Brief Summary of Each Supplement

Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement No. 175

Non-Equilibrium Soft Matter

Proceedings of of the International Symposium

Edited by T. Taniguchi and T. Ohta

This volume contains the proceedings for ``the international symposium on Non-Equilibrium Soft Matter'' at Shirankaikan, Kyoto University from June 2 to 5, 2008. This symposium is organized as a research activity of the project ``Creation of Non-Equilibrium Soft Matter Physics — Structure and Dynamics of Mesoscopic Systems —" supported by a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on the Priority Area No. 463, 2006-2010 from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan.

``Soft matter" is a generic term for materials such as polymers, liquid crystals, colloids, emulsions and biological materials. Of particular interest and importance in the study of soft matter is to clarify, from a unified point of view, the self-organized formation of the mesoscopic structures and non-equilibrium states, and dynamics of the assemblies of these molecules under various external fields such as the flow/stress fields, electric and magnetic fields, and optical illumination.

This volume contains reports from up-and-coming researchers, and the leaders of major experimental groups and from distinguished theorists in the fields listed above. Detailed topics covered in this volume are molecular dynamics in structure-forming dense polymer systems, mesoscopic structural transitions, soft matter far from equilibrium, and the statistical theories and computer simulations of soft matter. Experimental or theoretical works on equilibrium properties of soft matter are also included.

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