Rei Nishiura's Homepage

About Me

I am currently engaged in theoretical research in high-energy astrophysics and plasma physics. My main interest lies in studying fundamental plasma processes and applying them to astronomical phenomena.

You can find my publications here:


Email: nishiura[at]


I mainly study fundamental plasma processes and apply them to astronomical phenomena. My current topics include Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs) and cosmic ray acceleration.

Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs)

I have submitted the following two papers on Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs):

1. Collective Thomson scattering in magnetized electron and positron pair plasma and the application to induced Compton scattering

Authors: Rei Nishiura, Kunihito Ioka

Journal: Physical Review D

URL: here

2. Induced Compton scattering in magnetized electron and positron pair plasma

Authors: Rei Nishiura, Shoma F. Kamijima, Masanori Iwamoto, Kunihito Ioka

Journal: Submitted

URL: here

Cosmic Ray Acceleration

I study how the magnetic field amplification mechanism called the Bell instability, a fundamental plasma process, works effectively depending on astronomical phenomena. Specifically, I explore the relationship between magnetic field amplification and cosmic ray acceleration in various environments.



Teaching Assistant (TA)

Research Group Activities

Seminars and Presentations


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