
Rock 'n' Roll everyday

Upcoming events

Oral Presentations
2024/05/10-15___ Dialog at the Dream Field: Supranuclear Matter (@Guiyang, China)
          "Hydrogen-rich supernovae under energy injection by central heating source"(Invited)
2024/04/23-26___ Anticipating the Rising Tide of Tidal Disruption Events: Theory and Observations (@KITP, Santa Barbara, USA)
          "Origins of late-time radio emission in tidal disruption events"(Invited)
2024/01/29-02/02 Transients Down Under (@Melbourne, Australia)
          "Constraining ejecta and CSM properties of multi-peak SNe"
2023/11/20-21___ 2nd Finland-Japan bilateral meeting on extragalactic transients (@University of Turku, Finland)
          "A new analytical approach to analyze shock interacting supernovae"(Invited)
2023/06/19-23___ Flares and Bursts in Galactic Nuclei (@IAS, USA)
          "Estimation of TDE Ejecta Mass:Constraint on Optical TDE Model"
2023/03/31_______ Columbia TDE mini-workshop (@Columbia University, USA)
           "Synchrotron Modeling of AT2022cmc: A Jetted Tidal Disruption Event?"
2022/11/07-11___ SuperVirtual2022 (@zoom)
           "Supernova precursor emission and the origin of pre-explosion stellar mass-loss"
           "Light curve model of luminous red novae"
2019/10/28-11/01 Gamma-ray Bursts in the Gravitational Wave Era 2019 (@Yokohama, Japan)
           "Generalized compactness limit and its application to GRB 170817A"
2019/09/24-10/25 Multi-Messenger Astrophysics in the Gravitational Wave Era (@Kyoto, Japan)
           "Generalized compactness limit and its application"
2019/07/18-23___ Workshop to bring together experts on High Energy Astrophysics from Japan and Israel (@RIKEN, Japan)
           "Generalized compactness limit from an arbitrary viewing angle and its application to GRB 170817A"(Invited)
2019/05/13-17___ Gamma-Ray Bursts and Related Astrophysics in Multi-Messenger Era (@Nanjing University, China)
           "Generalized compactness limit for an arbitrary viewing angle and application to GRB170817A"
2019/03/27-30___ R-PROCESS SOURCES IN THE UNIVERSE (@Arizona State University, USA)
           "Is the macronova (kilonova) in GW170817 powered by the black hole central engine?"
2019/02/09-15___ Aspen Winter Conference 2019: Astrophysics with Gravitational-Wave Pupulations (@Aspen, USA)
           "Constraints on the emitting region of the gamma-rays observed in GW170817"
2018/03/05-07___ The First Annual Area Symposium:Gravitational wave physics and astronomy: Genesis (@Kashiwa campus of the University of Tokyo, Japan)
           "Is the macronova in GW170817 powered by the central engine?"
2017/08/24-26___ Symposium on "New development in astrophysics through multimessenger observations of gravitational wave sources" (@YITP, Kyoto, Japan)
           "Can Isolated Single BHs produce X-ray novae?"
2015/08/31-09/02 GRB WORKSHOP 2015 (@RIKEN, Japan)
           "Can direct collapse black holes launch gamma-ray bursts?"

Poster Presentations
2017/12/11-15___ Deciphering The Violent Universe (@Playa Del Carmen, MEXICO) "Is the macronova (kilonova) in GW170817 powered by the central engine?"
2016/10/31-11/4_ Nuclear Physics, Compact Stars, and Compact Star Mergers 2016 (@YITP, Kyoto, Japan) "Ultra-long gamma-ray bursts from supermassive population III stars"
2016/09/12-16___ IAU Symposia 324: New Frontiers in Black Hole Astrophysics (@Ljubljana, Slovenia) "Ultra-long gamma-ray bursts from supermassive population III stars"

2024/02/21_______ National Astronomical Observatory of Japan : Colloquium "Effects of internal heating sources on hydrogen-rich supernova light curves"
2023/11/16_______ Stockholm University : Extreme Object Seminar "A new analytical approach to analyze shock interacting supernovae"
2023/06/12_______ Harvard : Berger Transients Lab group meeting "New approach to analyze optical transients"
2023/05/03_______ UC Berkeley : Explosive Astro Seminar "New approaches to analyze optical transients"
2023/04/28_______ Caltech : TAPIR Seminar "New approaches to analyze optical transients"
2023/04/27_______ Carnegie Observatories : Astro-ph meeting (30min talk) "Shock-interacting Supernovae"
2023/04/05_______ Columbia University : Colloquium by Graduating Postsocs (20min talk) "A new mothod to probe materials around exploding stars"
2023/02/03_______ The Institute for Advanced Study : Coffee Time (30min talk) "Synchrotron modeling of AT 2022cmc: A jetted tidal disruption event?"
2022/09/29_______ Flatiron Institute : Observational Astrophysics Series "Observation of Tidal Disruption Events"
2022/04/28_______ Flatiron Institute : Star & CO meeting "Light curve model of luminous red novae"
2021/12/07_______ The University of Tokyo : Shigeyama lab Seminar "Estimating ejecta mass in optical transients"
2021/05/11_______ Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (AEI) : Seminar "Limits on mass outflow from optical tidal disruption events"
2021/02/12_______ Northwestern University : Science happy hour (30min talk) "Limits on mass outflow from optical tidal disruption events"
2020/06/08_______ Tohoku University : Colloquium "The origin of htspots around Sgr A*: Orbital or pattern motion?"
2019/04/03_______ Penn State University : seminar "Compactness constraints on the gamma-ray emitting site in GW170817"
2019/03/14_______ Hebrew University : High-energy astrophysics meeting "Generalized compactness limit for any viewing angle & application to GRB 170817A"
2018/10/16_______ Hebrew University : Astrolunch meeting "Constraints on the gamma-ray emitting region in GW170817"
2018/10/24_______ Tel Aviv University : Astronomy & Astrophysics seminar "Constraints on the gamma-ray emission in GW170817"