
"Quantum Hall states in two-component Bose gases in a synthetic magnetic field"

Shunsuke Furukawa (The University of Tokyo)


There has been a growing interest in artificial gauge fields created by optical means in ultracold atomic gases. A sufficiently strong synthetic magnetic field for ultracold atoms is expected to offer interesting analogues of quantum Hall states with a rich variety of statistics and internal states of constituent particles. Here we study two-component (or pseudo-spin-1/2) Bose gases in a synthetic magnetic field by means of exact diagonalization. We show that the ground state at the total filling factor $u=2/3+2/3$ is well described by a non-Abelian spin-singlet state, whose quasiparticles feature non-Abelian statistics. Furthermore, we show that a bosonic analogue of an integer quantum Hall state emerges at $u=1+1$. This provides a prime example of a symmetry-protected topological phase of bosons whose systematic classification has been developed quite recently.
S. Furukawa and M. Ueda, Phys. Rev. A 86, 031604(R) (2012); arXiv: 1304.5716.