August 8 (Mon) |
Afternoon Session 1 (13:00-14:10) |
Masahiro Ibe* |
Institute for Cosmic Ray Research |
Status of Beyond the Standard-Model at the LHC* |
The LHC is now taking a lot of physics data at center-of-mass energy of 13TeV,
which will provide new insights for physics beyond the Standard Model.
In this talk, I review the current status of searches for new physics beyond
the Standard Model at the end of Run I (7TeV and 8TeV)
and the early stage of Run II (13TeV) by the ATLAS and CMS experiments.
I also discuss some implications of the tentative hint on the
750GeV diphoton resonance if the excess remains.
Afternoon Session 2 (14:40-15:55) |
Toshifumi Noumi |
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology |
Unitarity constraints on single-field inflation |
We provide a class of consistency conditions constraining the EFT of
single-field inflation based on the unitarity of inflationary
perturbations. By analogy with the partial wave unitarity of scattering
amplitudes, we introduce a two-parameter family of positivity conditions
on inflationary four-point functions in the collapsed limit. In
particular our unitarity constraints require the subluminality of
inflationary perturbations in addition to a certain positivity
conditions on EFT parameters, one of which was derived by Baumann et al.
from analyticity of non-relativistic scatterings. We demonstrate that
angular dependence of inflationary correlation functions plays a crucial
role to reproduce the subluminality conditions. Observational prospects
of our unitarity constrains are also discussed.
Kouhei Hasegawa |
Kobe University |
Toward a solution to fermion generation problem from 6D space-time with a suitable boundary condition |
Relying on action principle, we classify the class of boundary
conditions (B.C.) at 6D fermion theory, and obtain the mass spectra on
each class. When we choose a suitable B.C., it is shown that there
appears two chiral zero modes, which can be identified as the first and
second generation of the chiral fermions at standard model. In such a
way, the mechanism demonstrated at this 6D model can provide the origin
of the fermion generation structure. In addition, it is also shown that
the mode functions of the two chiral zero modes are localized at most
far places each other on the extra dimension plane. Then we show that
such a localization profile can induce the fermion mass hierarchy at 4D
effective theory in a natural way.
Hajime Otsuka |
Waseda University |
Axion decay constants at special points in type II superstring theory |
We propose the mechanism to disentangle the decay constant of
closed string axion from the string scale
in the framework of type II string theory on Calabi-Yau
manifold with single and multiple axions.
The quantum corrections in the prepotential that arise at some
special points in the moduli space
widen the window of axion decay constant.
We also discuss the moduli stabilization leading to the
phenomenologically attractive low-scale and high-scale axion
decay constants.
Afternoon Session 3 (16:10-17:50) |
Tomoki Nosaka |
Korea Institute for Advanced Study |
Orientifold ABJM Matrix Model: Chiral Projections and Worldsheet Instantons |
We study the partition function of the N=5 superconformal Chern-Simons
theory with O(2M)xUSp(2N) gauge group (OSp model) on three sphere. This
theory is realized from the type IIB brane system for the ABJM theory by
adding an O3 plane parallel to the D3-branes. Recently, from the exact
computation for small k, M and N an interesting relation was observed
between the partition functions of these two theories: in the Fermi gas
formalism for the partition function, the orientifold planes act as
chirality projections on the one dimensional quantum statistical system
of Fermi gas. We give a direct proof of the relation for arbitrary
Chern-Simons level k and the ranks of the gauge groups (M,N). We also
discover a formula to generate the worldsheet instanton effects in OSp
models directly from those in the ABJM theory.
The talk is based on the collaborative work arXiv:1603.00615 with
Sanefumi Moriyama in Osaka City University.
Sanefumi Moriyama |
Osaka City University |
Giambelli Identity in Super Chern-Simons Matrix Model |
A classical identity due to Giambelli in representation theory states
that the character in any representation is expressed as a determinant
whose components are characters in the hook representation constructed
from all the combinations of the arm and leg lengths of the original
representation. Previously it was shown that the identity persists in
taking, for each character, the matrix integration in the super
Chern-Simons matrix model in the grand canonical ensemble. We prove here
that this Giambelli compatibility still holds in the deformation of the
fractional-brane background.
Takao Suyama |
Osaka City University |
Notes on Planar Resolvents of Chern-Simons-matter Matrix Models |
We revisit planar resolvents of matrix models corresponding to ${\cal N}\ge3$ Chern-Simons-matter theories with the gauge groups of the form ${\rm U}(N_1)\times{\rm U}(N_2)$ coupled to any number of bi-fundamental hypermultiplets.
We find that the derivative of a suitably defined planar resolvent can be written explicitly.
From this resolvent, we derive the explicit formula for (a linear combination of) the vevs of BPS Wilson loops.
Toshiaki Fujimori |
Keio University |
Complex saddle points and non-perturbative effects in $CP^N$ model |
When we apply the saddle point method to path integrals, it is important
to take into account complex saddle points obtained by complexifying
the path integral. We discuss complex saddle points corresponding to
instanton-antiinstanton (bion) configurations in the $CP^N$ quantum
mechanics. Such complex s solutions play an important role when we
show the cancelation of non-perturbative corrections to the
supersymmetric ground state energy. To compute non-perturbative
corrections to the (non-)supersymmetric ground state energy,
we consider the integral along the Lefschetz thimbles attached
to the saddle points corresponding to the saddle points.
This method can be viewed as a rigorous version of the Bogonolnyi-
Zinn-Justin calculation of the instanton-antiinstanton contributions.
In the end, we obtain the non-perturbative contributions from the real
and complex solutions in the $CP^N$ quantum mechanics, which should
be of importance in the resurgent trans-series.
