Important notice
- There is no registration fee for the conference.
- Every participant is asked to pay 1,000 yen at the reception for coffee/tea.
- We are going to have a banquet in the evening of July 31st (Wednesday); we hope many of you will join us. Those who will attend the banquet are asked to register for the banquet in the registration page, and pay 3,000 yen at the reception.
- We only accept poster presentations. Please let us know via the registration page if you wish to give a presentation.
- We ask the participant (except for the invited speakers) to arrange her/his accommodation by herself/himself (but see 6 below). Click here for the list of hotels recommended by the Institute. (Frequently used hotels include Kyoto Royal Hotel and Spa (where most of the invited speakers will stay), Shiran Kaikan Annex, The Palace Side Hotel, Hearton Hotel Kyoto, and Via Inn Kyoto.) Please contact us if you have any problems.
For a limited number of young participants from abroad, we can arrange accommodations at the dormitory (Kitashirakawa Gakusha) of the Institute. A single room with a bath costs only 2,570 yen/night. Let us know via the registration page if you would like to stay in the dormitory. Please understand that the rooms are limited and may be booked quickly.
We are sorry that all the dormitory rooms have been booked.- We are not providing any financial support.
- Please register before May 31st. Those who need a visa are advised to register earlier.
How to register
- Click the button below to display the registration page, which will appear in a separate tab.
- Fill in the necessary information. See the remarks below.
- Check the information, and click the "ENTRY" button to complete your registration.
- A confirmation message will be automatically sent to your registered e-mail address. Please contact us in case you don't get the message.
Remarks about the registration form
- All fields are mandatory except for some trivial ones.
- "Attending Dates" means the period that you participate in the workshop.
- "Travel Schedule" is only for participants from abroad. Please indicate the dates of arrival at and departure from Japan.
- "Accommodation Schedule" should be provided by all participants (except for Kyoto residents).
- We shall contact you if you check "yes" in the "Do you need a visa" field.
Contact address