Registration & Accommodation
Note for Accommodation For foreigners: Online reservation page, for several selected hotels in different price ranges, located not far from the Institute is here: Hotel Reservation If you like to book a room for your self, this page may be helpful. For Japanese: This page may be helpful to find a hotel for your stay in Kyoto. We would like to encourage you to reserve a room as soon as possible since the workshop is held in a high season. Note for Registration When you will go to the registration form, you will find fields 'Banquet/Party', 'Presentation', 'Presentation Title', 'Abstract'. These are for the Supernova Conference (Oct.28-Nov.1). When you like to give a presentation and/or attend the banquet at the Gamma-Ray Burst Conference (Nov.11-15), please fill in the fields 'Presentation for the GRB Conference', 'Presentation Title for the GRB Conf.', 'Abstract for the GRB Conf.', 'Banquet for the GRB Conf.' in the form. Please pay the registration fee and banquet fee on site (by JPY only). The registration fee is 2,000 JPY (for Coffees and Snacks). Banquet fee is also 5,000 JPY for one person (6,000 JPY for an accompanying person). !!! Note for Financial Support !!! Please complete your registration before 15 July 2013 if you need financial support. We are expecting that we can cover your stay fee, although our budget is limited. We cannot guarantee that we can cover all of your stay fee especially for participants who are planning a very long stay. !!! Note for Contributed Talks !!! Please complete your registration before 1 August 2013 if you are willing to give a contributed talk. Please keep in mind that you may be asked to give a poster presentation instead since number of slots for contributed talks is limited. Registration Form is closed (Aug. 6, 2013). Hotel Reservation |