Curriculum Vitae
Teiji Kunihiro
- Born in Matsuyama city
in Ehime prefecture in Shikoku Iland, May 31, 1952 (Dragon)
- March, 1971 graduated Matsuyama Higashi High School (A Nobel laureate on
literature, Oe, Kenzaburo and his brother-in-law Itami, Jyuzo (Director of Movies)
graduated the same high school.
- April, 1971 entered Faculty of Science, Kyoto University
- March, 1976 Graduate School of Physics, Kyoto University
(Nuclear Theory)
- March, 1981 Ph.D Kyoto University
- 1982, JPS reseacher (Post Doc) at Dep. Phys. Kyoto Univ.
- 1983, Associate Professor of Ryukoku University
- September 1, 1989 through August 31, 1990,
Visiting resercher at
Regensburg University (W. Germany)
(host: Prof. W. Weise)
- 1995 Professor of Ryukoku University
- May through July, 1998, DAAD researcher at
Institute fuer Theoretische Physik, Heidelberg University
(Hosts: H.-J. Pirner and C. Wetterich)
- April 1, 2000, Professor of
Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics (YITP),
Kyoto University.
- April 1, 2006 to March 31, 2007, vice director of YITP
- April 1, 2008, Professor at Department of Physics, Kyoto University
Nuclear Theory Group
- April 1, 2018, Professor Emeritus of Kyoto University.
- Nuclear Theory, Hadron Physics, Mathematical Physics
Social activities
- Member of JSPS
- An Editor of
Prog. Theor. Phys. since April 2000.
- A member of board of trustees of
(The Institute of Pure and Applied Physics), since April 2008.
- A member of board of trustees of
Yukawa Memorial Foundation, since May 2008
- Playing music instruments (Recorder, Guitar, Clarinet)
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