August 9 (Tue) |
Morning Session 1 (9:00-10:10) |
Ashoke Sen* |
Harish-Chandra Research Institute |
Applications of superstring field theory* |
Superstring perturbation theory is free from ultraviolet divergences but suffers from the usual infrared problems of quantum field theory that arise when we do not take into account the effect of quantum corrections to the vacuum or to the asymptotic states. Examples of such divergences include tadpole and mass renormalization effects. In superstring perturbation theory these divergences arise from the boundary of the moduli space of Riemann surface where the surface degenerates. However unlike in quantum field theories, the usual superstring perturbation theory does not have a mechanism to cure these divergences. In this talk I shall describe how superstring field theory can be used to address these issues.
Morning Session 2 (10:40-11:30) |
Toru Masuda |
Nara Women's University |
Topological defects in open string field theory |
We show how conformal field theory topological defects can relate
solutions of open string field theory for different boundary conditions.
To this end we generalize the results of Graham and Watts to include
the action of defects on bcc operators.
We find the fusion algebra of defects is realized on open string fields
only up to a star algebra isomorphism.
In the previous report (based on the work with T. Kojita, C. Maccaferri
and M. Schnabl, to appear),
we took a bootstrap approach to identify the action of topological
defects on bcc operators for the diagonal minimal models. This time, we
also present direct calculation for simple theories such as the free
boson CFT.
Kenji Hotta |
Hokkaido University |
Unruh Effect in Closed String Theory |
Previously, Unruh effect in open bosonic string field theory was
discussed by Hata, Oda and Yahikozawa. However, it is natural to argue
this effect for the closed strings which can propagate bulk spacetime.
We investigate Unruh effect in the case of closed strings on the basis
of light-cone gauge string field theory proposed by Kaku and Kikkawa. By
superposing the solutions of the Klein-Gordon equation in Minkowski
spacetime, we construct the string fields which satisfy the Klein-Gordon
equation in Rindler spacetime. Using these string fields, we show that
the Minkowski vacuum is a thermal state for closed strings in the
Rindler wedge.
Morning Session 3 (11:45-13:00) |
Yuho Sakatani |
Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine |
Branes in extended spacetime |
We propose worldvolume theories for various branes in string/M-theory based on the geometry of the double field theory or the exceptional field theory. We show that our action can correctly reproduce the conventional string/membrane action. Worldvolume theories for an M5-brane and an exotic brane are also discussed. This talk is based on arXiv:1607.04265 in collaboration with Shozo Uehara.
Masaya Yata |
National University of Singapore |
Exotic Five-branes in Heterotic Supergravity |
In string theory, there are many kinds of extended objects ''brane'' and
the brane, which has non-trivial monodromy, is known as the
For example, type IIB seven branes are the most famous exotic-brane.
In particular, the five dimensional objects are called as exotic-five
brane and the well-known one is ''522-brane'' which is a type II
supergravity solution.
In this work, we construct the exotic five-brane in Heterotic
The exotic brane is obtained by Heterotic T-duality, which includes
non-zero gauge fields and alpha'-corrections, with Heterotic NS5-brane
solution and we show that the exotic brane agrees with the solution
found by the standard embedding of the type II 522-brane.
The monodromy structure of the Heterotic exotic brane is confirmed by
the extended generalized metric including non-zero gauge fields.
We also show that the structure is same as the monodromy of type II 522
due to the standard embedding.
Tetsuji Kimura |
Keio University |
Exotic Brane Junctions from F-theory |
Applying string dualities to F-theory, we obtain various [p,q]-branes whose constituents are standard branes of codimension two and exotic branes. We construct junctions of the exotic five-branes and their Hanany-Witten transitions associated with those in F-theory. In this procedure, we understand the monodromy of the single $5^2_2$-brane. We also find the objects which are sensitive to the branch cut of the $5^2_2$-brane. Considering the web of branes in the presence of multiple exotic five-branes analogous to the web of five-branes with multiple seven-branes, we obtain novel brane constructions for $SU(2)$ gauge theories with $n$ flavors and their superconformal limit with enhanced $E_{n+1}$ symmetry in five, four, and three dimensions. Hence, adapting the techniques of the seven-branes to the exotic branes, we will be able to construct F-theories in diverse dimensions.
Afternoon Session 1 (14:30-15:20) |
Marc Andre Heller |
Tohoku University |
Higher gauge theories and their off-shell covariatization |
We construct higher gauge theories containing 2- and 3-form
curvatures in various dimensions making use of the
supergeometric QP-manifold method, which induces a BRST-BV
formalism. Structurally equivalent higher gauge theories
are identified on the gauge algebra level. A method of off-
shell covariantization is proposed that achieves to
covariantize the gauge transformation of the 3-form
curvature while circumventing the so-called fake curvature
condition by constraining the auxiliary gauge fields. We
explicitly derive such a gauge algebra in 5 dimensions as a
nontrivial extension of a differential crossed module
within a symplectic Lie 4-algebra and show its off-shell
Yoshinori Honma |
National Tsing-Hua University |
Open Mirror Symmetry for Higher Dimensional Calabi-Yau Hypersurfaces |
Compactifications with fluxes and branes motivate us to study various enumerative
invariants of Calabi-Yau manifolds. In this talk, we will discuss about non-
perturbative corrections depending on both open and closed string moduli for a
class of compact Calabi-Yau manifolds in general dimensions. Our analysis is
based on the methods using relative cohomology and generalized hypergeometric
system. For the simplest example of compact Calabi-Yau fivefold, we explicitly
derive the associated Picard-Fuchs differential equations and compute the
quantum corrections in terms of the open and closed flat coordinates. Implications
for a kind of open-closed duality are also discussed.
Afternoon Session 2 (15:30-18:00) |
Poster Session 1 |
List of Posters |
Yuki Amari |
Tokyo University of Science |
Quantum mechanical aspects of $CP^2$ baby Skyrme model |
The $CP^N$ extended Skyrme-Faddeev model possesses planar soliton
solutions. We consider quantum aspects of the solutions applying
collective coordinate quantization in regime of rigid body
approximation. In order to discuss statistical properties of the
solutions we include the Hopf term in the Lagrangian. Since
$\Pi_3(CP^1) = \mathbb{Z}$ then for $N = 1$ the term becomes
integer. On the other hand for $N > 1$ it becomes perturbative
because $\Pi_3(CP^N)=0$. The prefactor of the Hopf term (anyon
angle) $\Theta$ is not quantized and its value depends on the
physical system.
