All the sessions will be held in “Panasonic Auditorium” of the Yukawa Memorial Hall. Program (pdf) can be downloaded here.


Jan de Boer (Amsterdam)

“(Entanglement) Entropy in 3d higher spin theories”  <ppt-file>

Jerome Gauntlett (Imperial College)

“Holographic superfluids and the dynamics of symmetry breaking”  <pdf-file>

Rajesh Gopakumar (HCRI)

“What can we learn from coset CFTs and their duals?”  <pdf-file>

Nikolay Gromv (King’s Collge)

“Analytic solution of bremsstrahlung TBA”  <ppt-file>

Sean Hartnoll (Stanford)

“The Pauli exclusion principle at strong coupling”  <pdf-file>

Koji Hashimoto (Osaka/RIKEN)

“Holographic magnetars”  <pdf-file>

Yasuaki Hikida (Keio)

“Higher spin supergravity dual of Kazama-Suzuki model”   <ppt-file>

Shinji Hirano (Nagoya)

“ABJ partition function”   <ppt-file>

Gary Horowitz (UC Santa Barbara)

“Transport in holographic lattices”  <pdf-file>

Veronika Hubeny (Durham)

“CFT probes of bulk geometry and causal holographic information”   <pdf-file>

Yosuke Imamura (Titech)

“S3/Zn partition function and dualities”  <ppt-file>

Daniel Jafferis (Harvard)

“Exact results for five-dimensional superconformal field theories with gravity duals”  <ppt-file>

Romuald Janik (Jagiellonian)

“Numerical relativity and boost-invariant plasma thermalization” <pdf-file>

Yoichi Kazama (Tokyo)

“Holographic correlation functions at strong coupling from integrability”  <pdf-file>

Gregory Korchemsky (Saclay)

"Hidden symmetries of scattering amplitudes and correlation functions in N=4 SYM"  <pdf-file>

Kimyeong Lee (KIAS)

“On M5 branes”  <pdf-file>

Yu Nakayama (Caltech)

“Holographic judgment on recent debates over scale vs conformal invariance” <ppt-file>

Carlos Nunez (Swansea)

“Aspects of gauge-string duality”  <pdf-file>

Mukund Rangamani (Durham)

“Black brane hydrodynamics and the membrane paradigm”   <pdf-file>

Yuji Satoh (Tsukuba)

“Gluon scattering amplitudes from gauge/string duality and integrability”  <pdf-file>

Jacob Sonnenscheing (Tel Aviv)

“Baryonic popcorn

- On holographic nuclear interaction, nuclear matter and crystals of ADHM multi-instantons”  <pdf-file>

Pedro Vieira (Perimeter Institute)

"Tailoring Three-Point Functions and Integrability" <pdf-file>

Xi Yin (Harvard)

"From Higher Spins to Strings"  <pdf-file>


Time Table

Chair Persons