Hi! Welcome to my homepage. I am a postdoctoral researcher at Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University, Japan since October 2021. Before moving to Japan, I was a graduate student at Raman Research Institute, India and master's student at Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur, India. My research interests are in high-energy and particle astrophysics involving cosmic rays, neutrinos, gamma rays, and dark matter. Currently, I am working on multi-messenger probes of superheavy dark matter and lepto-hadronic modeling of the multi-wavelength emission from active galactic nuclei and long gamma-ray bursts. My focus is to extract information on cosmic-ray acceleration in compact objects and highly luminous gamma-ray sources.
I work on theoretical high-energy astrophysics. In my PhD, we studied the origin and propagation of ultrahigh-energy cosmic rays (UHECRs; $E\gtrsim10^{17}$ eV), the astrophysical properties of their accelerators and explaining the observed spectrum, mass composition and anisotropy. We have estimated the observed secondary cosmogenic photon and neutrino fluxes to restrict the allowed source models.
Another interesting problem is the origin of the astrophysical neutrino signal observed by the IceCube neutrino observatory. We tried to explain the diffuse TeV-PeV neutrinos and its connection to photohadronic ($p\gamma$) or hadronuclear ($pp$) processes in Fermi-LAT detected blazars. Line-of-sight UHECR interactions are also found to explain VHE gamma-ray emission from blazars and $\gamma$-ray bursts.
I have also worked on constraining the timescale of superheavy dark matter decay from multi-messenger signals. Currently, I am modeling the observed multiwavelength spectral energy distribution (SED) and neutrino flux from tidal disruption events (TDEs). I am interested in working on Galactic/extragalactic cosmic rays, gamma-ray and neutrino astrophsyics, the connection between short gamma-ray bursts (sGRB) and gravitational wave (GW) events stemming from compact binary mergers, etc.
I am familiar with Python and C programming language, multiprocessing, and public simulations for cosmic ray propagation, electromagnetic cascades, etc. I have written numerical codes for lepto-hadronic emission in blazar jets for modeling the non-thermal emission. I have also done analytical calculations for the absorption of high-energy gamma rays in the Galactic radiation fields and prompt dark matter decay.
2021 /10 - present | Postdoc fellow | Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto 606-8502, Japan |
2021 /01 - 2021 /08 | Research Fellow | Raman Research Institute, Bangalore 560080, Karnataka, India |
2016 /08 - 2020 /12 | Ph.D. Physics | Raman Research Institute, Bangalore 560080, Karnataka, India |
2014 /08 - 2016 /07 | M.Sc. Physics | Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur 721302, West Bengal, India |
2011 /08 - 2014 /07 | B.Sc. Physics | Jadavpur University, Kolkata 700032, West Bengal, India |
2022 | Tenth Fermi Symposium, University of Johannesburg, South Africa | Talk |
2022 | Multimessenger study on heavy dark matter, Kyoto University, Japan | Talk |
2021 | (Online) International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC), Germany | Talk & Poster |
2022 | (Online) Ninth Fermi Symposium, University of Johannesburg, South Africa | Talk |
2021 | (Online) RATOP 2021, Center for Theoretical Physics, Warsaw, Poland | Talk |
2019 | ISAPP school on cosmic rays, Pierre Auger Observatory, Argentina | Talk & Poster |
2018 | IIT Bombay - ICTP workshop on neutrino physics, India | Participation |