If $\Theta = n\pi$, $n\in \mathbb{Z}$,the soliton with $N = 1$ is
not an anyon type. For $N > 1$, however, its statistics is always
Hiroto Hosoda |
Nagoya University |
On three-dimensional trace anomaly from holographic local RG |
Odd-dimensional quantum field theories (QFTs) can have nonzero trace anomalies if
external fields are introduced and some ingredients needed to make Lorentz scalars
with appropriate mass dimensions (or weights) are supplied. We have studied a
three-dimensional QFT and explicitly computed the trace of the stress tensor using
the holographic local renormalization group (RG). We have checked some properties
of vector beta functions and the Wess-Zumino consistency condition, however,
found the anomalies vanish on fixed points. We clarify what is responsible for the
vanishing trace anomalies.
Shoichi Ichinose |
University of Shizuoka |
Geometrical Approach to Dissipative Systems and Discrete Morse Flow Method |
A geometrical approach to the friction phenomena is presented. It is
based on the holographic view (AdS/CFT). The heat-producing phenomena
are most widely treated by using the non-equilibrium statistical
physics. As the system development, we take the discrete Morse flow
method. The step number is used instead of time. Various advantages of
this method is examined.
1. It is formulated by the minimal energy principle.
2. The energy function (at the n-th step) is taken as the
(energy)line-eliment. This defines the geometry of the system.
3. The difficulty of the hysteresis quantity (non-Markovian effect)
evaluation is avoided.
References: Tribology International (Elsevier)93PA,446(2016)
arXiv:1404.6627; arXiv:1303.6616
Yukio Kaneko |
Tohoku University |
Higher gauge theories based on QP-manifold |
We study higher gauge theories using a QP-manifold which is a differential graded
symplectic manifold. A QP-manifold characterizes a gauge symmetry of a higher
gauge theory, in addition, gauge transformations and field strengths can be
derived systematically. We analyze canonical transformations on QP-manifolds and
investigate the structure of gauge theories based on canonical transformed
system. We also find that in five-dimensional spacetime there is nontrivial
extensions of the standard higher gauge algebra. In this case, a restriction of the
gauge symmetry by imposing constraints on the auxiliary fields leads to a
covariantized theory.
Hirotaka Kato |
Tokyo Institute of Technorogy |
Supersymmetry Enhancement and Junctions in S-folds |
Recently N=3 supersymmetric theories have been constructed as $Z_k$ orbifolds
Aharony and Tachikawa proposed that the N=3 supersymmetry is enhanced to
N=4 in some brane configurations in S-folds.
We studied string junctions in the brane configurations, and
checked the consistency to those of N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theories.
Shoichi Kawamoto |
Chung-Yuan Christian University |
Entropic uncertainty relation based on generalized uncertainty principle |
We explore the modification of the entropic formulation of uncertainty
principle in quantum mechanics which measures the incompatibility of
measurements in terms of Shannon entropy. The deformation in question is
the type so called generalized uncertainty principle that is motivated by
thought experiments in quantum gravity and string theory and is
characterized by a parameter of Planck scale. The corrections are
evaluated for small deformation parameters by use of the Gaussian wave
function and numerical calculation. As the generalized uncertainty principle
has proven to be useful in the study of the quantum nature of black holes,
this study would be a step toward introducing an information theory
viewpoint to black hole physics.
Takaki Matsumoto |
University of Tsukuba |
Kahler structure of perturbed fuzzy sphere |
In matrix models, the matrix geometry appears naturally in
describing the fundamental objects in the string/M-theories and
plays an important role in formulating these theories. We
consider the commutative limit of the matrix geometry described
by a large-N sequence of some Hermitian matrices. We find that
the geometry which appears in the commutative limit possesses a
Kahler structure under some assumptions. In addition, we propose
an expression of the Kahler structure in terms of given matrices.
As a concrete example of this result, we consider the fuzzy
sphere and the perturbation around it. We analyze the Kahler
structure on the commutative geometry of the perturbed fuzzy
sphere. We also discuss how the nonlocality of the fuzzy sphere
affects the result of our analysis. (arXiv:1603.09146)
Satsuki Matsuno |
Osaka City University |
Giambelli identity in super Chiern-Simons matrix model |
A classical identity due to Giambelli in representation theory
states that the character in any representation is expressed as a
determinant whose components are characters in the hook
representation constructed from all the combinations of the arm
and leg lengths of the original representation. Previously it was
shown that the identity persists in taking, for each character,
the matrix integration in the super Chern-Simons matrix model in
the grand canonical ensemble. We prove here that this Giambelli
compatibility still holds in the deformation of the fractional-
brane background.
Akane Oikawa |
Waseda University |
New potentials for string axion inflation |
We propose a new type of axion inflation
with complex structure moduli in the framework of type IIB
superstring theory compactified on the
Calabi-Yau manifold.
The inflaton is identified as the axion for the complex
structure moduli whose potential
is originating from instantonic corrections appearing through
the period vector of
the mirror Calabi-Yau manifold.
The axionic shift symmetry is broken down to the discrete one
by the inclusion of the instantonic correction and certain
three-form fluxes.
Our proposed inflation scenario is compatible with Kahler
moduli stabilization.
We also study a typical reheating temperature in the case of
complex structure moduli inflation.
Hongfei Shu |
Tokyo Institute of Technology |
ODE/IM correspondence for modified $B_2^{(1)}$ affine Toda field equation |
We study the massive ODE/IM correspondence for modified $B_2^{(1)}$
affine Toda field equation.Based on the $\psi$-system for the solutions of
the associated linear problem, we obtain the Bethe ansatz equations. We
also discuss the T-Q relations, the T-system and the Y-system, which are
shown to be related to those of the $A_3/{\bf Z}_2$ integrable system. We
consider the case that the solution of the linear problem has a monodromy
around the origin, which imposes nontrivial boundary conditions for the T-/Y-
system. The high-temperature limit of the T- and Y-system and their
monodromy dependence are studied numerically.
