
"Rotating wave approximation in quantum master equation for full counting statistics"

Tatsuro Yuge (Osaka University)


The quantum master equation (QME) is usually used for quantum systems that are weakly connected to reservoirs. The rotating wave approximation (RWA) or secular approximation is sometimes employed in the QME (especially for equilibrium setups). It is known that the internal current vanishes in nonequilibrium setups if the RWA is employed. For this reason, it is said that the RWA should not be used for the analyses on nonequilibrium systems. However, we find that the RWA gives correct results for the full counting statistics of currents between the system and reservoirs. In this presentation, we show the equivalence between the cumulant generating functions calculated within and without the RWA. This result is helpful for the analyses on nonequilibrium systems because the RWA makes the analyses easier.