Akira Ohnishi: Lectures
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Akira Ohnishi: Lectures
- Undergraduate
- Physics II (Thermodynamics)
(UG1: 2001 JFY (1st and 2nd)/2002(2nd)/2005(2nd), UG2: 2006(1st))
- Quantum Mechanics I
(UG2: 2004 JFY, Second term)
- Quantum Mechanics II
(UG3, 2005-2007 JFY, First term)
- Elementary Particle and Nuclear Physics I
(UG4: 2003-2004 JFY, Second term)
Seminar in Computer Physics
(UG1: 1999-2003 JFY, Second term)
- Seminar in Mathematical Methods in Physics I
(UG2: 1993-1995 JFY, Second term)
- Seminar in Mathematical Methods in Physics II
(UG3: 1993-1995 JFY, First term)
- Seminar in Electromagnetism (UG3: 1997 JFY, Second term)
- Seminar in Quantum Mechanics I
(UG3: 1997-2002/2004-2007 JFY, First term)
- Seminar in Physics II (UG3: 2003 JFY, First term)
PDF file of Report
- Graduate Course
Physics of Nuclear Many-Particle Systems(核多体系物理学)
(2009-2014年度後期, 京都大学 大学院理学研究科 物理学・宇宙物理学専攻)
- Theoretical Nuclear Physics
(MC: 1998 JFY, Second term / 2003 JFY First term)
- Nuclear Physics 2 --- High-Energy Heavy-Ion Collisions
(MC, 2007 JFY, Second term)
- Intensive Lectures at TITech/Tohoku Univ./Kyoto Univ./Nagoya Univ.
(in Japanese)
- YONUPA Summer School
(MC/DC, 2003, in Japanese)
(白黒 version),
(SU(3) の関係式に間違いがありました。訂正は後日....)
- Nuclear matter phase diagram probed in high-energy heavy-ion collisions
--- Mean filed, Equation of State, QGP --- (DC, 2006, in Japanese)
--- 平均場、状態方程式、QGP ---)
- 名古屋大学・特別講義 (DC 学生向け)
June 24, 2011, Kyoto U., Kyoto, Japan.
- 九州大学集中講義「高密度物質と中性子星の物理」(July 8-10, 2014)
- 大阪集中講義「高密度物質と中性子星の物理」(Jul.30-Aug.1, 2014)
- 原子核三者若手夏の学校2015三者共通講義
Aug.17, 2015, Gamagoori, Aichi, Japan.
Summer School on Nuclear Collective Dynamics III
Talk Slide by AO (pdf)
Approaches to QCD phase diagram; effective models, strong coupling lattice QCD, and compact stars
Dense Matter 2015, Jun.29-Jul.11, 2015,
Strangeness in Quark Matter,
Jul.6-Jul.11, 2015,
Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Russia.
- Introductory/Summer School Lectures in Nuclear Physics
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Akira Ohnishi <ohnishi@yukawa.kyoto-u.ac.jp>