Yuji Sugimoto |
Osaka University |
The non-perturbative effect of Geometric transition in Topological string theory |
We consider the geometric transition in the topological string theory
including non-perturbative effects. We calculate the free energy including
non-perturbative effects in topological string theory on toric Calabi-Yau
manifold known as Local $\mathcal{B}_3$. Then we show that when we
consider the geometric transition which changes the background
geometry, we observe the non-perturbative effects in the special values of
the Kahler parameters.
Kazuhiro Sugita |
Nihon University |
Multiple Exotic Solutions in Superstring Field Theory |
In bosonic open string field theory, "multiple"-brane solutions which have energy of $n$ D-branes are constructed by performing singular gauge transformations $n$ times. In cubic superstring field theory, an exotic solution is known. The energy of the solution is half the tension of a D-brane. In this talk we study "multiple"-exotic-brane solutions using the technique of the bosonic theory.
Tomoyuki Takezaki |
University of Tokyo |
Complete Action for Open Superstring Field Theory with Cyclic $A_\infty$ Structure |
String field theory is an approach to nonperturbative formulations of string theory. When we quantize open string field theory, the structure called $A_\infty$ plays a crucial role. We construct a gauge invariant action for the Neveu-Schwarz and Ramond sectors of open superstring field theory realizing a cyclic $A_\infty$ structure, providing the first complete and fully explicit solution to the classical Batalin-Vilkovisky master equation in superstring field theory. We also demonstrate the equivalence of our action to the Wess-Zumino-Witten-based construction of Kunitomo and Okawa. This is based on arXiv:1602.02582 with Erler and Okawa.
Kentaro Tatsumi |
Kobe University |
Hidden quantum mechanical supersymmetry in 6D fermion system with boundary |
We reveal that quantum mechanical supersymmetry is hidden in a system of six
dimensional fermions with two extra dimensions. Based on it, we succeed in
classifying 4d Lorentz invariant boundary conditions completely and obtaining 4d
mass spectrum of the model. It is shown that, despite the existence of 6d bulk
mass, there appear two 4d massless chiral modes because of boundary conditions.
Xi Wu |
Osaka University |
Generic boundary conditions in topological phases |
We study most generic boundary conditions for 1+2-dimensional
relativistic fermion system. Topological insulators of class A is one of
such systems, and we find the dispersion relations of the edge-localized
states. We found the edge states depend only on a single real parameter
appearing in the boundary condition, and the dispersion changes from a
linear to a flat band as we change the parameter. The edge state
dispersion always touch the bulk dispersion.
August 10 (Wed) |
Morning Session 1 (9:00-10:10) |
Yu-tin Huang* |
National Taiwan University |
Lessons from perturbative unitarity in graviton scattering amplitudes* |
In this talk I will discuss the constraint on perturbative completion of massless spinning particles. For theories involving three-point interactions, such as Yang-Mills and Gravity, I will show that under simple assumptions we immediately arrive on a completion that is universal in all perturbative string theories. We will present a measure of such uniqueness by showing that a general class of possible deformations cannot be unitary without such universal piece. This study will present an interesting "twist" for which one can remove all massive states from the string spectrum while retaining the worldsheet interpretation. This turns out directly leads to the Hohm-Siegel-Zwiebach theory and the recent "scattering equations" by Cachazo, He and Yuan.
Morning Session 2 (10:40-11:30) |
Masafumi Ishihara |
Advanced Institute for Material Research, Tohoku University |
Holographic Schwinger Effect and Chiral condensate in SYM Theory |
By using the holographic duality, we study the Schwinger pair
production rate from the imaginary part of the on-shell D7-brane
action embedded in the 10-dimensional gravity background which is
dual to the confinement field theory with broken chiral
symmetry. By comparing the production rate in this background
with the one obtained in $AdS_5\times S^5$, we calculate the
relation between the dynamical quark mass and VEV of chiral
condensate, and compare the result with the dynamical quark mass
given by the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model.
Koji Hashimoto |
Osaka University |
Chaos of chiral condensate |
Assigning a chaos index for vacua of generic quantum
field theories is a challenging problem. We find chaotic behavior
of chiral condensates of a quantum gauge theory at strong coupling
limit, by using the AdS/CFT correspondence. At an equivalent
classical gravity picture, a Lyapunov exponent is readily defined.
We first study a linear sigma model of low energy QCD as a toy example
and find a chaos at 140 MeV energy scale. Then we study $SU(N_c)$ $N = 2$
supersymmetric QCD at large Nc and at large t Hooft coupling lambda,
and evaluate the time evolution of homogeneous chiral condensates,
which exhibit chaotic behavior for energy density
$E > (6\cdot 10^2) (m_q)^4(N_c/\lambda^2)$ where $m_q$ is the quark mass.
The vacuum of the $N = 2$ supersymmetric QCD is more chaotic for larger
lambda or for smaller $N_c$. The work is in collaboration with Keiju Murata and
Kentaroh Yoshida.
Morning Session 3 (11:45-13:00) |
Masamichi Miyaji |
Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics |
Butterflies from Quantum Fidelity |
We point out that, rapid growth of information metric of Thermofield double state
corresponds to growth of commutators of local operators, which implies
scrambling. Following holographic proposal for information metric, we compute
information metric of thermofield double states for marginal deformation, by
evaluating volume of maximal volume codimension 1 surface. We confirm that
information metric increases exponentially with time. Our result implies orbits of
thermofield double states in chaotic system are sensitive to change of outer
Kento Watanabe |
Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics |
EPR Pairs, Local Projections and Quantum Teleportation in Holography |
Operation is an important concept in quantum systems. In this talk, we
discuss 3 quantum operations in QFTs, especially in 2d CFTs : local
projection measurements, creations of partial entanglement between two
CFTs and swapping of subsystems between two CFTs. We also discuss their
holographic duals and the time evolutions of the entanglement entropy.
