008) 277-280. [AIP]

  54. Pairing correlations in halo nuclei
    H. Sagawa and K. Hagino,
    in Proceedings of International Symposium on Physics of Unstable Nuclei (ISPUN07), July 3-7, 2007, Hoi An, Vietnam (World Scientific, Singapore, 2008) p. 266-273.

  55. Pairing correlations and soft dipole excitations in nuclei on the neutron-drip line
    H. Sagawa and K. Hagino,
    Phys. of Atom. Nucl., 70 (2007) 1321 - 1329. [Journal]

  56. Effects of transitional shape and shape admixture and of anti-symmetrization on sub-barrier fusion
    N. Takigawa, Zakarya Mohamed Mohamed Mohmoud, Muhammad Zamrun F., Nyein Wink Lwin, T. Takehi, and K. Hagino
    Nucl. Phys. A787 (2007) 190c-197c. [NPA]

  57. Screening effects on neutrino-nucleus reactions
    F. Minato, K. Hagino, N. Takigawa, A.B. Balantekin, and Ph. Chomaz,
    in the proceedings of the TOURS2006: Tours Symposium on Nuclear Physics VI, September 5-8, 2006, Tours, France, AIP conference proceedings 891 (AIP, New York, 2007) p. 401 - 404. [AIP]

  58. Recent developments in quasi-elastic scattering around the Coulomb barrier
    K. Hagino
    in the proceedings of the TOURS2006: Tours Symposium on Nuclear Physics VI, September 5-8, 2006, Tours, France, AIP conference proceedings 891 (AIP, New York, 2007) p. 80 - 88. (e-print:nucl-th/0611015). [AIP]

  59. Large-angle quasi-elastic scattering around the Coulomb barrier
    K. Hagino
    in the proceedings of the sixth China-Japan joint nuclear physics symposium, May 16-20, 2006, Shanghai, China, AIP conference proceedings 865 (AIP, New York, 2006) p. 10 - 15. [AIP]

  60. Sub-barrier fusion cross section with energy density formalism
    Muhammad Zamrun F., K. Hagino and N. Takigawa
    in the proceedings of FUSION06: International Conference on Reaction Mechanisms and Nuclear Structure at the Coulomb barrier, March 19-23, 2006, San Servolo, Venezia, Italy, AIP conference proceedings 853 (AIP, New York, 2006) p. 309 - 314. [AIP]

  61. Probing internucleus potential with large-angle quasi-elastic scattering
    K. Hagino and K. Washiyama
    in the proceedings of FUSION06: International Conference on Reaction Mechanisms and Nuclear Structure at the Coulomb barrier, March 19-23, 2006, San Servolo, Venezia, Italy, AIP conference proceedings 853 (AIP, New York, 2006), p. 86-93 (e-print:nucl-th/0605017). [AIP]

  62. Nuclear structure studies at the proton drip line via proton radioactivity studies
    C.R.Bingham, M.N.Tantawy, J.C.Batchelder, M.Danchev, T.N.Ginter, C.J.Gross, D.J.Fong, R.Grzywacz, K.Hagino, J.H.Hamilton, M.Karny, W.Krolas, C.Mazzocchi, A.Piechaczek, A.V.Ramayya, K.Rykaczewski, A.Stolz, J.A.Winger, C.-H.Yu, and E.F.Zganjar
    Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. B241 (2005) 185 - 189. [Journal]

  63. Structure of rare-earth nuclei around the proton drip line
    K. P. Rykaczewski, R. K. Grzywacz, C. R. Bingham, M. Danchev, C. Mazzocchi, M. N. Tantawy, C. J. Gross, C. H. Yu, J. C. Batchelder, M. Karny, W. Krolas, D. Fong, J. H. Hamilton, A. V. Ramayya, A. Piechaczek, E. Zganjar, J. A. Winger, T. N. Ginter, A. Stolz, and K. Hagino
    AIP Conf. Proc. 764 (2005) 223 - 228. [AIP]

  64. Study of fine structure in the proton radioactivity of 146Tm
    J. C. Batchelder, M. Tantawy, C. R. Bingham, M. Danchev, D. J. Fong, T. N. Ginter, C. J. Gross, R. Grzywacz, K. Hagino, J. H. Hamilton, M. Karny, W. Krolas, C. Mazzocchi, A. Piechaczek, A. V. Ramayya, K. P. Rykaczewski, A. Stolz, J. A. Winger, C. -H. Yu and E. F. Zganjar
    Euro. Phys. J. A25, Suppl. 1 (2005) 149 - 150. [EPJA]

  65. Quasi-elastic barrier distribution as a tool for investigating unstable nuclei
    K. Hagino and N. Rowley,
    Brazilian J. of Phys. 35 (2005) 890 - 893. [BJP]

