YKIS 2012 First Circular
Yukawa International Seminar (YKIS) 2012
"From Gravity to Strong Coupling Physics"
15-19 October 2012, Kyoto
YIPQS Long-term workshop
"Gauge/Gravity Duality"
24 September - 26 October 2012, Kyoto
will be coming soon
Dear Colleagues,
On behalf of the organizing committee, we would like to announce the Yukawa International Seminar 2012 "From Gravity to Strong Coupling Physics" (YKIS2012, 15-19 October, 2012) and a long-term workshop "Gauge/Gravity Duality" (24 September - 26 October, 2012), both of which will be held at Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics (YITP), Kyoto University, Japan.
This symposium series YKIS has been one of the main international activities of YITP since 1978. The symposium is held annually, covering essentially all the fields of theoretical physics. In the YKIS 2012, we will focus on the methods based on the AdS/CFT duality and discuss their wide-ranging of applications including superstring, supersymmetric field theory, integrable models, holographic QCD, brane universe and condensed matter physics. The invited speakers include, J. de Boer (Amsterdam), R. Gopakumar (HCRI), N. Gromov (King's Coll.), S. Hartnoll (Stanford), G. Horowitz (UCSB), Y. Imamura (Titech), D. Jafferis (Harvard), R. A. Janik (Jagiellonian U), Y. Kazama (Tokyo), G. Korchemsky (Saclay), K. Lee (KIAS), B. Pioline (CERN/LPTHE), P. Vieira (PITP), X. Yin (Harvard) and more.
The YKIS2012 symposium will be held during the long-term workshop "Gauge/Gravity Duality" (24 September - 26 October, 2012). The workshop is designed to promote new inspirations on gauge/gravity duality as well as new collaborations through active discussions among participants, who are encouraged to stay for a long period.
More detailed information will be announced in the second circular and also on the website
coming soon.
Taichiro Kugo
Chair person of YKIS2012
International Advisory Committee:
B. de Wit (Utrecht), T. Eguchi (YITP), G. Horowitz (UCSB), V. Kazakov (ENS), J. Maldacena (IAS)
Organizing Committee:
K. Hashimoto (RIKEN), K. Hosomichi (YITP), K. Ito (Titech), Y. Imamura (Titech), T. Kugo (YITP, chair), H. Kunitomo (YITP), S. Nakamura (Kyoto), M. Natsuume (KEK), Y. Matsuo (Tokyo), K. Sakai (YITP), T. Sakai (Nagoya), S. Sugimoto (IPMU), T. Takayanagi (IPMU), S. Terashima (YITP)