By combining these operations, we present an analogue of quantum
teleportation between two CFTs and give its holographic realization.
Furthermore, we introduce a new quantity to probe multi- partite
entanglement by using local projection measurements. This talk is based
on a work with Tokiro Numasawa, Noburo Shiba and Tadashi Takayanagi.
Kanato Goto |
University of Tokyo |
Causal Evolutions of Bulk Local Excitations from CFT |
Bulk localized excited states in an AdS spacetime can be constructed from
Ishibashi states with respect to the global conformal symmetry in the dual CFT. We
study boundary two point functions of primary operators in the presence of bulk
localized excitations in two dimensional CFTs. From two point functions in
holographic CFTs, we observe causal propagations of radiations when the mass of
dual bulk scalar field is close to the BF bound. This behavior for holographic CFTs
is consistent with the locality and causality in classical gravity duals. We also show
that this cannot be seen in free fermion CFTs. Moreover, we find that the short
distance behavior of two point functions is universal and obeys the relation which
generalizes the first law of entanglement entropy.
Afternoon Session 1 (14:30-14:55) |
Tsukasa Tada |
Dipolar Quantization of conformal field theories |
Conformal symmetry is isomorphic to SO(D+1,1), the symmetry of the Lorentz
transformation. Thus, all the possible spacetime foliations are subject to this
transformation. Among these foliations, those which correspond to a light cone
under the transformation stand out. Dipolar quantization adopts these
idiosyncratic spacetime foliations. In contrast to radial quantization, dipolar
quantization yields continuous spectra for conformal field theories as expected on
the ground of the association with a light cone and the consequential
masslessness. We discuss the implications of dipolar quantization to, in particular,
two-dimensional conformal field theories.
Afternoon Session 2 (15:05-17:35) |
Poster Session 2 |
List of Posters |
Filip Blaschke |
Yamagata University |
BPS Boojums in N=2 supersymmetric gauge theories |
We study 1/4 Bogomol'nyi-Prasad-Sommerfield (BPS) composite solitons
of vortex strings, domain walls and
boojums in ${\cal N}=2$ supersymmetric Abelian gauge theories in four
We obtain both numerical and analytical solutions to the 1/4 BPS
equations with the finite gauge coupling constant.
We examine various configurations and clarify how the shape of the
boojum depends on the coupling constants and
moduli parameters.
We introduce a `magnetic' scalar potential
which offers an intuitive understanding that the end point of vortex string is
a source
of magnetic field, but also it gives a physical meaning to the scalar function
appearing in the
Taubes' equation for BPS
Abrikosov-Nilsen-Olesen vortex.
Dyonic solutions are also obtained. When the configuration is extended to
the dyonic case, the domain
wall becomes an electric capacitor storing electric charge on its skin and
the boojum charge density becomes
proportional to $\vec E \cdot \vec B$.
We also find analytic solutions to the 1/4 BPS equations for specific values
of the coupling constants.
Hiroshi Isono |
Chulalongkorn University |
Holographic Non-Gaussianity in Single-field Inflations |
Holographic approach to inflationary cosmology is discussed. We compute the power spectrum and bispectrum of single-field slow-roll inflation and K-inflation using three-dimensional conformal field theory (CFT) with nearly marginal deformations, and compare them with results on the inflation side. In particular, we find appropriate sets of parameters to characterise the undeformed CFT and renormalisation group flows induced by the deformations, and show that they can reproduce nontrivial features of the inflation models of our interest, such as red spectrum, nontrivial sound speed, non-Gaussianity.
Yuto Ito |
Korea Institute for Advanced Study |
Superconformal index with surface defects for class $\mathcal{S}_k$ |
We study surface defects in 4d $\mathcal{N}=1$ $SU(N)$ superconformal gauge
theories of class $\mathcal{S}_k$ obtained from the 6d (1,0) theories of type
$A_{N-1}$, which are worldvolume theories on $N$ M5-branes at $C^2/Z_k$
singularities, compactified on Riemann surfaces with punctures. First we apply a
method based on Riemann surface description and obtain the superconformal
index of the theories in the presence of surface defects labelled by symmetric
representations of $su(N)$. Then we propose another description for the same
surface defects, which involves 4d-2d coupled systems and reproduce the results
obtained from the first method. Finally we study the 2d TQFT structure of the
index for class $\mathcal{S}_{k}$ theories by obtaining several eigenfunctions
and eigenvalues of the difference operators that capture the surface defects and
checking their relation.
Naoki Kiryu |
University of Tokyo |
Integrable Bootstrap for Open String Correlators |
We study the three-point functions of the operators inserted on top of the 1/2 BPS Wilson loop in N= 4 super Yang-Mills. We propose that they can be decomposed into two kinds of fundamental objects: The one is the hexagon, which appears also in the study of the three-point functions of the single-trace operators. The other is a new object, the square with a boundary corresponding to the Wilson loop. We shall conjecture that the three-point functions can be obtained by gluing together one hexagon and three squares. To test the conjecture, we compute the tree-level three-point functions. In addition, we compute the three-point function of the “boundary changing operators” which change the scalar coupled to the Wilson loop. We conjecture that the contribution is corresponding to the non-trivial effect so called the wrapping correction in the context of integrability-based approach. Then we focus on the special scaling limit called the ladders limit. In this limit, we determine the structure constants at all-order in the rescaled coupling using the Schwinger-Dyson equation. The work is in collaboration with Minkyoo Kim, Shota Komatsu and Takuya Nishimura.
Hiroaki Matsunaga |
Alternative WZW-like actions for string field theories |
By recursively adding infinitely many regulators to Witten’s cubic (but singular) theory, one can obtain gauge invariant actions for NS and NS-NS superstring field theories, which are so-called $A_{\infty}/L_{\infty}$ actions.