  66. Electric dipole transitions in neutron-rich nuclei
    T. Suzuki, H. Sagawa, and K. Hagino,
    Phys. of Atom. Nucl., 67 (2004) 1674 - 1681. [Journal]

  67. How many fusion barriers?
    L. Swiderski, P. Czosnyka, M. Kowalczyk, E. Piasecki, K. Piaseki, M. Witecki, J. Jastrzebski, A. Kordyasz, M. Kisielinski, T. Krogulski, N. Rowley, C. Marchetta, A. Pagano, M. Mutterer, W.H. Trzaska, and K. Hagino,
    Int. J. Mod. Phys. E13 (2004) 315 - 320. [IJMPE]

  68. Fusion and breakup in the reactions of 6,7Li and 9Be
    K. Hagino, M. Dasgupta and D.J. Hinde,
    Nucl. Phys. A738 (2004) 475c - 478c. [NPA]

  69. Near barrier fusion excitation function of 6Li + 208Pb
    Y.W. Wu, Z.H. Liu, C.J. Lin, H.Q. Zhang, M. Ruan, F. Yang, Z.C. Li, M. Trotta, and K. Hagino,
    Prog. Theo. Phys. Suppl. 154 (2004) 177 - 183. [PTP]

  70. The nuclear potential in heavy-ion fusion
    M. Dasgupta, D.J. Hinde, J.O. Newton, and K. Hagino,
    Prog. Theo. Phys. Suppl. 154 (2004) 209 - 216. [PTP]

  71. Reaction dynamics for fusion of weakly-bound nuclei
    K. Hagino and A. Vitturi,
    Prog. Theo. Phys. Suppl. 154 (2004) 77 - 84. [PTP]

  72. Fusion dynamics around the Coulomb barrier
    K. Hagino, N. Rowley, T. Ohtsuki, M. Dasgupta, J.O. Newton, and D.J. Hinde,
    in the proceedings of the 5th Tours Symposium on Nuclear Physis (Tours 2003), Tours, France, Aug. 26 - 29, 2003, AIP conference proceedings 704, (AIP, New York, 2004) p. 82 --91 (e-print:nucl-th/0311008). [AIP]

  73. Variational RPA for the dipole surface plasmon in metal clusters
    K. Hagino, G.F. Bertsch, and C. Guet,
    Nucl. Phys. A731 (2004) 347 - 354. [NPA]

  74. Continuum QRPA response for deformed neutron-rich nuclei
    K. Hagino, Nguyen Van Giai, and H. Sagawa,
    Nucl. Phys. A731 (2004) 264 - 272. [NPA]

  75. New structure problems in drip line nuclei
    H. Sagawa, T. Suzuki, and K. Hagino,
    Nucl. Phys. A722 (2003) 183c-189c. [NPA]

  76. Insights into the influence of breakup on fusion through reaction with weakly bound nuclei
    M. Dasgupta, D.J. Hinde, and K. Hagino,
    Nucl. Phys. A722 (2003) 196c-201c. [NPA]

  77. Exotic structure of carbon isotopes
    T. Suzuki, H. Sagawa, and K. Hagino,
    in the proceedings of the International Symposium on ``Frontiers of Collective Motions (CM2002)'', Aizu, Japan, Nov. 6--9, 2002 (Woirld Scientific Inc.), p. 236 - 241.

  78. Importance of clustering in light neutron-rich nuclei
    N. Itagaki, K. Hagino, T. Otsuka, S. Okabe, and K. Ikeda,
    Nucl. Phys. A719 (2003) 205c - 208c. [NPA]

  79. Fine structure in proton emission
    K.P. Rykaczewski, R.K. Grzywacz, J.C. Batchelder, C.R. Bingham, C.J. Gross, D. Fong, J.H. Hamilton, D.J. Hartley, P. Hausladen, J.K. Hwang, M. Karny, W. Krolas, Y. Larochelle, T.A. Lewis, K.H. Maier, J.W. McConnell, A. Piechaczek, A.V. Ramayya, K. Rykaczewski, D. Shapira, M.N. Tantawy, J.A. Winger, C.-H. Yu, E.F. Zganjar, A.T. Kruppa, W. Nazarewicz, T. Vertse, and K. Hagino,
    in proceedings of the international conference on nuclear structure ``Mapping the Triangle'' (ICNS2002), Jackson Lake Lodge, Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming, May 21 - 26, 2002, AIP conference proceedings 638, (AIP, New York, 2002) p. 149-154. [AIP]

  80. Dynamical particle-phonon couplings in proton emission from spherical nuclei
    K. Hagino,
    Prog. Theor. Phys. Suppl. 146 (2002) 348 - 357. [PTP]

  81. Surface diffuseness anomaly in heavy-ion fusion potentials
    K. Hagino, M. Dasgupta, I.I. Gontchar, D.J. Hinde, C.R. Morton, and J.O. Newton,
    in proceedings of the 4th Italy-Japan symposium on heavy-ion physics, edited by S. Kubono et al. (World Scientific, Singapore, 2002), p. 87 - 98 (e-print: nucl-th/0110065).

