Presentations in Workshops
Change in the Quasi-particle Picture in Association with QCD Phase
Transitions (pdf)
Invited talk at Koea-Japan Joint Workshop of Nuclear Physics
at Korea Physics Society Meeting, October 21 - 23, 2004,
Jeju University, Jeju Island, Korea
Opening Address (pdf)
YITP Workshop`
New Developments in Nuclear Self-consistent Mean-field Theories'
May 30th---June 1st’¡¢YITP, Kyoto University
QCD Phase Transitions and Quark Quasi-particle Picture (pdf)
Invited talk at
YITP Workshop`
New Developments in Nuclear Self-consistent Mean-field Theories'
May 30th---June 1st’¡¢YITP, Kyoto University
Status of the chiral symmetry restoration and sigma-meson physics (ppt)
Invited talk at
Round table discussion Searching for the mixed phase of
strongly interacting matter at the JINR Nuclotron,
JINR, Dubna, July 7 - 9, 2005 (BLTP Conference hall)
Application of the Renormalization-group Method for the Reduction of
Transport Equations(ppt)
Invited talk at
Renormalization Group 2005
Henlsinki, Finland, September 1 - 4, 2005
Some topics on chiral transition and color superconductivity(ppt)
Invited talk at
APCTP Heavy-Ion Meeting,
Pohang, Korea, November 4-5, 2005
Covariant Dissipative Fluid-dynamical Equations
that Are Stable and Consistent with Boltzmann Equation
talk presented at
INPC2007, International Nuclear Physics Conference 2007
Tokyo Forum, Tokyo, Japan, June 3 - 8, 2007
How do diquark fluctuations and chiral soft modes affect di-lepton production in the
deconfined phase?
talk presented at
GSI, Darmstadt, Germany, July 9 - 13, 2007
Quark Quasi-Particle Picture
at Finite Temperature and Density
in Effective Models
New! (July 21, 2008)
Invited talk at
RBRC Workshop at Brookhaven National Laboratory
Understanding QGP Through Spectral Functions
and Euclidean Correlators ,
at BNL, April 23-25, 2008
The low-lying scalar mesons and related topics
Invited talk at
14th International QCD Conference,
CNRS, Montpellier, France, July 7-12, 2008
RG derivation of relativistic fluid dynamic equations for a viscous fluid
New! (April 22, 2010)
Invited lectures at YITP, April 22, 2010