Aims & Scope
Important Dates
Conf. on SNe
Conf. on GRBs
Oral Presentation Lists
Poster Presentation Lists
Registration & Accommodation
Venue & Travel
Useful Information
Poster (PDF)
About Kyoto & Japan

Supernovae and Gamma-Ray Bursts 2013 Oct.14 - Nov.15, 2013 Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University

Oct.28 - Nov. 1 : Conference on Supernovae Nov. 11 - 15 : Conference on Gamma-Ray Bursts

What's New

  • October 16, 2013: Today's seminar (by E. de la Fuente) has been shifted to Oct.17th (11:00-12:00).
  • October 11, 2013: Oral Presentation Programs have been finalized.
  • October 5, 2013: Registration fee (only for Coffee and Snacks) has been discounted from 5,000 JPY to 2,000 JPY.
  • September 23, 2013: Final Circular Released.
  • September 17, 2013: Programs Released.
  • August 6, 2013: Registration Closed.
  • August 2, 2013: Registration form for hotel reservation is open (for foreigners).
  • August 2, 2013: Registration for a contributed talk is not accepted from now on.
  • July 16, 2013: Financial Support cannot be guaranteed if you will register from now on.
  • !!!!! Please register NO LATER THAN 1st August 2013 when you are willing to give a contributed talk.!!!!!
  • !!!!! Please register NO LATER THAN 15th July 2013 when you need financial support.!!!!!
  • July 3, 2013: Third Circular Released
  • May 22, 2013: Second Circular Released
  • Apr. 2, 2013: Registration Opened
  • Oct. 9, 2012: First Circular Released
  • Aug. 15, 2012: Home Page Opened.

Workshop Style

    The workshop will last 5 weeks in total, including two one-week conferences on SNe and GRBs respectively. More than 100 people are expected to participate in each conference (capacity of the conference hall at YITP is 120 people maximally). The remaining 3 weeks are spent for workshops where participants can hear seminars in the morning and enjoy free discussions in the afternoon. The capacity of the visitor facilities at YITP during the 3-week workshop is 50 maximally. The main scopes of the 3-week workshop are Nuclear Physics in CC-SNe and GRBs (Oct. 14-18), CC-SNe (Oct. 21-25), and GRBs (Nov. 4-8). Participants can choose their favorite dates to stay in Kyoto during the workshop. We can offer some financial support, although the budget is limited. We will also arrange a textbox on the financial support in the registration form (registration form will open in April 2013).


  • Explosion Mechanism of Core-Collapse Supernovae
  • Equation of State for High-Density Matter
  • Structure of Neutron Stars as Remnants of CC-SNe
  • Collapsars and Magnetars as Central Engine of Long Gamma-Ray Bursts
  • Merging Compact Binaries as Central Engine of Short Gamma-Ray Bursts
  • Neutrinos and Gravitational Waves as Signals of Death of Massive Stars
  • Progenitors of CC-SNe and GRBs
  • Multi-Wavelength Observations of SNe, GRBs, and their Remnants
  • Plasma Physics, Particle Acceleration, and Radiation Process in Shocks of SNe, GRBs, and their Remnants
  • UHECRs and VHE-Neutrinos & Gamma-Rays from GRBs
  • Explosive Nucleosynthesis in SNe and GRBs
  • Workshop Site

    No city in Japan is more befitting for this workshop than Kyoto, the country's ancient capital for more than a millennium, renowned for its many beautiful temples, shrines and palaces harmoniously set into natural environments, as well as its ancient festivals and culinary delights.

    Webpage designed by:
    Shigehiro Nagataki, Susumu Inoue, Tomo Yun (