We show there exist natural duals of these $A_{\infty }/L_{\infty }$ gauge structures: In this dual description, the role of constraint equations and on-shell conditions is switched.
Utilizing these dual $A_{\infty }/L_{\infty}$, we give ''alternative'' WZW-like actions, which are rather suitable and useful to include the Ramond sector than known WZW-like actions.
We also show the equivalence between alternative WZW-like actions and known $A_{\infty }/L_{\infty }$ actions, and discuss the relation to known WZW-like actions.
Hironori Mori |
Osaka University |
Surface Operators and M-strings |
We study surface operators in 4d supersymmetric gauge theories. In the context
of AGT correspondence it was shown that the surface operators are mapped to
degenerate operators of 2d CFTs on a Riemann surface. AGT relation can be
encoded into string theory through the correspondence between brane webs and
toric Calabi-Yau’s, which allows us to be able to compute a partition function of
the 4d gauge theory by the refined topological vertex. Further, the surface
operator in this duality can emerge from the geometric engineering of the brane
web, and its contribution in the partition function can be calculated again by the
topological string. Recently, an application of the topological string to M-theory
was proposed as M-strings. We find a M-theoretic configuration compatible with
M-strings which geometrically engineers the surface operators in 4d
$\mathcal{N}=2$ gauge theories.
Kazuhisa Nishi |
Toyohashi University of Technology |
A new root to quantum gravity enlightened by the reformulation of AdS/CFT correspondence in Hausdorff space |
In spite of much study about the quantization of gravity, it remains an
unsolved problem. Many approaches including superstring theory have
concentrated on the unification of general relativity and quantum field
theory. However, if there exists a final theory of quantum gravity, it
would be related with the various roots to the conventional and standard
physical theories. Here a new type of the quantum gravity theory is
investigated by reformulating special relativity into Hausdorff space
which is one of the general topological spaces. It is found that the
reformulation of AdS/CFT correspondence in Hausdorff space could
enlighten a new root from special relativity to the quantum gravity
Yuichi Ohara |
Nagoya University |
Self-interacting massive spin two particles |
We constructed a model of self-interacting charged massive spin
two particles by using the interaction proposed by Hinterbichler.
Then, we investigate the some basic properties of this theory and
compare the result with the model of neutral massive spin two
Kazuma Shimizu |
Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics |
Mass Deformed ABJM Theory in Large N |
We study mass deformed ABJM theory in the large N limit. This theory has
the aspect as M2-M5 brane systems. The exact partition function on S^3
is described by the matrix model by using localization method. The
matrix model can be evaluated with saddle point approximation in the
large N limit. We have improved the previous our results
(arXiv:1512.00249). We find new solutions of saddle point equation in
the mass parameter region where we could not solve the saddle point
equation. We discuss various phases of this theory depending on the mass
parameter. This presentation is based on the collaboration with Tomoki
Nosaka, Seiji Terashima.(arXiv:1606.xxxxx)
Kiyoshi Shiraishi |
Yamaguchi University |
GR-GSG Hybrid Gravity |
We propose a model of gravity in which the mixing of a metric tensor
of General Relativity
and an effective metric generated from a single scalar
as formulated in Geometric Scalar Gravity.
We show that the model admits the exact Schwarzschild solution and
an accelerating behavior of scale factors in cosmological
Hiroki Sukeno |
University of Tokyo |
Fermion scattering amplitudes from gauge invariant actions for open superstring field theory |
Recently, complete actions for open superstring field theory were
constructed. In the perturbation theory of 1st quantized strings,
covering of the moduli
space of Riemann surface is crucial for ensuring the decoupling of
degree of freedom. On the other hand, in string field theory, the
amplitude is obtained from summation over various Feynman diagrams. In
poster, we explicitly calculate tree-level scattering amplitudes from
Zumino-Witten like formulation of complete open superstring field
theory, and
show that they reproduce correct tree-level amplitudes of 1st quantized
superstring theory. We discuss the roll of higher order vertices in
Zumino-Witten like action for covering the supermoduli space of super-
Riemann surfaces.
Koki Takesue |
Kitasato University |
Holographic Skyrme model in seven dimensions. |
It is well known that the Atiyah-Manton construction can be
produced Skyrmions (which are solutions of the Skyrme model in
three dimensions) from four-dimensional instantons. In higher
dimensions, we can consider a higher dimensional ''instanton'' by
generalize the self-duality relation in four dimensions. Can we
use the Atiyah-Manton construction in higher dimensions to
produce the higher dimensional ''Skyrmions'' ?
In this poster, we introduce a seven-dimensional Skyrme model
from a holography of the eight-dimensional (Quartic) Yang-Mills
model, and we consider a seven-dimensional Skyrmion which are
produced from the eight-dimensional instanton by using the
Atiyah-Manton construction in seven dimensions.
Wen-Yu Wen |
Chung Yuan Christian University |
Extremal noncommutative black holes as dark matter furnaces |
We consider dark matter annihilation in the gravitational field of noncommutative black holes. At final stage of evaporation, we hypothesize the existence of a thermal equilibrium state composed of a burning black hole relics fueled by dark matter accretion. We discuss its possible connection to primordial black holes and early universe.
Futoshi Yagi |
Korea Institute for Advanced Study |
5d supersymmetric gauge theories with 6d UV fixed points |
We discuss a class of five dimensional $\mathcal{N}=1$ supersymmetric
gauge theories which has six dimensional $\mathcal{N}=(1,0)$
superconformal field theories as ultraviolet fixed points. We find various
non trivial properties of these theories by using type IIB brane web diagram
including orientifold planes. Especiailly, we see that various different 5d
theories have identical UV fixed point.
August 11 (Thu) |
Morning Session 1 (9:00-10:10) |
Yu Nakayama* |
Rikkyo University |
Applied conformal bootstrap* |
I will review some physical applications of numerical conformal bootstrap.
In particular, I will focus on various controversies in theoretical physics
such as the order of chiral phase transition in QCD or VBS-Neel phase transition
in quantum spin systems.
