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New Aspects of Strings and Fields
Michael Dine (UCSC)
"Multigraviton Scattering in the Matrix Model: Revisited" [Full color (1.07 MB)]
Ken-ji Hamada (KEK)
"Background-metric Independent Formulation of 4D Quantum Gravity" [Gray scale (0.60 MB)]
N.D. Hari Dass (IMS/KEK)
"Interaction of F- and D-Strings in the Matrix Model" [Gray scale (0.38 MB)]
Satoshi Iso (KEK)
"Space-Time Generation and Low Energy Theory of Matrix Model" [Gray scale (0.39 MB)]
Yoshihisa Kitazawa (TIT)
"IIB Matrix Model and Super Yang-Mills Theory" [Gray scale (0.22 MB)]
Asato Tsuchiya (Osaka)
"Loop Equation, Open-closed String Dynamics and Space Time in Reduced Model" [Gray scale (0.66 MB)]
Hiroyuki Takata (TIT)
"D-Brane Scattering in IIB String Theory and IIB Matrix Model" [Gray scale (0.50 MB)]
Joe Polchinski (UCSB)
"Lightlike Compactification" [Full color (0.60 MB)]
Akishi Kato (Tokyo)
"Critical/Noncritical String Correspondence" [Gray scale (0.58 MB)]
Sang-Jin Sin (Hanyang)
"Strings in AdS5xS5 background" [Gray scale (0.24 MB)]
Tamiaki Yoneya (Tokyo, Komaba)
"Generalized Conformal Symmetry in D-Brane Matrix Models" [Full color (0.86 MB)]
Yuji Okawa (Tokyo)
"Equations of Motion and Galilei Invariance in D-Particle Dynamics" [Gray scale (0.32 MB)]
Shinji Hirano (YITP)
"AdS7/CFT6 Correspondence and Matrix Model of M5-Branes" [Gray scale (0.55 MB)]
Shun'ya Mizoguchi (KEK Tanashi)
"D=5 Simple Supergravity on AdS3xS2 and N=4 Superconformal Field Theory" [Gray scale (0.92 MB)]
Soonkeon Nam (Kyung Hee)
"Strings in Curved Spacetime" [Gray scale (0.60 MB)]
Soo-Jong Rey (Seoul)
"Cosmological Implication of Holographic Principle" [Full color (0.75 MB)]

13th Nishinomiya Yukawa Memorial Symposium
Gray scale[6.65 MB]
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