  82. Continuum QRPA in the coordinate space representation
    K. Hagino and H. Sagawa,
    RIKEN Review 39 (2001) 27.

  83. Sub-barrier fusion of drip-line nuclei
    K. Hagino and A. Vitturi,
    in proceedings of the international workshop on fusion dynamics at the extremes, edited by Yu.Ts. Oganessian and V. Zagrebaev, (World Scientific, Singapore, 2001), p. 325 - 346.

  84. Exploiting barrier distributions to investigate breakup effects in the fusion of 9Be + 208Pb
    M. Dasgupta, D.J. Hinde, R.D. Butt, A.C. Berriman, C.R. Morton, J.O. Newton, and K. Hagino,
    Pramana 53 (1999) 513 - 520.

  85. Anharmonic phonon excitations in subbarrier fusion reactions
    K. Hagino, N. Takigawa, and S. Kuyucak,
    in proc. of Tours Symposium on Nuclear Physics III, edited by M. Arnould et al., AIP conference proceedings 425, (AIP, New York, 1998) p. 259 - 268. [AIP]

  86. Barrier distributions as a tool to investigate fusion and fission
    M. Dasgupta, D.J. Hinde, J.R. Leigh and K. Hagino,
    Nucl. Phys. A630 (1998) 78c - 91c. [NPA]

  87. Evidence of double phonon excitations in 16O + 208Pb reaction
    M. Dasgupta, K. Hagino, C.R. Morton, D.J. Hinde, J.R. Leigh, N. Takigawa, H. Timmers, and J.O. Newton,
    J. of Phys. G23 (1997) 1491 - 1496. [JPhysG]

  88. Importance of non-linear couplings in fusion barrier distributions and mean angular momenta
    K. Hagino, N. Takigawa, M. Dasugupta, D.J. Hinde, and J.R. Leigh,
    J. of Phys. G23 (1997) 1413 - 1421. [JPhysG]

  89. Probing anharmonic properties of nuclear surface vibration by heavy-ion fusion reactions
    N. Takigawa, K. Hagino, and S. Kuyucak,
    J. of Phys. G23 (1997) 1367 - 1375. [JPhysG]

  90. Effects of dissipation on fast quantum tunneling
    K. Hagino, N. Takigawa, J.R. Bennett, and D.M. Brink,
    Prog. Theo. Phys. Suppl. 124(1996)123 - 129. [PTP]

  91. Heavy-ion fusion reactions as macroscopic quantum tunneling
    N. Takigawa and K. Hagino,
    Prog. Theo. Phys. Suppl. 124(1996)101 - 122. [PTP]

  92. Effects of dissipation and non-adiabaticity in heavy-ion fusion reactions and fission
    N. Takigawa, K. Hagino, and M. Abe,
    in proc. of the international conference on Heavy-Ion Fusion: Exploring the Variety of Nuclear Properties (World Scientific, Singapore, 1995) p. 266 - 279.

  93. Multi-nucleon transfer reactions and fusion with unstable nuclei
    N. Takigawa, S. Yoshida, K. Hagino, and S.K. Patra,
    Nucl. Phys. A588(1995)91c - 97c. [NPA]

Refereed Book Chapter

  1. Sub-barrier fusion reactions
    K. Hagino,
    in ``Handbook of Nuclear Phsyics'', edited by I. Tanihata, H. Toki, and T. Kajino (Springer 2022).
    e-print: arXiv:2201.08061 [nucl-th].

  2. Structure of hypernuclei in relativistic approaches
    K. Hagino and J.M. Yao,
    in ``Relativistic density functional for nuclear structure'', edited by J. Meng, (World Scientific, Singapore, 2016), p. 263-303.
    e-print: arXiv:1410.7531 [nucl-th].

  3. Exotic nuclei far from the stability line
    K. Hagino, I. Tanihata, and H. Sagawa,
    in ``100 Years of Subatomic Physics'', edited by E.M. Henley and S.D. Ellis, (World Scientific, Singapore, 2013), p. 231 - 272.
    e-print: arXiv:1208.1583 [nucl-th].

  4. Heavy-ion fusion reaction as a quantum tunneling microscope
    K. Hagino and N. Takigawa,
    Butsuri 57 (2002) 588 - 591 (in Japanese).

  5. Heavy-Ion fusion reactions at energies below the Coulomb barrier
    N. Takigawa and K. Hagino,
    in ``Heavy Elements and Related New Phenomena'', edited by W. Greiner and R.K. Gupta, (World Scientific, Singapore, 1999), p. 1025 - 1049.