In many situations, our numerical results dash the hopes of emergent
symmetries proposed in the literature.
Morning Session 2 (10:40-11:55) |
Hirotaka Hayashi |
Tokai University |
5-brane webs and 6d SCFTs |
5-brane webs in type IIB string theory is a very useful tool to
study various properties of 6d SCFTs. In particular, 5-brane webs
realize new 5d supersymmetric gauge theories whose UV completion
is given by 6d SCFTs. One important example is a 5d SU(3) gauge
theory with 10 flavors whose UV completion is a 6d $D_5$-type
minimal conformal matter theory. Moreover, the 5-brane web also
reveals that the 5d SU(3) gauge theory with 10 flavors is dual to
a 5d Sp(2) gauge theory with 10 flavors. In this talk, we give a
quantitative evidence for the 5d-6d correspondence as well as the
5d UV duality by explicitly comparing their 5d partition
functions and the elliptic genus of the 6d SCFT. We find that the
5-brane web encodes the information of the partition function of
the 5d SU(3) gauge theory with 10 flavors and also the duality
map. The precise agreement among the partition functions and the
elliptic genus has been checked until certain order.
Hidehiko Shimada |
Okayama Institute for Quantum Physics |
Tensionless string field theory and N=(2,0) theory in six-dimensions |
We consider a second quantised formulation of supersymmetric
tensionless strings in six dimensions. We discuss its interpretation
as a candidate for the formulation of the six-dimensional
$\mathcal{N}=(2,0)$ superconformal theory.
The talk will be based on a work done in collaboration
with Sudarshan Ananth(IISER Pune), Stefano Kovacs(Dublin IAS),
Yuki Sato(Chulalongkorn University).
Masayuki Fukuda |
University of Tokyo |
Coherent states in spherical DAHA and qq-character for 5D Super Yang-Mills |
We study some properties of coherent states (Gaiotto state and
intertwiner between two modules) in the quantum
$\mathcal{W}_{1+\infty}$ algebra, which is also known under various
names, Ding-Iohara, Miki and quantum toroidal $\widehat{\mathfrak{gl}}
(1)$ algebra. With its properties, we derive the qq-character for 5d
quiver gauge theories which defines the quantum Seiberg-Witten curve.
Afternoon Session 1 (13:25-14:40) |
Kazunobu Maruyoshi |
Seikei University |
A 'Lagrangian' for the Argyres-Douglas theory and superconformal index |
We find a four-dimensional N=1 gauge theory which flows to the N=2
Argyres-Douglas theory $H_0$ in the infrared up to extra free chiral
multiplets. From this description we compute the full superconformal
index of the $H_0$ theory and find agreements with the known results in
special limits. The gauge theory description is obtained from certain
N=1 deformation of the N=2 SU(2) gauge theory with 4 fundamental
hypermultiplets. Indeed this deformation procedure can be applied to any
N=2 SCFT with non-Abelian flavor symmetry. In general, we observe that
the deformation of a particular class of N=2 SCFTs causes the flow where
the supersymmetry is enhanced to N=2 in the infrared.
Matthew Buican |
Queen Mary University of London |
Conformal Manifolds in Four Dimensions and Chiral Algebras |
Any $\mathcal{N}=2$ superconformal field theory (SCFT) in four dimensions has
a sector of operators related to a two-dimensional chiral algebra containing a
Virasoro sub-algebra. Moreover, there are well-known examples of isolated
SCFTs whose chiral algebra is a Virasoro algebra. In this note, we consider the
chiral algebras associated with interacting $\mathcal{N}=2$ SCFTs possessing an
exactly marginal deformation that can be interpreted as a gauge coupling (i.e., at
special points on the resulting conformal manifolds, free gauge fields appear that
decouple from isolated SCFT building blocks). At any point on these conformal
manifolds, we argue that the associated chiral algebras possess at least three
generators. In addition, we show that there are examples of SCFTs realizing such
a minimal chiral algebra: they are certain points on the conformal manifold
obtained by considering the low-energy limit of type IIB string theory on the
three complex-dimensional hypersurface singularity
$x_1^3+x_2^3+x_3^3+\alpha x_1x_2x_3+w^2=0$. The associated chiral
algebra is the $\mathcal{A}(6)$ theory of Feigin, Feigin, and Tipunin. As
byproducts of our work, we argue that (i) a collection of isolated theories can be
conformally gauged only if there is a SUSY moduli space associated with the
corresponding symmetry current moment maps in each sector, and (ii)
$\mathcal{N}=2$ SCFTs with $a\ge c$ have hidden fermionic symmetries (in the
sense of fermionic chiral algebra generators).
Takahiro Nishinaka |
Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics |
On 4d rank-one N=3 superconformal field theories |
We study the properties of 4d N=3 superconformal field theories whose rank is
one, i.e. those that reduce to a single vector multiplet on their moduli space of
vacua. We find that the moduli space can only be of the form $C^3/Z_k$ for
k=1,2,3,4,6, and that the supersymmetry automatically enhances to N=4 for k=1,2.
In addition, we determine the central charges a and c in terms of k, and construct
the associated 2d chiral algebras, which turn out to be exotic N=2 supersymmetric
W-algebras. This talk is based on arXiv:1602.01503 in collaboration with Yuji
Afternoon Session 2 (14:55-16:10) |
Hisayoshi Muraki |
Kahler structures in Matrix Geometry |
Recently, a method of defining classical spaces with a use of information of
matrices has been proposed in arXiv:1503.01230. The method utilizes the coherent
states for N by N hermitian matrices and identifies those states with points on the
classical space under the large N limit. In arXiv:1603.09146, the Kahler structure is
obtained by the quantum states in the large N limit. When we discuss geometric
structures in the finite N regime, the Dirac operators plays a role. I will give you an
overview of the method and discuss how the Dirac operator works. This talk is
based on works in collaboration with Goro Ishiki and Takaki Matsumoto (Univ. of
Naoya Umeda |
Kyoto University |
Critical behavior of triangle-hinge models |
Triangle-hinge models [arXiv:1503.08812] are introduced to describe worldvolume dynamics of
membranes. The Feynman diagrams consist of triangles glued together along hinges and can be
restricted to tetrahedral decompositions in a large N limit. We find that there are integration
contours for which the integrations of dynamical variables are finite. We further find that the
models have critical points by numerical simulations. It is highly expected that the models have
well-defined continuum limits.
Tsunehide Kuroki |
National Institute of Technology, Kagawa College |
Correlation functions at arbitrary genus in noncritical superstring theory |
In the previous study, we found that a supersymmetric double-well matrix
model reproduces several kinds of, and infinitely many two-point
functions at tree level in noncritical superstring theory in two
dimensions. This strongly suggests that the former gives nonperturbative
formulation of the latter. Thus assuming this, we studied
nonperturbative aspects of the superstring theory such as spontaneous
breaking of supersymmetry. In this talk, in order to present further
evidence of our claim, we present explicit form of several correlation
functions at arbitrary genus in the matrix model side. We point out that
the Nicolai mapping and exact results in the random matrix theory play
important roles in the derivation. We also discuss how resurgence works
in our higher genus results.
Afternoon Session 3 (16:25-17:40) |
Ryo Yokokura |
Keio University |
Component versus Superspace Approaches to D=4, N=1 Conformal Supergravity |
We show the equivalence between the superspace formulation and the
conventional component field approach based on the superconformal tensor
calculus of N=1 conformal supergravity in four dimensions, and that
superspace formulation does not have the restriction previously
discussed by Kugo and Uehara. We present also the correspondences of the
conformal multiplets.
Yuki Yokokura |
Quantum mechanical construction of energy-momentum tensor and the interior structure of black holes |
We introduce a notion of local vacuum state and construct
energy-momentum tensor operator in a covariant way.
Evaluating its expectation value in the self-consistent
metric of evaporating black holes, we investigate the
interior structure and discuss the information problem.
Nobuyoshi Ohta |
Kindai University |
Renormalization Group Equation for $f(R)$ gravity on a hyperbolic space |
As one of the promising approaches to the quantum gravity, we discuss
the asymptotic safety program. In particular we derive the functional
renormalization group equation for the gravitational effective average
action in an $f(R)$ truncation on hyperbolic space using exponential
parametrization of the metric and study their properties. We find
various exact solutions in the theory and compare the results with
those on the positive-curvature space.
August 12 (Fri) |
Morning Session 1 (9:00-10:10) |
Sungjay Lee* |
Korea Institute for Advanced Study |
Bootstrapping Pure Quantum Gravity in AdS3* |
It is an interesting problem to understand whether the three-dimensional pure gravity can exist as a quantum theory. The extremal conformal field theories of central charge c=24k have been conjectured to be dual to the three-dimensional pure quantum gravity with negative cosmological constant. The extremal CFTs should have a large gap in the spectrum proportional to the central charge. Although the extremal CFT is known to exist for k=1, it is not entirely clear whether one can actually construct the extremal CFTs for k>1. We use the numerical bootstrap to investigate the existence of the extremal CFTs having a sparse spectrum of states at low energies. |
Morning Session 2 (10:40-11:55) |
Heng-Yu Chen |
National Taiwan University |
Quantum Integrable Systems from Conformal Blocks |
In this talk, we extend the striking connections between quantum integrable systems and conformal blocks recently found in several directions. First, we explicitly demonstrate that the action of quartic conformal Casimir operator on general d-dimensional scalar conformal blocks, can be expressed in terms of certain combinations of commuting integrals of motions of the two particle hyperbolic BC2 Calogero-Sutherland system. The permutation and reflection properties of the underlying Dunkl operators play crucial roles in establishing such a connection. Next, we show that the scalar superconformal blocks in SCFTs with four and eight supercharges and suitable chirality constraints can also be identified with the eigenfunctions of the same Calogero-Sutherland system, this demonstrates the universality of such a connection. Finally, we observe that the so-called "seed" conformal blocks for constructing four point functions for operators with arbitrary space-time spins in four dimensional CFTs can also be linearly expanded in terms of Calogero-Sutherland eigenfunctions.
Ryo Suzuki |
Average anomalous dimensions in N=4 SYM |
We investigate an interplay between conformal bootstrap and large $N_c$ limit, by
asking how to extract non-planar data from the planar four-point functions. By
taking a short-distance limit of the four-point functions of ${\cal N}=4$ super
Yang-Mills at large $N_c$, we obtain a sum of anomalous dimensions averaged
over the operators with the same quantum numbers. By counting all possible
operators to be averaged, we isolate the non-planar information of the spectrum.
This is a joint work with Yusuke Kimura (Okayama Institute for Quantum Physics).
Hideki Kyono |
Kyoto University |
Supercoset construction of Yang-Baxter deformed AdS5xS5 backgrounds |
Yang-Baxter deformation is a systematic way to study integrable deformations of
non-linear sigma models in two dimensions. One of the most interesting examples
is deformations of type IIB superstring theory on the AdS5 × S5 background. So
far, some well-known string backgrounds concerned with the AdS/CFT
correspondence were obtained as Yang-Baxter deformations of AdS5 × S5. The
metric and the B-field can be derived directly from the deformed action.
Furthermore, the remaining fields including the Ramond-Ramond (R-R) fields and
the dilaton were recently derived by performing the supercoset construction for
some r-matrices.
Some examples of the deformed backgrounds satisfy the equations of motion of
type IIB supergravity. In general, however, they are not the solutions of the
supergravity in the usual sense, but it is conjectured that they would satisfy
“generalized’’ equations of motion, which are modified to keep only the scale
invariance on the string world-sheet theory rather than conformal invariance. This
conjecture indicates that the classical r-matrices satisfying the CYBE correspond
to the gravity solutions in the weaker sense, and the relation may be called the
gravity/CYBE correspondence.